MINUTES - Council - 19260503\ S I X T H MEETIHG F 0 R 0 F THE COUl'TCIL 1 9 2 6i The·sixth meeting of the Council for the year was held in the Council ·Chamber on Monday May 3rd. The following members being present namely:-Mayor Walton Reeve Legge Deyuty Reeve Hancock and Councillors Andrews and Y..nowles. Connnunications were received and read from the following persons Captain Parnell asking asking premission to have a tag day on June 3rd, The Toronto Hospital for Consumptives re condition of G.Weir. Moved by Mr Andrews seconded by :fu!r Legge that the following accou- nts be paid and that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the r · ;.; se..rae and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. E. Andrews (coke for Clark Charity) do (lumber Waterworks) W. G.Trent (teaming roads) C. Cook do Clerk (stamps,freight & postage E.I,.D) A. Langman (wall covering ·:r. W. ) W.H.Taylor (postage etc) Xnowles & Son £meat for Clark, Stone &: Pugh) 7agner CO.: Co. (groceries for Clark & ·Stone) 3.25 62.36 18.20 50.60 3 :;.19 11.37 1.74 5.05 4.46 Carried. ),Ioved ·by Llr Anclrews seconded b. y l:Ir Knowles that the action of the Iciayor i in issueing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following be and the same is hereby confirmed and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution: April 30th L.Rhienhart tcare of Iuarket:i): I!Iay 1 J,Shanks (work on roads) " 1 A McTaggart do Carried. 9.00 17,50 21.00 A deputati<;:m from St Andrews College, The Sisman Shoe Company and The Collis Leather Company was heard in favour of Day-light saving time. ::r George Cosford alJPlied for premission to place another gasolene tank on Yonge Street. Moved by Mr Hancock seconded by Hr Andrews that the re·quest of the Salvation Army for Tag Day on June 3rd be granted subject to such reg- --.. ,. ,' Sixth meetine; continued. ula.tions as the Agricultural Society ma,y wish to have observed within the limits of the Town Park. Carried. l!Ioved by Hr Knowles seconded by Mr Legge that the wishes of the :people respecting the adoption of day-light saving time for this Town be as- certained by open vote to be taken at the Town Hall on Saturday 1iay 8th between hours of 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. The Clerk to issue a hand bill announcing the vote. All Citizens over 18 years of age who are wage earriers'of :prpperty owners or otherwise assessed to be eligable to record their wishes in this matter. Carried. J.Ioved by J<lr Andrews seconded by Hr Legge that the Court of Revision for Roll of 1926 be held on the 7th day of June at 7 P.M. in the Cou- ncil Chamber, the Court to be composed of the following members ,iiayor • Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councillors Knowles a.nd Andrews. Carried. Council then adjourned to meet at the call of the 1layor, --.,. ~,-~'