MINUTES - Council - 19260405' FOURTH M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C OW N C I L F 0 R 1 9 2 6. The fourth meeting of the Council for the year was held in the Council Chamber on Monday evening April 5th. The following members being present namely:-Mayor Wilton, Heeve Legge, Jeputy Reeve Hancock and Councillors Andrews, Bilbrough, Knowles and Thompson., The minutes of the previous meeting was re"'-d and confirmed. Communications were received and read from the following persons namely:-The T. Sisman Shoe Co. re grading Berczy Street. o. W. BirC- hard re bridge 3.t the entera.nce o:e their property. =§o=Ro Ha1 6 &=GeJ= AFianaciaJ.· st3.tement was presented by the Secretary of the Mechanis H 3.11 Commission, A petition was presented b;t M'J=Jhld~'Umi=<Jt!iel' Mr Bond signed by six~een of the Merchants of the Town asking the Council to p,ass a By-law closing the ~rocery, Dry Goods, Gents Furrli& ings & Boot &: Shoe Stores of the Town e,ach Wednesday in the week , from the hours of 12:30 P. M. until 5 .. ·il'clock the following A. M. ·excepting the month of December in each year. Moved by Mr Andrews seconded by Mr Legge that the following ac- counts be paid and that the Mayor issue orders on the Tre3.surer for the same and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution, namely:- Bell Telephone Co. (rent of phone 135) H. Dawson (lunch for Fireman 1. 20, for Tramps 4, 20) Clerk (express, postage, stamps etc) 'IT. H. Taylor (saJ.ary Division Court Clerk) Williamson Bros (Coke Town Hall) Toronto Hospi taJ. for Consumptives (care of G. Weir Feb) 2. 05 5. 40 5.69 ze.oo 6. 40 42.00 Gutta Perch:>. & Rubber Co (charges for Fire Exj;ingusher) 4. 50 Secretary of Fire Dept. (men drawing reels &: watching fire) 10. 50 B. F. Davis CoaJ.(for Clark) Wagner ll: Co (groceries Charity) Clerk (postage Waterworks) Hydro-Electric Power Commission (power for Feb) Carried. ~ \ 4. 00 11.73 5. 75 1147.92 ( Fourth meeting continued. Moved by Mr Hancock seconded by Mr Thompson tha.t the a.ction.of the M Ma.yor in issueing orders on the Trea.surer for tne payment of the fol- lowing bills be and the sa.me is hereby confirmed a.nd that the sea.l of the Corporation be attached to this resolution: March 19 Hugh Westwood (testing meters) 17.25 " 24 S. F. Johnstone do " 27 Ja.mes Shanks (work on roads) Carried. 17.85 22.75 Movec by Mr Hancock seconded by Mr Andrews that the report of the Mecha.nic's Ha.ll Commission be received <Uld approved <Uld the th<Ulks of the Council be tendered for services rendered. Carried. Movea by Mr Andrews seconded by Mr Thompson that as the policy of this Council ha.s never been to 3.ssume <UlY responsibility for private 3.pproa.ches to property or drivew3.ys, the Council therefore disc13.ims 3.ny interest in, or lia.bility for the bridge 3.pproa.ching Mr Birchards prpperty , the sa.me being entirely private matter. Carried. Moved by Mr Hancock seconded by Mr Andrews that a Transformer be purch3.sed to repl3.ce the one ou Centre Street 3.nd that the Committee be instructed .to purchase or1e at once. Carried. Moved by Mr Hancock seconded by Mr Thompson that this Council interv:i:lw the Minister of Highways respecting the M!l.intenance of the Yonge Street Highway and that the Reeve arrange a conference with the Highway Dep3.rt_ ment at an early d3.te. Carried. Moved by Mr Legge seconded by Mr HEUJcock that the Toronto City Coun- cil be notified in m)' cont\>mplated ch<U1ge of gua.ge to be m!l.de in the Toronto & York R3.di3.1 Railw!l.y the interswi tch service es·t3.blished by and at the expense of this Municipa.li ty must be taken into consider- ation and the interest of this Town and M<UlUfacturers receiving the benifi t. of the service be protected. Carried. ,.,,,,,. / '\ I Fourth meeting continued • . The chairmau of the property committee presented a report advising the Council to have r lpairs made to the WPc terwor·:ts anc: Electric building; 3.rld to the Mecha.uics J:ia.ll. M0Ved by Mr Hancocl!: seconded by Mr Le3ge that the report of the pro- perty committee be received and approved respecting the needed repai,rs to the Mechanics Hall 3.rld the Waterworks residence. That the property committee be instructed to make the necessary improvements to the Water- works residence at once. Carried. Council then adjourned to me the call of the Mayor. /1-7~) -,: