MINUTES - Council - 19251130I ,~ __ .) .... S E V E N T E E N T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L F 0 R 1 9 2 5. The seventeeuth meeting of the Council for the year was held in the Council Cha.mber Monday evening November 3Pth. The following memoers being present namely:-Mayor Waltou, Reeve Legge and Councillors Andrews, Bilbrough, Knowles and Thompson. Moved by Mr .~.ndrews seconded by Mr Legge that the following accounts be pa.id and that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the sa.me and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution:- Canadian General Electric Co (sundries E.L. Dept) C:madian Laco La.mps Ltd. (la.mps do Hydro-Electric Power Commission (power for Oct) Clerk (freight & stamps) Bell Telephone Co. (rent phone 12 E.L. Dept) do (rent etc. phones 65&135 )Town w. Ough & Son (sundries w. w. ) Mount Royal Assur3.nce Comp3llY (insur3.uce on Pulley Works) Treasurer (fla.gs) Clerk (stamps ) Dr c. R. Boulding (care of Mrs Smith Centre St) The King Edward Sanatorium (care of Geo. Weir) for Oct. The Toronto Ge!1eral Hospital (care of ·Al Patrick) Dr W. J. Stevenson (care of Truman St9J.ey) do rcare of H.Rooins) do . r Care of Rich3.rd Pugh) E. J. Burke (milk for Pugh ) Aurora Meat Market (meat for Pugh) E. Andrews (repairs w. w. ) do (coke for Wilmo:t Harman) Wm Trent (teaming.& gr3.vel for roads) Carried. 14.55 44.32 1159.40 1.65 2. 55 5.56 3. 55 46.50 7. 40 5.55 10.00 46.50 30.00 18.00 24.00 22. 3o 2.00 5. 53 2. 90 7. 50 162.60 Moved by Mr Jlndrews seconded by Mr Thompson that the action of the Mayor in issueing orders ou the Treasurer for tee payment of the following bills be and the S3.me is hereby confirmed .and that the se9J. of the Corp- oration be attached to· this resolution: Nov 21 J a.mes Shanks (work on roads) " 24 G. E. Franklin (testing meters Light Dept) Carried. 10.50 15.60 Moved by Mr Legge seconded by Mr Knowles that the Aurora Poultry Association be gr3.nted the sum of Twenty five doll3.rs and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. Moved by Mr Legge seconded by Mr Andrews that the Mayor be and is hereby authorised to sign and affix: the Corporate Seal to an agreement ·--' -----~·1 c-1 ... Seventeenth meeting continued. d!l.ted the first chy of Decemoer 1925 m!l.de between the C:u13.dian N!l.t- ion;U R9.i1W!I.YS :u1d the Town of. Aurora for a .supply of water for !1. te term of five ye!l.rs from the first d!l.y of M!l.rch 1926 !l.t the rate of $900.00 per :umum aud th!l.t the se;U of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. Council then adjourned i;_Jmeet 3.t the c;Ul of the )hyor. ~0 ,.: )'>' / \ ' I t I AT ~Ug lmD.UEiST OF ~1Hil ~tli.YOI{ ~1lE {?0!$1sO~':!Ht1 . !JIJHO:l.IAJ:t IS Il1i3-C;:·~Ilt::.u IH :i.'liD tUIWJTJ.~B -01"~ mra Lllil'lTIUG., - That tho do<d:h !llf' ,~,ueon Alo:r.:andra which oocur:rod on !iovcmibe:t· 20th is rooo:t·d&1 w1 th prof.otm£1. sor:ron tmt1. sympathy,. 'i':hol·ev~·r tho nnmo of t11o ::uoen lloth()r <7as 1?-no<m ho:t• virttwa an<1 noble example ext.ond.od,. '7e join in tho m.oUJ:'!ling whic11 prevai1o in ev;jcry part of tl1o roa:!.m• &.nd OXl'rooa our s;vmpa thy snit condolence to those o:t: tho :Cioya1 iloueohold . at ~ho a:f:fliotive boToavemtJnt cau.sed by hol' death. Our hea,.ts are :fi"llod with gratitndo to tho Lnpremo :Uuler in tho Univo:<:'t'lo :for the 'lifo so ful:t of hono:~:· and blossine to hor people. As a pa..-:-t o:f our Glorious .ll'ilpire ou..r citizorm as in 1ln.ty bOUlld join in tribute111onor,. Loyalty and Ai·:roet:ion. . :·;,