MINUTES - Council - 19250511I
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F 0 R 1 9 2 5.
The n inth meeting of the Council for the year was held in the
Council Chamber on Monday evening May 11th.
All the members being present.
Minutes of the previous meeting read :>nd confirmed;
A deputation was heard re the lighting of the War Memorial Monument,
also the appointment of a Trustee on the Board •.
Communications were received and read from the following persons,
Mr John Faris Presiderlt of the Horticultural Society re the impro-
vement of the McMahon Park. Mr Southmayd re income taxes. Mr R. W. PhiJ..jlps
County Clerk re resolution of the Toronto and York; Roads Commission
prohibiting the placing of gasolene pumps on the highway under their
jurisdiction. Mr Charles Sheard re w:~:ter service to his premises.
Moved by Mr Andrews seconded by Mr Legge that the following accounts
be paid 9l'ld that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same
9l'ld that the seal of the Corporation be attache.d to this resolution:
King Edward S9l'latorium (care of George 'lieir for April)
Bell Telephone Co (rent etc phones 65 & 135 Town)
do ( do 12 E. L. Dept )
Sun Insurance Co (insur9l'lce E. L. Pl91lt)
C9l'ladi9l'l .General Electric Co (sundries E.L. Dept)
C91ladi9l'l Laco Lamps Ltd. (lamps do )
Moved by Mr Hancock seconded oy Mr Legge that we ex:press to the
Provincial Board of Health our apprecation of the services of Miss
Vrooman Public Health Nurse, in the Town.
Moved by Mr Taylor seconded by Mr Hancock that w. J. Bassett be and is
hereby ·appointed as a Trustee on the War Memorial Association Board
for the current year. On request of Councillor .Andrews the Yeas 9l'lci Nays
were taken.
Yeas. Bilbrough, H911cock 1 Knowl.es, Legge and Taylor.
Nays. Andrews 9l'ld Thompson.
Ninth meeting continued.
Moved by Mr llilbrough seconded oy Mr Knowles that a committee of the
Council composed of Mr Hancock and Mr Taylor be appointed to act with
a similar committee appointed by the War Memorial ,t,ssociation to confer
with the Hydro-Electric Power Commission respecting illumination of
the Monument on Yonge Street.
Moved by Mr Taylor seconded by Mr Thompson that Poll Clerks in con-
nection-:;with the vote on St Andrews water supply By-law on June 1st be
appointed as follows:-North Ward Mr T. H. Broad. Centre Ward Mr Hugh
Richards. South Ward. Mr William Rotchell.
Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Bilbrough that. the Clerk be in-
structed to call for tenders for painting the woodwork of the Town Ha:ll
up to :~.nd on May 23rd. Three coats of pure lead and linseed oi1 •:wo:r<.krto
be,.·done~.under direction of and approval and tenders· accepted by the
following committee Knowles, Bilbrough, Thompson and Taylor; and that
the hook and ladder house be improved.
Moved by Mr Thompson seconded by Mr Hancock that the Court of 'Revisio n
composed of the following members the Acting Mayor and Councillors
Andrews, Taylor, Bilbrough and Thompson be held on Friday evening May
29th at ll! P.M. in the Council Chamber and that the Clerk be instructed
to advertise the same and get out the proper notices.
Moved by Mr Hancock seconded by Mr Andrews that in the absence of J.
M. Walton Mayor in England until July Mr T. H. Legge oe and is hereby ~It
pointed by this Council to act in his place and that he be autho.rised
I to sign orders and cheques upon the Corporation bank accounts during
· ·s the that interval and such cheques al'ld orders so signed jointly with
the Treasurer shall be honored by the Ba11ks tra11sacting Town buisness
and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution.
Ninth meeting continued.
To the Mayor and Council of the Town of Aurora.
Your committee on roads and bridges recommend that the
following work be done on the Streets of ~urora this year.
Temperance Street south Cement walk 115 X 3! ft. estimated cost €0. 00
do north do 325 X 3! ft
Catherine Avenue north side do 555 X 4 :t't
Cormaught Avenue do 80 X 3t ft
Grading for walks Temperance and Yonge Streets
Kennedy Street bridge 20. X 5 X 4 ft
Gravel and gr 3.ding Kennedy Street
All of which is respectfully submitted
do 227.00
do 444.00
do 67.00
do 125.00
do 200.00
___ 75.._.QQ __
$121/i. 00
Chairmal:l of committee.
Moved by Mr T3.ylor seconded by Mr Hancock that the report oe adopted
and approved,
Council then adjourned to meet at the call of the Acting Mayor.