MINUTES - Council - 19250406' SEVENTH MEETING 0 F T H E COUNCIL F 0 R 1 9 2 5. The seventh meeting of the Council for the year was held iu the Council Cha.mber on Monday evening April eth. The following members being present namely:-M3.yor Walton, Reeve Legge and Councillors Andrews, Bilbrough, KnowJ..es and Thompson. The minutes of the previous meeting read 3.nd confirmed. Mr W. J. Bassett Ch3.irma.n of the Health committee introduced the ' committee to the Council and Miss Vrooman gave a lengthy report of her work schools :Uld town, a.nd also the work done 3.t the clinic. Mr George Cosford 3.sked for premission to pl:l.ce his gasolene pump outside of the side walk. Mr w. L. Milgate uso asked premission to place "-gasolene pump in front of his premises on Yonge Street. Dr c. J. Devins :l.sk:ed f.or 3. la.rger service pipe for his new house on Wellington Street. Moved by Mr Andrews seconded by Mr Thompson th3.t the f'ollowing ac- counts be p3.id and that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the seal of the Corpor:l.tion oe attached to this resolution, namely:- Bell Telephone Co,(rent etc.phone 12 w. w. ) 3.05 do ( do 65 Town) 3.06 do ( do 135 do ) 2. 50 T Grimshaw (Provisions for Staley) 7.64 do do Henderson ) 8,55 Carried. Moved by Mr Legge seconded by Mr Andrews that the Clerk oe and he is instructed to purchase one self propelling nozzle, and one Gia11t Pipe Pusher, 3.nd that the seal of the Corporation be attached to thil resolution. C:l.rried. Council then adjourned to meet at the c:l.ll of the Mayor • .. .1':>.0 ••