MINUTES - Council - 19250302(
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The fourth meeting of the Council for the ye9.r W9.S held in the
Council Ch9.mber on Monday evening March 2nd.
The following members being present n9.mely :-Mayor Walton Reeve Legge
And Councillors Audrews, Bilbrough, Knowles and Taylor.
The minutes of the previous meeting reil.d and confirmed.
Communications were received and re9.d from the following persons
N9.mely :-Mr Charles Fry Secretary of the Aurora Bowling Club asking
for a lease of Block: B of the McM9.hon Park to the Club for a term o:t'
yeil.rs. Mr J9.mes Brothers tendering his resignation as Assessor on
account of Ill he!llth.
Moved by Mr Legge seconded by Mr Bilbrough that the :~.ctiou of the
Mayor in issueing orders on the Tre3.surer for the p3.yment of the fol-
lowing bills be 3.1'ld the s:~.me is hereby confirmed 3.1'1d th3.t the seal of
the Corporation be att3.ched to this resolution:
Moved by Mr Andrews seconded by Mr Taylor that the following 3.ccounts
be paid alld th3.t the Mayor issue orders ou the Treasurer for the s9.me
3.1'1d th:~.t the seal of the Corpon.tion be 9.ttached to this resolution,
n3.mely :-
Registril.r. of Births, M9.rri9.ges 3.1'Jd Deaths
Mrs Wm Lemon (c3.re of· Fred Dugal
Fourth meeting continued.
Willi.3.lllson•s Di3.ry (milk for Roooind Board of Health) 4,40
Moved by Mr Taylor seconded by Mr Bilbrough that the resignation of
James Brothers. be and is hereby accepted as Assessor for the current
W'e regret the cause being ill health, and we ellteud to him our ap-
precation of past good service and we hope that he may soon be re-
stored his usual health.
Moved by Mr Bilbrough seconde oy Mr Legge that the Clerk be author-
ised to advertise in the Local Paper that applications will oe re-
ceived up to twelve o • clock noon on S3.turday March 7th for a succe-
ssor to fill out the unexpired term of Mr J3.mes Brothers as Town
Assessor, resigned on account of ill health.
The Building By-law was read a third time 3.nd. passed.
Council then adjourned to meet on Saturday March ?th at 7. :30.
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