MINUTES - Council - 19240924' 8 E '! F. N T E E N T H M E E T I N. G 0 F · T H E C 0 U N C I L F 0 R J.; 9 2 ~- The seventeenth meeting of the Council for the yea.r was held in the Council Chamber on Wednesday evening september 24th. The following members being present Namely:-M'l."Jor Walton, Reeve Leg- ge 3.l'ld Councillors Bilorouth, H;ulcock, Taylor 3lld -r.hompsou. The minutes of the previous meeting read 3lld confirmed. Communic3.tions were received a.nd rea.d from the T. Sism;u1 Shoe Comp;u1y ma.king applic3.tion for the privilege of using the municival· electric light poles to ca.rry suita.ble wiring for 311 :Uarm system from our !'a.s- tor;j;es to the municipal pumping station, also a letter from Mr A. L;u!g- man to the Chairman of the Fire Committee, as you have been uua.ole to get my account for Annuciator passed, I have tal:l:en it down. When I returned from my holidays I understood you to sa;y that the Council had passed. my estimate, but it will be all right Charlie as I C3ll return the wire without loosing 311ything on it. Mr L3.rlgtn3ll was called and appeared before the meeting ackuowlediug the authorship of the letter and admitting ordering the removal of the Armuciator by George Walker ;u1d that he had not given 3llY uotice to 3l!Y person of his :~.ct or intention 3lld that he h:td personally paid for material used in the installation without the knowledge of the Council. Moved by Mr Bilbrough seconded by Mr T:~.ylor that Allen L3.rlgtn3ll be and ilhereby suspended a.s electrici;u1 for the towu at1d that the works and plant be pla.ced fothwi th under the charge 3lld m3119.gemeut 3lld control of Fisher Dunham 3lld th:~.t Mr Langman oe given no~ice that his services :~.re no longer requried. Carried. Council then adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor.