MINUTES - Council - 19241212·.,
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T W E N T Y S E C'JO N Ill M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C IL
FOR 1924,
The twenty second meetirig for'· the yea.r was he~d in the Council
Chamber on Frida.y evening December 12th.
The following members being present Name~y :-Mayor W9.lton, Reeve
Legge and Councillors, Andrews, Hancock Knowles a.nd Ta.ylor.
Minutes of the previous meeting read 3.lld confirmed,
A communa.cation was received from the Canadiar~ Underwriters Ass-
ociation W3.rning the Officiers to take speci9.l care of the fire ex-
tinguishing :1.pparatus uow that the co~d weather is commencing.
Moved by Mr !ndrews seconded by Mr Legge that the fo.l.lowing accounts
be paid a.nd that the Mayor issue orders on the 'fre3.surer for the same
and that the se!lJ. of the Corpora.tion be attached to this reso~ution,
name~y :-
King Edw:t:i:d Sana.torium (care of George Weir for Nov)
J.H.N:~.ughton (s9.la.ry etc)
James Bl.:~.ck. (te!1.lling etc ro:1.ds)
Council then adjourned to meet December 15th.
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