MINUTES - Council - 19240915~· S I X T E E N T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L FOR 1924. The flixteenth meeting of the Council for the ye'lr w3.s held in the Co.uncil Ch31llber on Monday evening September 15th. I The following m31llbers being present N3lnely :-M3i)'or W'ilton, Reeve Legge 3.l'ld Councillors Andrews, Bilbrough 3lld H3llcocll;. The minutes of the previous meeting re 3.d illld confirmed. Deputations from the Hortcultural Society 3lld the Auron. Poultry and Pet Stock Association re Annu 3.1 Grant. Communic9.tious were received aud read from the followiug persons N9.mely :-Wm Ough ll: Son :md Wm Morning applying for premission to refJlace Gasolene Pumps, in front of their premises on Youge Street. Moved by Mr Andrews seconded by Mr Legge that the following 3.c- counts be paid 3lld that the M:qor issue orders ou the Treasurer fur the S9.ille and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this · resolution, namely:- Wa.tsons Diary 1. 25 w. H. Peters (mowing Park etc) 4. 40 King Edward Sanatorium (care of George WeirJuly, Aug) 93.00 Maple, Sand, Gravel & Brick Co. (tile for drain ) 100. SO Collis Leather Co (Cinders for road). 10. 00 Brown & Bigelow (Arrow road signs) 45. 00 Bell Telephone Co (rent etc phone 65) 3.96 do (Rent phone 135) do {Rent etc phone 12 w. W. ) The J 9.illes Robert son Co (pipes w. w. ) A Langm3ll {wire etc for al3.rm in fire h3.ll) Ca.rried. 2. 05 3. 56 17.99 22.86 Moved by Mr Andrews seconded by Mr Legge that the usu 3.1 gr3llt of $50.00 be made to the Hortcultur3.l Society 3lld a gr3llt of $25.00 be m:~.de to the .1\uror:~. Poultry &: Pet Stock Association, and that the seal of the Corpon.tion be attached to this resolution. Carried. Moved by Mr Legge and seconded by Mr Audrews that the Building .;· Sixteenth meeting continued. By-law now before the Council be re3.d a second time. C3.rried. By-l:~.w re3.d a second time :~.nd Council went into conunittee of the whole Mr Ha.ncock in the ch3.ir •. .;.<'\\- ·Committee rose :u1d reported By-l3.W, Le3.ve was 3.Sked to introduce 3. By-l:~.w to 3.ssess for County, School 3.nd other purposes. ,Le:~.ve gr:u1ted :u1d By-l:~.w read 3. first time. Moved by Mr H:.ucock seconded by Mr Bilbrough th3.t the By-lae uow before the Council be re:td 3. second :~.nd third time this day :u1d th:~.t Rule 33 of By-l:tw No 10 be suspended for th:~.t purpose. C3.rried. By-la.w re3.d 3. second time a11d Council went into committee of' the whole Mr Andrews in the cha.ir. Committee rose :u1d repvrted By-la.w with ol:u1il:s filled. ' By-law rea.d a. third time and passed. Leave W3.s asked to introduce a. By-law to authO'rise the Mayor :tnd Trea.surer to borrow money to meet the current expenditure of the Corpon.tion until the t:tx.es are pa.id, Moved by Mr Bilbrough seconded by Mr H:u1eock th:tt the By-la\r now oefore the Council oe read a second and third time this da.y and that Rule 33 of By-law No 10 be suspended for that purpose. C:~.rried. By-law re:Ld a second time :~.nd Council went iuto conuni ttee of the whole Mr Bilbrough in the cha.ir. Committee rose :u1d reported By-law with bl:u1ks filled. By-law re:td a. third time :u1d passed. Council then adjourned to meet :Lt the ca.ll of the Mayor. ;;;jf_7~ !)