MINUTES - Council - 19240204/ ' \ S E C 0 N D M E E T I N G 9 F T H E C 0 U N C I L FOR 1924. The second meeting of the Counci~ for the year was held in the Council Room on Monday February 4th. MR P.M. Thompson signed the dec~ara.tion of qualification of office and took his seat. The following members being present Name~:-Mayor Wal. ton, Reeve Legge and Councillors Andrews, Bilbrough, Hancock, Knowles and Thompson. The minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed. Communications were received and read from the fo~~owing persons Name~y :-Mr James c. Forman Chairman of the Ontario Municipal Associ at ion re the preparation of the Voter's List for use in the Provincial Elections. Department of Public Highways re The Highway Traffic Act 1923. Mr Fred Browning was heard in reference to the restrictions in the Bui+ding By-law. Moved by Mr Andrews seconded by Mr Legge that the following accounts be paid and that the Mayor issue orders un the Treasurer for the same and tha the seal. of the Corporation be attacged to this resolution, The Municipal. World (Assessment supplies) 34.04 Gutta Percha &: Rubber (Firemens supplies) . 21. 22 James Whimster &. Co. do Charles Cook (teaming roads) Samuel Cook (gravel roads) King Edw9.rd Saz19.torium (c9.re of George Weir) Williamson Bros (coal for W.Henderson) Fraz1k A. Teasdale (groceries for Mrs Verge) Caz1adian National Rys. (ticket for Mrs Verge &: family) Scanlons Bakery (lunches for Tramps) Hydro-Electric Power Commission(rent for interchazlge switch) Clerk (postage, express & stamps) Town Clerk (postage Waterworks) Positive Clutch &: Pulley Works (repairing Hydraz1t) A.E.Ma.chell (livery W.vr.) 10. 8() 34.00 96.25 19.50 4. 25. 3. 4? 10,15 1.86 36.36 9.?0 5.30 1. 25. 9.00 (' Second meeting continued. Electricity Inspection Service (inspecting meters) C!l.rried. 14.10 Moved by Mr HMcock Seconded by Mr Thompson th!l.t the action of the Mayor in issueing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following bills be and the same is hereby confirmed and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Jan 19 George Walker (w3.ges E. L. Dept) n Feb 26 2 do do do do Carried. Moved by Mr Hancock seconded by Mr .Andrews. 24.75 24.75 20.45 The Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora do hereby desire to place on record their deep regret at the loss sustained by the dea1ih of our fellow citizen • . Ex. ·Mayor w. J. Baldwin who for fourteen years guided the destinies of this Town as Mayor. During his term of office many important public works were . c ~nsfuted aud the foundation laid for future development of the Town. To the l!i.te Mr Baldwin the citizens owe a deep debt of gratitude for his untiring efforts in the best interests of the Town. We also wish to convey to Mrs Baldwin md family our sincerist sympathy knowing that great !l.S .i;.~~J,. the loss to the Town, their's is )-.. iu~~ely greater, having lost !l.P· affectionate husb!l.lld ;~nd a kindly father. The Clerk is hereby authorised to have this x·esolution en- grossed in the minute book on a special page !l.lld a copy sent to Mrs Baldwin. Carried. Moved by Mr Andrews seconded oy Mr ThoJIIllion that the Clerk be instl'- . ucted to reply to the Ontario Municipal Association stating that we feel that the School census should be prep3.red by the Municipal Assessor !l.lld the cost borne by the Municipality; that the Assessor offici:U to make out the Provincial Voter 'a List 3.t the S3Jlle time as taking the assessment but that the cost of the same be borne by the Provinci:Y, Goverment. ~~rx:~l\ld. • Second meeting· continued. The Striking committee presented the following report. Your committee 01.ppointed to strike the stauding committees for the ye01.r beg leave to report as follows:- Finallce Andrews, Hancock and Legge. Electric Light W01.terworks Roads & Bridges Fire Property By-h.ws Ha11cock, Andrews and T!cylor. T!cylor, Legge a.nd Thompson. Legge, Andrews and Bilbrough. Bilbrough, Taylor :~.nd Knowles. Knowles, TJ:iompson a.nd Bilbrough. Thompson, Hancock 3.ud Knowles. The Mayor to be e&-offico member of all cownittees. Report adopted. Moved by Mr Legge seconded by Mr Andrews that the attached report of the striking cownittee be adopted and that the Standing Committees be as named in this report. Carried. Moved by Mr Hancock seconded by Mr P.ndrews that the report of the cownittee appointed on application of the H. E. P. C. to make ageee- ment with the H. E. P. C. That the charge for each signal lamp oe four dollars per armumn pay able half yearly, the installation to oe at the cost of the 1L E. P. C. work subject to the supervision of. the Town Electrici;u1. Moved by Mr Legge seconded by Mr Andrews that the Clerk be inst- ructed to order the usual number of the Municip3J. World for the use of the Council. Carried. Moved by Mr Andrews seconded by Mr Knowl.es that the By-law cowni1t tee be and they are hereby instructed to prepare a By-J.aw engaging Mr George Walker as Assiist;ult Electriciar1 at the regular salary of twenty five dollars per week. Carried Council then adjourned to meet at the call .of the 7