MINUTES - Council - 19230820[~-----~--~·""""~ ---··----·
F 0 R , g 2 3
The eleventh meeting of the Council for the ye'J.r W'J.S held in
the Council Room on Mond'J.y Afternoon Aug 20th.
The following members being present N 'J.mely :-M3.yor W3.l ton Reeve
Legge and Councillors Andrews, Bilbrough, Hancock, Knowles and Taylor.
The minutes of the previous meeting read 'l.nd confirmed.
Communications were received and read from the following persons
N!:Uilely:-Mr R Hacking Sec. Auror3. Fire Dept. re deficitive hose.·
Mr T. U. Fairlie Hydro-Electric R:!.ilwo.y Engineer re a meeting with
the Town Council this afternoon.
Moved by Mr Andrews seconded by Mr Taylor th:Lt the following
accounts be p:Lid and th'l.t the Mayor issue orders on the Tre3.surer
for the s'J.me :Lnd th3.t the se3.l of the Corporation be att'l.ched to this
resolution, Namely:-
Victor Jones (cutting weeds on \ifhittingh3.m lot)
Wettl3.ufer Bros (repairs for cement mixer)
S. R. H:Lrt 11: Co. (Register for births, de:Lths etc. )
E. J. Rothwell (sundries Town)
Mervin Grah!:Uil (te'lllling gravel)
Bell Telephone Co (rent etc phones 65 & 135)
do do phone 12 E.L.Devt)
Hydro-Electric Railways (power for July)
The British America11 Oil Co (oil ott gas w. w. )
A Langmm (repairs for pump etc)
Ferranti Meter & Transformer Co (Meters)
Vl. A. Hall & Co (I•'J.mPS)
Wm Ough ~ Son (sundries w. w. )
J'J.mes Morrison Brass Mfg Co(pipes ,<~, fittings)
J Fleyry•s Sons(repairs for pump etc)
1. 00
'16. 24
5, 96
5. 16
43. 0?
3. 59
1. 5?
4. 32
The Road and Bridge Committee presented the following report.
That the Ro9.d and Bridge Committee recommend the buildiug of
190 feet of 3 foot walk on the south side of Kennedy Street west ot·
Eleventh meeting continued.
Temper~nce Street, ~ld ~lso complete the •~k on the e~st side of
Wells Street r1orth to Metc~f Street.
Moved by Mr A11drews seconded by Mr Knowle~ th~t the report of
the Ro~d and Bridge Committee be ~pproved ~1d th~t the Council ~uth-
orise the construction of ~ three foot w~k westerly from Temper~1ce
Street on south side of Kennedy for one hundred ~1d ninety feet ~~d \
the coml!letion o;f the w.ilk on the e~st side of Wells Street north
to Metc~lf.
Council then ~djourned to ex~ine the tr!l.cks with the R~ilw~y
Offici~s, !l.fterw~rds they passed the following resolution.
Moved by Mr H~1cock secorided by Mr Taylor th~t the Clerk be
instructed to notify the Toronto & York Good Roads Commission th!!.t
the H. E. P. c. propose to make certain ch~1ges in the levels of
their tracks ~1d switches to provide for greater safty of traffic
through the Town of Aurora !l.lld that these ch~1ges will cill fo.r some
levelling up of the Yonge Street pavement which is found in some
cases to be lo11er by severil inches on one side th~l "\;he other,
!!.ltern!l.tely, in the centr':tl section of the Town, An inspection on the
ground ~1d ':l. conference between the Road Commissioners and the Of-
fici~s of the H. E. P. C. should be arr~1ged at the earliest poss-
ible date so that the repairs urgently needed c~1 be completed at
Council then adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor.