MINUTES - Council - 19221016l_ I / r,- i' i ~ TWENTY-THIRD MEETING OF THE COUNCIL. FOR 1922. The twenty-third meeting of the Council for the year was held in the Council Room on Thursd<J.y Evening October 16th, All the members bebg present. The minutes of the previous meeting re<J.d 'l.lld confirmed. Communication was received from Ur. J. A. Ellis Feul Controller for Ontario. Moved by Mr. ~ndrews. Seconded,by Mr. Taylor. That the following accounts be paid and that the M3-yor issue orders on Lhe Tre3.surer for the same 3.lld th"'t the se"tl of the Corpor<J.tion be attached to this resolution, namely:- J Mr. George Lemon (Interest) Bell Telephone Co. (Rent Phone 12) do do do 65 do do do 135 :British American Oil Co. (G3.s. ) V. Attridge Street Lighting Willi 3-m son !!ro s. John Carr Aurora. 'fardware do (Lumber Ro3.ds) (Teaming Roads) (Gravel Roads ) (Sundries Town) do E. L. Can3.d3. Wire & Cable Co. (Wire E. L. ) Northern Electric Co. (Sundries E. L. ) Toronto & York R. Ry. Co. (Power for Sept. ) Electricity Inspection Service (Inspecting Meters) Canada Brass Co. (Pipes & Fittings) W, W. J.M •. Walton (Tre3.surers Bond) J.M. Walton (Insurance Pulley Works) Clerk (Postage E. L. ) 240.00 2. 26 2. 26 2. 05 85.31 20.07 228.95 20.05 '6 '·'1·5 •-: . 6.70 7. 75 179.07 56,81 758.57 17.40 159.04 Carried. 6,00 46.70 4.00 ·, Twenty -Third Meeting Continued. Moved :!ly Me. Andrews. Seconded by Ur. Legge. Th3.t the 6lerk oe 3.nd he is hereby instructed tv purchase a check writing and perforating machine at a cost of $45.00 and th a.t the seal of the Corporation be att3.ched to this resolution. Carried. Moved by Mr. Matson. Seconded by Mr. :!lilbrough. Th3.t the renew3.1 of the insurance on the Pul:Jey Works Property; be for Two Thousand Doll'il. rs ($2, 000. 00) And that the se;l of the Corpon1tion be afixed hereto. Carried. Moved by Mr. Matson. Seeonded by Mr. :!lilbrough. That this council do hereby appoint Mr. J. M. W3.lton to act in the Capacity of Fuel Controller'l.and be responsible for the administr3.tion of the position according to the act. C3.rried. Leave \>as asked to introduce a :!ly-law to provide for the ·borrowing of $19,900.00 dollars, upon deoentures, to p3.y for the construction of storm sewer, curb and gut·ter and part of pavement on that part of Weliington !'ltreet, in the Town of Aurora, from a point where it is intersectee_ by the E':l.st limit. of Yonge Street, to Ross Street. Leave gn.nted and :!ly-Law read a first time. Moved by Mr.':!!ilbrough. Seconded by Mr. Grey. That the :!ly-law novr before the Council be read a second and third time this day 3.nd that Rule 33 of :!ly-law No. 10 be suspended for that purpose. C3.rried. :!ly-law re3.d a second time and Council went into Committee of the whole Mr. Andrews in the Chair. Committee rose and rep.ocrt"ed·.'atldt\'a.skecd l~a'v;e. to sl t again. Council then adjourned to meet at the c3.ll of the Mayor. co7~.:::;, ~ P"Y /07~~ :::::> ~~ '