MINUTES - Council - 19230115_SECON.P MEETING OF THE COUNCIL FOR 1923, The second meeting of the Council for the year was held in the Council Room on Monday evening January 15th. All the members being present. The minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed. Mr w. H. Taylor presented the report of the Mechanics Hall Commission. fl. deputation from the Orange Lodge was heard in refer_ ence to the celebration of the twelfth of July in Aurora.. fl. communic:.tion from Mr W. H. Machell was received and read in reference to dog tax. Moved by Mr T3.]lor seconded by Mr Andrews that the following accounts be paid and that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the seal of the Corporation be att'l.ched to this resolution namely:- Toronto & York R. Ry. Co. (power for Dec.) Electricity Inspection Service (inspecting meters) Williamson Bros (coal W. W. ) Stiver Bros (coal W. w. ) • E J Rothwell (sundries w. w. ) James Brothers (insurance Mechanics Hall) J M Walton (insurance .To¥m Hall) The Municipal World (subscriptions) W H Taylor (salary Division Court Clerk) Carried, az.ee 13.95 18.00 14.33 5. 75 35.60 20.00 9,00 ze.oo Moved by Mr Taylor seconded by Mr Gray that this Council do ·grant to the Loyal Orange Lodge 1\urora the sum of eighty dollars to pay musical expenses of Aurora Ci tiz.ens Baud for 12th of July celebr3.tion to be held in Aurora, 3.nd the seal of the Corpor3.tion be attached to this resolution. Carried. Moved by Mr Bilorough seconded by Mr Legge that the report of the Mechanics H:U.l Commission be received aud -~hat the thanks of the Council be extended to the Commission for the splendid Wa.J / Second meeting continued. in which they have undert!l.ken the task. C!l.rried. Moved by Mr T!l.ylor seconded by Mr PJldrews th!l.t the insur3.nce on the Mech!l.nics H3.ll oe n.ised to $4000 3.nd the se3.l of the Corpor3.tion be att!l.ched to thihs resolution. Carried. The ch:~.irm3.n of the Striking Committee presented the following report, th!l.t the St!l.nding Committees for the ye<J.r be as follows:- Ro !l.d & Bridge Electric Light ihterworks By-l3.WS Fire Property Finauce Legge, Bilbrough, T!l.ylor. H:u:1cock, .~ndrews, Taylor. T!l.ylor, H:wcock, .Andrews. Gr!l.y, Bilorough, Kno~tles. Bilbruugh, Knowles, Gr!l.y, Knowles, J4egge, Gr3.y. Andrews, Legge, Hancock. The Mayor to be E~-off~co member of all committees. Report adop·~ed. Leave W!l.s asked to introduce 3. By-l3.W to 3.ppoint 3. commission to look 3.fter 3.nd ta.ke charge of the Mechanics H3.ll. Le3.ve gr':l.nted and By-19.1~ re9.d a first time. Moved by Mr H3.ncock seconded by Mr T3.ylor that the By-law now before the Council be read 3. second 3.lld third time this day and that Rule o;3 of By_l9.W lllo ,0 be suspended for that purpose. ' C:~.rried. By-l3.w read 3. second time 9.nd Council went into committee of the whole Mr Knowles in the ch3.ir. Committee rose 9Jld reported the bl9llks filled with the names of W.H.Taylor, T.A.Griffith 9lld W.J.Knowles. By-law re3.d a third time and passed. Council then adjourned to meet at the c3.ll of the Mayor. ~/ ~