MINUTES - Council - 19221120T W EN T Y-F·o U R T H F 0 R MEETING 1 9 2 2 • 0 F THE COUNCIL The twenty-fourth meeting of the Council for the year vras held in the Council Room on Monday evening November 8Eith. All the members being present. The minutes of the previous meeting read md confirmed. Communications were received from Au rota' Fo·uw:ilry re adJustment of rates. Mr. Ming3.y re W3.ter rate. Mr. A. P. Heise re dangerous Motor traffic ou Yonge Street. The Slobe re Publicity 6ampa.ign. l3ec.of.i;R:i:reil~rig3.de asking to have coloured lights at fire boxes. The Bell Telephone Co. Asking to put some Telephone poles on Larmont Street. Moved by Mr. Andrews. Seconded by Mr. Legge. Tll3.t the following 3.CCounts be paid and that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and tha.t the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution, namely:- A. Langman (Carting & Postage E. L. ) Toronto & York R. Ry. Co. (Power for Oct. ) Electricity Inspection Service (Meters E. L. ) J. Black (Carting E. L. ) Bob Sanford do Wm. Hastings (Raincoat E.L.) To Clerk (Postage E. L. ) Ferranti Meter & Transformer Co. (Meters E. L. ) Cai1adian General Electric Co. ('tundries ~. L. ) Jno. Mornir1g & Son (Repairing W. W. ) - B. F. Davis (Coal W W, ) Collis Leather Co. (Cinders Town) Williamson Bros. (Carting Town) J. H. Sloail (Sundries Fire Dept,. ) Street Lights Aurora Hardware Co. (Sundries Town) Bell Telephone Co. (Phone 135 & 65 Town) do do 12 Rent & Conversation ) To Clerk (Swlectors of Jurors) W.J.Knowles (Freight inTyle) Britnell & Co. (Pipes Roads) F. Browning (Cem~nt for Roads). King Edward Sana.torium (Re MaintenaiJce ·a eo. Weir) 2,00 7e3.85 9.60 7.31 2. 45 e.oo 5,00 133.45 48.27 25.00 37.65 19.01! 3.30 4.65 22e. 95 3.lll0 4. 31 2. 56 6.00 4. 3lll 62.99 145.70 91.50 Carried. Moved by Mr. Legge. Seconded by Mr. Grey. That the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following bills be. ;Mid the s ime is hereby confirmed ~;~.u1 that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution·- Oct. 7. James Dmiels (Wa.ges W. w. ) · 19. 25 • " 14. do do 15. 05 Sept.23.M.Gr3.ham 7~00 " " C. Ha.rmm (Wages Roads) 15.75 " " J. Da.ni els do 17. 50 " " VI. Stone do 17. 50 " 3l!J. do do 21. 00 " " J. Daniels do 23.. 00 " " C. Harman do 21.00 -;:,·:. :J· \ Twenty-~ meeting continued. Sept. 30.14. Graham Oct. 7. do " " w. Stone " " C.H'l.rman " 14 do " " w. Stone " " M. Graham Sept.23 G,W'l.lker " 30 do Oct. 7 do " 14 do " 21 M. Graham " " C.lfarman " "w.stone " " J. D3.niels " 28 M. Graham " " C.Harman n " J. Da.niels Nov. 4.M.Gr3.ham " " c. Harnt!lll " " J. Dmiels " 11 M.Graham " 18 do Oct. 21 G. W'l.lker " ze do " 11 '1. Stone Nov.4 G. W?.lker " 11 do it U! do Moved by Mr.Andrews. (Wages Ro 3.ds) do do dQ (Wages E.L. ) do do do (W!l.ges Roads) do do do do do do (Wages E. L. J do do dQ dd do 7. 00 7.00 19.25 19.25 16.80 10.50 7.00 21.60 29.25 22.50 24.75 7.00 17.50 19. 25. 19.25 7.00 17.50 15.75 7$00 21.00 22.75 7.00 7. 00 24.75 29.25 17. 50 29.70 22.50 24.75 Carried. Seconded by Mr. Ta;ylor. That the Clerk be instructed to write the ·Treas. of York County to ascert3.in the price of the oil used on the streets 3.ncl to require !Ill explanation of this bill from James Proctor & Redfem. Carried. Moved by Mr. Taylor. Seconded by Mr. Andrews. That the Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to have signs erected 31)0 feet South and 300 feet north of Church St. on Youge Street in ·t;he Town of Surora, Said signs to be a notice to motorists to go slowly on account of the School children, C3.rried. Moved by Mr. Ai-1drews. Seconded by l4r. 'lay lor. That the Solicitor be instructed to convey the lots on Tyler St. west, bought in by the Clerk at the deferred tax sale to the Corporation of the Town of Aurora. And that the se'l.l of the Corporation be 3.ttached to this Resolution. Carried. p--· ~;,;/I T viJ\Vl . t" d wenty -feur a meet~ng con ~nue • Moved by Mr. Bilbrough. Seconded by Mr. Andrews. That the following be and they are hereby .appointed a committee to interview the Toronto York: County_l:fighway commission re the tad condition of Yonge Street Aurora between the Metropoli tion R'l.ihr9.y Track: in Aurora, The M'l.yor, Reeve and Councillors Legge and Matson, also to interview Mr. G'l.by Chief Engineer oi Hydro Commission re the Improvement of the EJ.ectric Power in Aurora. Carried, Mo•ed by Mr.Bilbrough. Seconded by Mr. Knowles. Th a.t the request of Mr. Murray in regards to the Installing of a Gasoline tank on Wellirigton $treet be accepted • The same to be installed to the satisfaction of the l'own Clerk. Carried. Council went into Committe of the whole Mr. Andrews in the chair, on By-l:J.W to provide for the borrowing of $19, 900.00. dollars, for debentures. Committee rose and reported By-l'l.W with blanks filled. By.,-law raad a third time and passed. Council then 'l.djourned to meet at the call of the Mayor. -&/rJ~ Mayor.