MINUTES - Council - 19220911I
! .
T W E N T Y -F I R S T M E E 'J: I N G 0 :B' T H E C 0 cU N C I L
FOR 1922.
The tll•enty-first me·eting of the Councj_l for the ye2r W'l.S held in
th'3 Counci.1 Room on Mond'l.Y Evernng Se~>temoer .;Lt-~fl:·
All the rnemoers oe-i.ng present. TLe minutes uf the two t)reviuus meetings
re'l.d 'J.nd confirmed.
Mr. Hugh FerglJson >13.8 he3.rd in reference to " dr3.in on C2th'irine
Communic3.ti·JtJS were receiv3d from the following Qersons, N3.mely :-
London Concrete ~hchinery Co. Ltd. re Centrifug3.l Pump. Mr. A.O.Murn.y
re High School LoOJ.n.
Moved by Mr. Grey. Seconded OJ Mr. Legge.
ThOJ.t the following 3.ccounts oe ~J3.id 'l.ncl th3.t the MOJ.yor issue orders
on the Tre3.s11rer for the S3.me 3.nd th"tt th<> se3.l of the Corpor3.tion be
3.tt3.ched to this resolution, N'l.mely ;-
Mervin Gr 3h 3.!n { C3.rtingp Ro 3.ds)
Vlett13.ufer Br·os. (Ro3.ds)
V. Attridge do
King Ed\nrd S'irntorium (C'ise uf' Geo. Weir)
Tmronto & York R.Ry.Co. (Power for 1\ugust ~.lla.)
To Clerk (L3.nterns ~ Expenses)
4. 3e
e36. oe
A, 1 ~ngm 3.n (E. L. )
Vim. Ough & Son (VI. Vl, )
J01.rnes Morrison & Co. (VI.W.)
F. Browning (Cement, Ro3cts)
do do E. L.
Moved by Mr. Legge.
ll. 13
1e1. 25
Seconded By Mr. T;tylor.
Th 3.t the 3.Ction of the M3.yor in issuillg orders un the Tre01.surer
~or the :>3.yment of the foLLo\fing oills oe 3.lld the .s3.!ne is hereby
confirmec. 01.nt th3.t the se'l.l of the Corporottion tJe Sttt3.ched to this
8ept. 9 G. W3.lker (V13.ge.s E. L. ) 15. 75
" 16 do du 29. 25
" 9 J. D3.niels ( do Ro 3.d.s ) 7.00
It 9 C. H3.r!03ll do 14. 00
It 9 L. Rh.ienh3xt do 2.eo
" 9 M. Gr 3.h 3.!n 7. 00.
" 16 do 7.00
" 16 J. D3.niels (VI01.ges Ro 'Ids ) 14.00
" 16 c. H 3.rm 3.ll do 15.75
" 16 VIm. Stone co 10. 50
Ce.rried •
.....: .•. :.J.U:L_:_ ___ ,_:...._. __ ~------'..:~--·-·--
Twenty-first meeting continued.
Moved by Mr. Legge. Seconded oy Mr. M:1tson.
Th:J.t the Pl9.n of p:1rt of lot 79 con. l. Township of King, being
'femper:J.nce St. South of Kennedy oe 'l.CCe;;Jted. When one foot reserve is
m:J.de 3.t the South Lirn.it of [lrO~JOSed street :t.nd teed of .S"tid fout oe
mg,de out g,nd delivered to the 'rown of Auror:t.. .
Th3.t the Pl31l of Kennedy Street 3..S presented to this Council
be :1nd the s:~..rne is hereby :1ccepted.
Tho:t the Se3.l of the Corpor'l.tion oe 3.tt3.ched to this resolution.
Le3.ve vns 3.sked to introduce 3. By-L,ur To Authorize the M3.jvr 3.nd
Tre3.surer to borro1r ~plOO, 000 doll'l.rs to meet the ex.r,enditure for new
High Sch ;Ol.
Le'l.Ve gr3.nted 3.nd By-l3.w re3.d 3. first Urne.
Moved by Mr. Knowles. Seconded by Mr. M01-tson.
Th3.t the By-l:~.w now before the Council be read 3. .second 31ld third
time this d3.y :wd th'l.t R11le 3:3 of By-l"l.Vl No10 >:le su.spen<".ed fo·r that ~>urpose.
By-L3.vr re9.d " second time 3.nd Council 1rent into commit·tee of the
whole Mr .. Knowles in the ch3.ir.
Committee rose 3.nd reported Biy-l3.vr.
By-l3.W re3.d 3. third time 3.nd p3.ssed.
Le3.ve 1ns 3Sked. to introduce 3. By-l3.W to 3.ssess f•Jr County, School
~.nd other purposes.
Lewe gr3.nted 31ld By-l3.vl
Moved by Mr. Legge.
re3.d 3. first time.
Seconded by Mr. Knovrles.
Th3.t the By-l:1w now before the Council be re3.d 3. .second 3.llC:. third
time this d3.y 3.ild th:tt Rule 33 of By-'l3.w No lfl be .suspended for th3.t
By-13.~1 re3.d 'l. second time 3.nd Council went into <t:ommi ttee of the whole
Mr. Andrews in the Ch 3i r.
Committee rose 3.lld reported By-l'l.\f with b131Jk.s filled.
Twenty-first meeting continued.
By-l'l.vr re'l.d 'l. third til}1e 'l.lld p'l.ssed.
Council then 'l.djourned to meet 'l.t the C'l.ll o:f the M'l.yor.