MINUTES - Council - 19220905I I I N I N E T E E. N T H M E E T I N G 0 ~· T H E C 0 U N C I L l!'OR 1922. The nineteenth meeting of the Council for the ye3.r W3.s helct in the Council Room on Tuesday Evening September 5th. The fol1ovling members oeing present N3.mely :-M3.yor Sheppard, Reeve Knowles, Councillors Audrews, Bilbrough, Legge, Mitt.son 3.nd T3.ylor. The minutes of the previous meeting re3.d 3.1Jd confirmed. The following persons were then he3.rd by the Council, Mr. Geo. Griffith asked permission for the Baptist Church to connect their drain to the st3.1Id pipe on the corner of Wellington and Vic tori a, refered to the Ro9.d & Bridge collllllittee. Mr. Lyons, C9.tharirle Ave. 9.Sking per- mission to trim 3. tree near his property, refered to Road & Bridge committee. Mr. L. Rhienhart asking for. a Street Light on Mary Street, refered to Electric Light committee. Mr. H.E.Proctor !'l.Sking foruse of Town Hall for.High School until new School W3.s comp).eted. Mr. Walter Dunning 3.lld Mr. B. Stephenson 3.sking for a dr3.in 9.Hd water-m!'l.in on Temper:wce Street south of Kennedy Street. Mr. Baker re Wellingtol> Street p!'l.vement. Mr. A. Love asking the Council to raise money for the new High School. Mrs. Miller 9.Sking assist3Jlce from the Town. Moved by .Mr. Legge. Seconded by Mr. M9.tson. That the following accounts be p!'l.id and that the M3.yor issue orders on the Tre3.surer for the same 3.1Jd th3.t the seal of the Corpor3.tion be 3.tt3.ched to this re:;;olution, namely:- C3.n adi 3.11 Gener3.l Electric Co. (Filings) (Tungar Bulbs) (Rent Phone .12) do Bell Tel. Co. do " " 135 do (Rent & Conversation Phone 6 5) St. Mich3.els Ho:;;pita1 (C3.re of Geo. Weir) L. Rhienh3.rt (Cleaning Street) do " Market John C3.rr ( Te3.IDing & Grwel) do do ----,------' ".·_--;--:-·7~-:~-~-~·----_--:-,·~-: -_-:-:-·:--·-···, ·.-· 53. 54 10.92 2. 25 2.05 2.96 63.00 9.00 14.00 22. 50 40.25 ,_.~,--, --~---------.----·--~-~-----~ .... --~ -----~-··-·-·---..,.-~---'" _____ ..--· Nineteenth meeting continued. W9.rren Bituminous P9.ving Co. 14, 250; 72 Street Lights 1, 144.75 Clerk (Poflt'ige & Express) Wi11i9.msou Bros. ( C9.rting etc. ) 11.10 30;30 Carried. Moved by Mr. ll!;~.y1or. Seconded by Mr. Bilbro ugh, Th9.t the 9.Ction of the M9.yor in issuL1g orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following bills oe 9.lld the s3me is hereby confirmed 3.tld th'it the se9.l of the Corpu:r3.tion oe ·. 9.tt3,ched to this resolution : 1\ug .. 26 G.Wa1ker " " R.Wi1kinson " ~ J, D:u1iels " " C. Harman " " L. Rhienh9.rt " " M. Gr3.h9.m Sept. 2 G. Walker " " R. Wilkinson " " C. H o:trm :u1 " " J. D:uliels " " 1\il, Gnh9.m Moved by Mr. Andrews. · (Wages ; E. L. ) ( " Ro9.dS) do do ao (W3.ges E. L. ) ( " Roads) do ,do 22.50! 17.50 19.25 19.25 7. 35 7,00 24.75 19,25 21.00 19.25 7,00 Carried. Seconded by Mr. M3.tson. Th3.t this council do hereoy gn11t the request of the High Schooi BoStrd in hStving the use of the sp3.re upst'lirs room in the Town HStll Building until such times 3.S the new High School is complete, at " monthly rent3,l of fifteen doll3.rs. C'trried. Moved oy Mr. Andrews. Secmn ded by Mr. Legge. Th3,t the Electric Light Committee be stnd the S9.me 3.re hereby instructed to put in stdditionStl Street Lights where they deem it necess:try, not exceeding fifteen ne1'1 lights. C:trried. I I l I ' I \ '· . ..;,~""""'~~ p,,., .. ,. ' ·< '·. . ',._:'..;_~,#:+0:*'**'"~ ':P•irtim_s·r::o/:-; •. :,.~:--... "{('."'"' -. ~,__-,.~ ... ·---~--" . . +< "'~;:_;;s_h.}ki~Y-'";'' '*··>);,. c-?Pic-%"''• N ·-··I.--+{6't*h#fuit~ Nineteenth Meeting Continued. Moved by Mr. Andrews. Seconded by Mr. T3.ylor. ,, ,, i·:' ! ' Th3.t the Tovm Employees be instructed to dig 3.lld construct "=-cell3.r dra.in on Temper3.nce Street South connecting with the Kermedy Stree'i; . ' ' ·,·, drain on present01.tion of "tn 3.greernent from 3.11 owners of property 1 fronting thereon, 01.greeing to pay· for a9Jne in their ye?cr;'s t!l.xes. And th 3.t the sea.l of the Corpor3.tion be 3.tt3.ched to this resolution. C=-rried. Moved by Mr. M3.tson. Seconded by Mr. Knowlel?. Th!tt the Clerk be 3.lld he is hereby instructed to notify the residents of Kennedy Street 3.nd Temper 3.nce Street, from Ruben St. South th3.t until such time 3.S the W3.ter-M3.in is incre3.sed in size to properly t3.ke C3.re of ordin3.ry domestic use th3.t the use of hose pipe for l01.wn purposes be prohibite,d, oetween the hours of 6-30 A.M. to 7-30 P.M. e3.ch d3.y, And th3.t the se3.l of the Corpor3.tion oe 3.fixed hereto. C9.rried. Le3.ve W3.s 3.sked to introduce 3. By-L9.w to Authorize the exchange of lands. Le3.ve gr3.nted 3.nd By-t.aw re3.d a first time. Moved .by Mr. Taylor. Seconded by Mr. Andrews. Th9.t the By-l3.W now before the Council be read 3. second 3.nd third time this d9.y 9.nd that Rule 33 of By-19.W No. 10 be suspended for tha.t purpose. C3.rried. By-law re3.d a second time 3.nd Council went into Committee of the Whole Mr. Andrews in the Ch3.ir. Committee rose 3.nd reported 1ly..-l3.w. By-l3.w re3.d 3. third time 3.nd p3.ssed. Council then 3.djourned to meet S3.turd3.y September 8th at 5 P.M. o/~~ -c:yr-?4~ -~~~ i J