MINUTES - Council - 19220821•fJ'*'=cp~CC~·-~--. ~~'----e . W f.i.:! i.r''1;.,.rz ;., . ·-~• -"'"'·"~-·,.-_,,~,''TV·\.·.: ;i'i -~'~'' )<'' n:.y,<. Tk-"'T"''' . '"i1
E I G H T E E N T H. M E E T I N G 0 :P T H E C 0 U N C I L
FOR 1922.
The eighteenth meeting of the Council for the year was held i11 the
Council Room on Monday Evening August 21st.
The following members being present N3.lnely :-Mayur Sheppard, Reeve
Knowles, Councillors Andrews, Gray, Legge, Taylor and Matsom>
The minutes of the previous meeting read 3.lld conf'irmed..
Communicatiuns were received. and read from the· followiug person •. N3.lllely :-
Mr. A. Love Sec. of High School Bo 9.rd, asking that the sum of $ix. thousand
(<!1>6, 000) dollars be raised by tax.ation for school purposes for the coming
Moved by Mr. Andrews. Seconded by Mr. Knowles,
Th9.t the following accounts be paid 3.nd that the Mayor issue orders
on the Treasurer for the same aud that the Se9.l of the Corpuration be
attached to this resolution, namely:-
Toronto & York: R.Ry. Co. (Power for iuly) $708.35
Wm. Ough & Son • (Nails Roads) 1~ 20
Clay Products Ageucy Ltd. (Pipe Roads) 97~35
King Edward Sanatorium (Re Maintell3.llce Geo. Weir Town ) 46~ 50
J. l!'leury 's Sons (Manhole castings w. w. ) 1e~ 49
Moved By Mr. Legge. Seconded by hiir. Taylor.
That the action of the !~ayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for
the payment of the following bills be and the s3.llle is hereoy confirmeC.
3.lld that the Se9.l of the Corpor3.tion be attached to this resulution:
Aug. 1.2 Geo. W9.lk:er
" 19 do
" 19 H. Eveleigh
" 12 C. Harman
" 19 J. Daniels
" 10 F. Browning
" 12 M. Graham
" 12 R.Wilkinson
(Wages E. L. )
(Wages w. Vi, )
(Wages Roads)
25~ 2Q
16~ 45
325~ 50
1e. zo
Eighteenth meeting continued.
Aug. 12 J. Daniels (Wages Roads) 1c. zo
" 12 L. Rhinehart do e~ 40
" 19 C. Harman do 19~ 25
" 19 H. Wilkinson do 19~25
" 19 L. Rhienhart do 8~ 75
" 19 M. Graham 7'. 00
" 15 Norman Carr (Teaming & Gravel) 46~ 94
Moved by Mr. Matson. Secouded by Mr. Knowles.
That the Clerk be 3.lld he is hereoy instructed to hire 3. sui tOLble s
surveyor for to check up che measurements of the Wellington Street
Council then a.djourued to meet -of the Mayor. ~·~~~