MINUTES - Council - 19220417I
.... E L E V E N T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L
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F 0 R 1 9 2 2.
The eleventh meeting of the Council for the year wa.s held in the Council
Hoom on Monday evening April 17tb.
All tbe members being present. 'rhe minutes of the previous meeting read
and corlfirmed.
Communications were received and :tead from the following persons
Namely:-James Proctor & Redfern re the crossing of the sewer under the
tracks at the Grand Trunk Station. Mr. James R. Clark re the dangerous
.coudi tion of Kennedy Street.
Moved by Mr Gray Seconded by Mr. Legge
That .the following accounts be paid and that the Mayor issue orders on the
Treasurer for the same and that the seal of the Corporation be
attached to this resolution, Namely:-
p.M. Thompson ( 2costumers )
do · ( funeral expenses )
J,M.Walton (insurance )
w. Ough & Son ( sundries )
British American Oil Co. (gasoline ) ,2.91
Contract Record 3. 20
Clerk ( Postage, freight etc.) 5.91
Toronto & York R. Ry ( power for Feo.) 681.70
Carried C.Sheppard
Moved by Mr. Taylor Seconded by M. L. Andrews
That the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the
Treasurer for the payment of the following bills be and the same
is hereby confirmed and that the seal of the Corpon.tion be
attached to this resolution:
Mar. 18 Geo. Walker (wages) Electric L.Dept. 24.00
II 25 dp do 24~00
Apr.l dp do 24.00
II 8 do do 24.00
II 15 do dp 24.00 ·;\J
Eleventh meeting continued
Apr. 8 J :unes Daniels ( R. &B. )
" 8 Mildred Graham (Town)
" 15 dp do
II 15 James Peters (R. &B. )
3. 50
Carried C. H. Sheppard
Moved by Chas. Bilbrowgh Seconded by Mr. Gray.
That this council do hereby instruct the Clerk to forward a
.copy of the Electric Light committee circular letter re Power
Rates tp Non-Peak Users.
And that the seal of the Corporation be afixed hereto.
Carried c. H. Sheppard
Moved by Mr. M.L. Aridrews Seconded by Mr. Legge.
That the report of the Auditors be adopted and that the
Clerk be instructed to have the necess3.ry copies Typewri tteu.
Car.ried C.H.'Sheppa,rd
Mayor •
Moved by Mr. M.L. Andrews Seconded by Mr. Taylor.
That the By Law Committee be instructed to prepare a· By -Law
for next meeting, appointing a Truant Officer for the Town.
Carried C. H. Sheppard
' Moved by Mr. Knowles Seconded by Mr. Matson.
That the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby instructed
to sign the acceptance of the Tender of the Warren Bitumnous
paving Company for the Paving of Wellington Street from Yonge St.
to Ross St.
And that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to the
Carried C. H. Sheppard
E:l.eventh meeting continued
Moved by Mr. M.L. Andrews Seconded by Mr. Legge.
That the report of the Mechanics Hall Commission be· and the
same is hereby adopted.
Carried. c. H. Sheppard
Moved by Mr., Knowles Seconded by Mr. Matson.
That the Town Supervisor be and he is hereby instructed to
ask for tenders for gravel and cement to be delivered on the
. streets of Aurora as directed by Mr. Petch.
Carried. c. H. Sheppard
Leave "·as asked to introduce a by -Law to authorize the construction
of a storm sewer on Berczy Street, in the Town of Aurora, from a point
in the said street where the same is intersected by the South limit
of Wellington Street to South limit of Berczy Street. As a local
improvement under .the provisions of the Local Improvement Act.
Leave granted and By-law read a first time.
Moved by Mr. Taylor. Seconded by Mr. Andrews.
That the By-Law now before the Council oe read a second and third
time this day and that Rule 33 of By-law No. 10 be suspended for that
By-law read a second time aud Council went into committee of the
whole Mr. Andrews in the chair.
Cornmi ttee rose and. reported By-law with blank:s filled. ·
By-law read a third time and passed.
• Council then adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor.
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