MINUTES - Council - 19220717I. ' ,, i ' :·.·> S I ~ T E E N T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L F 0 R 1''9 2 2. The sixteenth meeting of the Council for the ye:J.r was held in the Council Room on Mond3.y Evening July 17th. The following members being present Namely:-Mayor Sheppard, Councillors Bilbrough, Legge, M:ttson a.nd Taylor. The minutes of the previous meeting read 'll:ld confirmed. Communications were received and read from the following persons, Namely:-Miss Lula Lepper re a· proper entrance to her' property on Yonge St. Mr. H. Hacking Sec. Aurora Pire Dept. asking for addi tion:tl fire equipment, Douglas, Douglas & Robinson re Canadian Bee Supply & Honey Co. A deput!l.tion of Ratepayers from Kennedy Street W!l.s heard in reference to better water service ou their Street. D3.ll Willi3.lllson was :J.lso he:trd in reference to a roadway on the East side of Berczy Street near their Coal Sheds. Moved by Mr. T3.Jlor. Seconded oy Mr. Legge. That the following !l.Ccounts be p3.id 3.lld that the Mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution, namely:- Bell Telephone Co. (R~nt PhonP-135 ) 2. 05 do (Rent & Conversation Phone 12) 2. 71 do Clerk R. Sanford· Williamson Bros. H. E. Teasd:J.le Northern Electric ( do do do 65) (Freight & Postage) E;L, (Carting) .. (Carting E. L. ) (Gas etc. ) (Sundries) Toronto & Y. R. Ry. Co. (Power for June) King Edward Sanatorium (Maintenance of G. Weir) Carried. - 3. 01 3~ 90 1:oo 6: 55 16;48 g'. o7 66o:ee e z'. 5d I ·, I Sixteenth meeting continued. Moveu oy Mr. Legge. Secou decl. by Mr.· Taylor. That the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the follov:ing bills oe and the same is hereby confirmed and that the seal of' the Corpor:~.tion be :~.ttached to this resolution: July e H. Eveleigh " e G. Hutchinson " e G. Walker " 15 do " e M. Graham " 8 J. Da.ni els II e R.Wilkinson " 8 C. Harman II e B. Wythe II 15 do " 15 c. Harman " 16 R.Wilkinson " 15 J. Daniels " 15 14. Graham Moved by Mr. Bilbrough. (Wages E. L. ) do do do ,wages Roads) do do do do do do do 3.85 1. 20 27.00 26.10 7.00 17. 50 17. 50 17.50 17. 50 19·. 60 19~60 19.60 19·. 60 7.00 Carried. SE!con decl. by Mr. Matson. That this council do authorize the Town Solicitor i1> evecyth:i,ngsis now in order. as st:tted by the residents of' th:tt portion of' Kennedy St. not yet taken in the Corpor:ttion, to now complete the necessary taking over of' said Street. And that the Seal. of' the Corporation be afixed to this resolution. Carried. Moved by Mr. Tay.lor. Seconded oy Mr. Bilorough. Th:~.t the Clerk be abel. is hereby instructed to purchase the articles as requested by the Fire Department and that the Seal. of' the Corporation be .attached to this resolution. Carried. Council then adjourned to meet at the ut'~ cal~~)}~~~~