MINUTES - Council - 19220208• F I F T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L F 0 R 1 9 2 2. The fifth meeting of the Council for the ye9.r W:l.s b.eld in the Council Room on Wednesd:l.y evening :B'eoruary 8th. The following members oeing present N9.mely :-M:l.yor Shepp:l.rd Reeve Knowles Councillurs Andrews, Bilorough, Grey, Legge a.nd Matson. The minutes of the previous meeting re3.d a.nd confirmed. A cmmunica.tion was received 3-nd read from the City Clerk of H9.milton enclosing copy of 9. peti-~ion to the Governoi:-Gener:l.l pf Canada. In- Council for a.n 9.ffiendment to the Crimin:l.l Code to provide that fines and fees imposed in Police Courts be p:l.id to Municipa.li ties. Moved oy Mr Legge seconded by Mr Knowle.s th:l.t the following accounts oe p:l.id a.nd th:l.t the M:l.yor issue orders on the Tre9.surer for the s9.ffie a.nd tha.t the se9.l of the Corporation oe attached to this resolution, Bell Telephone Co (rent & convers:l.tions phone 65 &: 135 -do do E C Va.nce (dog ta.gs) Wm Ough & Son (sundries E L Dept) Northren Electric Co (suudries E L Dept) Toronto L9.mp Co {la.mps E L Dept) do 12 Ca.na.dian Westinghouse Co {2nd inst9.lment switching -coutra.ct) Ca.rried. 4.91 3.11 3.?6 35. ?1 23.85 3:1. 20 1220.80 Moved by Mr Bilbrough seconded by Mr Grey tha.t the a.ction of the Mayor in issueing orders on the Tre:l.surer for the payment of' the following oills be :l.nd the saJne is hereoy confirmed a.nd that the se9.l of the Corpo:ra.tion oe :l.tta.ched to this resolution: Ja.n 21 George Walker {w9.ges E L Dept) 24.00 " " A Atkinsot1 dO 12.00 ,._ ze do do 22.00 " " G W9.lker do 2ti.OO Feb 4 do do 24.00 n " J Daniels {wages W W) 8.00 Carried. Moved oy Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Grey tha.t the Mayor and Council- c / ···-,<>· Fifth meeting continued. , ' lors Matson and Legge be and they are hereby appointed a committee to interview the general manager of the Ba.nk of Commerce re The Positive Clutch & Pulley Works Limited, And the seal of the Corpora.- tion be attached to this resolution. Carried. Moved by Mr Legge seconded by Mr Bilbrough Whereas Mr G W Baldwin has an oostruction on the east side of Yonge Street in this Corporation being steps on sidewalk up to the Hotel Building. Therefore the Clerk oe and he is hereoy authorised a.nd in- structed to notify Mr G W Baldwin to remo-ve all obstructions off the Street in the Town of Aurora and that the seal of the Corpor.a.tion be atta.ched hereto. C arried. Moved by Mr Ma.tson seconded oy Mr Legge that this Council do hereby instruct Mr Petch to call for tenders on 45 pa.irs of thigh high heavy Rubber Boots for the use of the Aurora. Firem~n. And that the seal of the Corpora.tion oe a.ffixed to this resolution. Ca.rried. Whereas on the 20th day of November, 1911 an of'fer W3.S made oy S~r William Mulock to pa.y the sum of $3000,00 to~1a.rd the payment of' the pavement put down on Yonge Street in the Town of Aurora.. And whereas the pavement has oeen put down under the supervision of the Toronto & York Roads Commission at a. cost to the Town of Au- 1 ror71 $27000. 00. Therefore the Clerk be instructed to write Sir William Mulocl:l: to remind him of this offer and that the same would oe gratefully re-· ceived. C::1rried. Moved by Mr Matson seconded by Mr Legge that this Council do hereby instruct the Town Clerk Mr Petch to make application to The Worl:l:- mil,l'IS Compens3.tion Board. for the protection of the reguJ..ar Town Employees. And that the seal of the Corporation be 3.ffixed to this resolution. Carried. Moved by Mr Bilbrough seconded by Mr Andrews th3.t the Tre::1surer be Fifth meeting continued. and he is hereby instructed to sell all Property in Town which is three years or over in arrears for taxes , and the seal of the Corp- or:~.tion be :~.tt:~.ched to this resolution. C:~.rried. Council then :~.djuurned to meet at the call of the M:~.yor. c:Zd~ ~yr:JL_r~ ~~