MINUTES - Council - 19210308!v, •• - FOURTH M E E T I N G 0 F T H I COUNCIL F 0 R 1 9 2 1. The fourth meeting of the Council for tile ye.u· vns he.l.d in the Council. Room Uil Tuesu9.J evening MSJ.rch eth. All the memoers being present. The MSJ.yur in the chSJ.ir. The minutes of the previo·c~s mee·tin:=, reSJ.d 3.nci confirrnect. A deput'l.tiou of Vetr:Jns 'llld Firem'l.ll WSJ.s heSJ.rd ill reference to PEJ.rK fence. Mr J B Spurr W'l.S heEJ.rd re 9. gr9.nt to the Lior'l.rJ Bo3.rd. Mr E A James W3.S heSJ.rd re worK of the Goo C.: Ro 3.ds Commission through Aurora 3.nd vicinity. Mr Rici:nrd Tust J.in tendered his resign 3.tion 'l.S Chief of the :B'ire Dep'l.rtment. BiLLs were received from the folluwing persons N'l.mely :- Electric Light Dept. (Rink) a.o do do (Street lights ) (Town H al.J. ) ( DriJ..l Hall ) Municip9.l World (P.ssessment supplies etc. ) E {1. James & Co (Engineering fees ro'l.J.) E C V'lllCe & Co (Dog tags) Bell TeJ.ephone Co (corJvers'l.tiuns phu11es 12 & 65) JomJ Morning & Sun (Charging uu tfi t VI W) Northren Electric Co (Electric supplies) John T Bond (groceries fur G PSJ.trick(B of lj) Positive Clutch & Pul.J.ey WorKs (B3.uuitting Vl W) G W Lyon ( celllent W W) J :B' Willis ( disinfect'l.lJts B of H) Registr'l.r uf oirths, cte3-ths .o, m:J.rri'l.ges. J M W3.l tun ( Ir1sur3.nc.e Bil.J.ings house W VI) Geu Whi tm0re (sheep Kil.l.ed by dogs) 6. 50 22e. 95 3.00 3.00 41.90 200.00 5. 33 1. 25 30.00 30.24 42.e9 3. oe 32.10 6. 40 30.00 5.00 1e. oo Moved by Mr N 'l.Ughton secondedoy Dr Butler th'l.t the following .'l.ccuunts oe J?3.id 'l.nd th3.t the MSJ.yur lssue orders on the TreSJ.surer for tile SSJ.me .. ,~ .. '::;:·: . "-·:····.-,· .. Fourth meetiug contitJU ed. and th3t the se:i.L of the Corporation oe attEJ.ched to this resuiution, N 3JIIely :-Eiectric Light DeJ?t. 241. 45, Munici)J 3.1 'ilv rld 41. 90, E A J 3.mes 200, 00, E C Vance 5, 33, Be..Ll Telephune Co l. 25, J o!m lvlornin2, & Sun 30, 00, Nurthren Electric Co 30. 24, Jorm T Bond 42. 89, Pusi oive C.J.utch &Pulley WorKs 3. OE, G W Lyon 32. 10, J P Vii..L..Lis 6. 40, ReJistrar of oirtb.s , d•c;EJ.tbs & mELrriJ.ges 30. 00, J M ViEJ.lton 5, 00, Geo Vlhic;more 1e. 0". CEJ.rried. ivlovect oy Mr Matson seconded by Mr HEJ.ncock that the 3.Coion of the Ma.yu1 in issueiug ureters vll the Treasurer for the J3.jment vf LD.e i'uliuvring oills oe EJ.nd the s:J.me is hereoy confirmed ">lld that the seal of' the Cur)JorEJ.tion oe attached to this resolution: Peo 12 Geo WalKer (vn.ges E L) " 19 QO do " 26 du do Ma.r 5 do do Feo 21 Toronto & Yori<.: RStdial Railway Co (power for Jan) C9.rried., 22.00 22,00 22.00 22,00 68 2. 24 Mvved oy Mr Naugh tun secouded oy l!l)r Scrivener that the Mayor oJ.lld ClerK oe 3.nd they are hereby iilstructed to si:;n 'l.greement with the Cold;inentu Match Cu Ltd. 3.nd C3.use the se9.l of the Corporation <;o oe attached thereto. Th9.t the Mayor and ClerK oe aud they 'l.re hereoy instrucc;ed to sign Convey'llJCe uf Property Known 'l.S "Office BureStU Co" 9.lld cause the seal of the Cor,;oration to oe attEJ.ched thereto. Carried. Moved uy Mr M'l.tson secotlded by llilr Scrivener That the schedui.e uf rental. ch3.rges 3.S sumnitted oy Vi J Kuuvrles, T P. Griffith aud W H T3.ylor· the Committee of Mauo.gemeut for tile Mech'llJics H9.l..L 3.p;;oit1ted oy this Cuuncil, be ;u1d is hereoy approved 'llld ratafied. The s3.me sh9.ll oe in effect until changed oy reso.iutiou of this Cvuncil, 'llHi the com- mi ttee shall be 'l.Uthurised to charge >.nd coL.ect SIS follows:- Tr3.vel..Ling Troupes 'l.lld Individuals B'l.lls ··. ,._,_,,-","'' ·-·-.·;o- $12.00 12~ 00 ,,--j .j .I '::[0~~ -~-·-··--·'='-·"'"'"=""""""""'"~~""'~~,.,.,,;~ ........ ..:._~~~·-l,;,_.;......,..,~··~&·~;'''"~''£illf!l;'l{<!:<tl<~li&•i!~~~ .. ;,,"'""~~-·-..:.:.:-'~:.:.,J....:.~--·-··:-.: .. ··_._._._. -·---~ ... -~,;;; .. :.:"->·~·--<.>:..:. ____ . __ _____:__~~~ I , ' Fourth meetiug continued. I I Po.LiticOl.l Meetings 12.00 Lucu Association Entert'l.inments 7.00 Lectures 6.00 j: c Municip a.J. Meetin~;;s 5,00 P3-triotic Mee·t;ings & Church Services 5.00 i.' ' ~--·---,-/~:·-/ :L .. / r.uy engagemeut not; aouve classified may oe chargea fur at rates set oy the Comrni ttee, in Si'eciu c3-ses. ! Th3.t the Clerk oe iustructea to notify W li Taylor Tre3.surer 3.!Hl ThomOl.s A Gri:t'fi th chairrn3.u of Hall Committee. C:1rried. Le:1ve Vl'l.S asKed to intrudull:e 3. By-l'l.W to vrovide fvr ourrowillc; $27, 060.00 upon deoentures to pay for the construction of sturm sewer, curo 3.lld gut·ter .3.lld part of pavement ou th'l.t part of Yonge Street in the Tovm of' P.uror'l. oetweeu :1 point four hundred feet south u:t' , I the south side uf H:1usom Stree·t to a ~!oint three huudred feet north ' I of the north side of ~hple Street. J~e3.Ve gr3.nted .Ol.nd By-l3.W re3.d 3. first time. Muved oy Mr H3.ncocr:: seconc:.ed oy Mr Brovmiug that che By-law nov1 oefore the CuUilCiJ. oe read a secuud and ·chird time t;his da.y and that Rul.e 33 of By-law No 10 oe suspended fur th3.t ;JUrpose. C3.rriea. By_l3.VI read a. second time 'l.Ud Couucil v1ent intu committee uf' tile whule Dr 8cri veuer in the chair. Commi -ctee rvse 3-rld reported By-i'l.VI. By-13.\'i re3.d. 3.. third time 3.-nd ;)3..Ssed. /,,·--/ ' Le3.ve \HS 3.SKed tu irn;ruduce 3. By-L1w to divide pu.diug division Nv 1 into two l'Ol.J.ing su o-di visiuns. I \'----.---',' Le'l.ve gr"'nted 3.!Hi By-law re;;.cl 3. first time. Moved uy Mr Hancock seconde oy Mr-tvhtson tl:at tile By-1.3.VI nuw oefor·e l;te Council oe re:1d "' .secund 3.nd t11ird ti;ne t;),is d'!..j 'llld that RuJ.e 33 of By-J.3.VI Nu 10 oe su.spemted for th?,t ~>ur;;u.se. C7-rri.ed .. By-1'1.\f r.e '\.cJ .,, 8HCu·rd I:.L'H-' ''"'cl C·.>U·•Ci J. went Llto cumwittee of trle ....