MINUTES - Council - 192102071. •. ' --~ -' . . . . ,~· T H I R D M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L F 0 R 1 9 2 1. The third meeting o:f the Counci.L for tl1e ye'lr wc;_.s held in the Counci.L Roum on Mond3.Y evening Feoruc;_ry 7th. Al.l. the Memoers oeing present. The lhyur in the ch:1ir. The minutes of" the previous meeting re3.d 3.Hd confirmed. ~ deputc;_tion of Rxte;.l3.yers W3.s he'l.ru L~e the ;C0ntiuuation of Spruce Street to Wellington Street. The Vetra.tJs Cluo 3.jJpJ.yiug for t;he Town P:1rk :for JuJ.y 1st, .3-iid·.~offerirJg to a.ssis·c tv :fence P3.rk. !vir E E Shur tel.-'-uf the Anchvr Cons tructiun Comp 3.!1Y, 3.i}j)e3.rec;. uefure the Council v1ith the req_uest t\:nt t.r.e DeeC! of t;he l'l.lld on ,, Vlhich the Match F3.ctory is ouLLt oe issued, in 'l.S much 3.S -Ghe cuu- ditious 3.ttd stipul'l.tions iu 'l.greement :1re cornpl.iect with. A petition frvm Wm fltonem'l.ll 'l.ud four others W3.S received re cundi tion vf" .Lot ne:1r corner of H:1r-rison & @urnett Streets. Mr George Will tmore 3.pp.Lied for 1;3.yl!len t for sheefl ki.LLed uy dugs. Bills Vlere received from the fullowbtg persur1s N'l.lnely:- A L.'l.ngrnn (express, freight, etc.) 3.82 1: Ough & Sun (h 3.rC:.w 3.re ) 57. 30 Clerk (express & po.sc3.ge) 3. 50 L Rhieoh 3.CG ( cl e nint; M 3.n:et ) 4. 75 8 Geor:se (.iJ.lmoer V! ~N) 11.10 M L AtHlre\,rs (oe-:tver U03..rd W W) 3. 84 W L B3.ilulHY ("t;eCJ.lilLtg & livery) 8. 25 Sclver Bros (cu3.~ fur G P'l.tric~ B uf H)· 12.45 J Viaim.ster fuuut.s W W) · J 1. 25 Aurur3. H01rdwo.re Cu (.suudr.Les Tul·in) '7,42 do ( d<; E L De.>t;) 5,00 Vi H T'tfLur ( s 4.1 ;l . .CJ Dj_v-.i...~d.ull Cuur·t Clt:::ck) 14.00 Ht_~:L.1. T8lf:.:._ll-~.'-'nr~~ Cu (C,.IJJV:-.:::-r. --; tL:i__,;l\.<i ... ~:--·, .. ~·-: 6-5) 2. 35 Electric Lic<;i:lt Dept. (light for RinK) 13. 10 ·d.u (Street ligl~ting) 228. 95 J ll Slo 'l.n (sum:cr ies E L D) '• g 5. J,J!vved oy ii!lr N 'l.Ugllton .secunded lly Mr Butler ttn·t the following ·.:.\,:~;- -•':•;''""·····- ., j ~--.,-~-~·---<-<~~""~•==":'--""~~--'·•-"'--.......--~~--·-·~~...;~.....:.~~-......,u..,.,_"'=*"""""""'""""*~:li't~~..;-::-~·.~· -··~.""-·,.-'-'-------'.-·-·-C l Third meeting continued. J.ccounts oe i!J.id 'l.tlcl thJ.t the M'l.yur iss,Ae orders un tne Tre'l.surer for the s'lJne 'lJld thJ.t the se3.l of the Cur;>or'l.t;iull oe J.tCJ.chect to this resolution, Nmely:-A Lcul6lll3.tl 3.~2, Vi Ough & Sou 57.30, CJ.erk 3.!:i0, L Rhienh J.rt 4. 7 5, · 8 George 11. 10, M L AJlClrevrs 3. e 4, W L B'lJl oury 8. 25, Stiver Bros 12. 45, .J Vlhirnster & Co 11. 25, P.urorJ. lhrdw'l.re Cu 12.42, W H Taylor 14.00, Bell Telephone Co2. 35, E.lectric Light Devt i_ .. 242.05, J H Sloan.95cts. C'l.rried. Mvved by Mr Browning seconded oj l\llr HJ.ncocK tho;.t the 'l.ction ·of tile Mo.yor in issueing orders ull the Tre9.surer f'or the pa.yment of the :t'olluwiug oills De J.lld the sme is hereby cunf~rmec:. 9.ud th9.t the sea.J.. of the Corpora.tion be J.tt9.ched to t4is resolution. Ja.u 15 Geo Wa.lker (w9.ges E L Dept) 22.00 " 22 do do 22.00 n 29 do do 22.00 :B'eb 5 do do 22.00 J 'l.ll 22 Toronto & Y R Ry Co (power for· Dec) 709.34 II n Elec-cric Light Dept. (Street lighting for Dec) 228.95 II 11 J D3.uiels ( vrurk W W) 1.60 n " G Pa.trick do 1. 60 C3.rTied. Moved oy Dr Scrivener sec.;nded oy Mr HancocK th3.t this Council a.p- prove of the pl3.n of 'the Property Committee for the remodeling of the ToVIn Ha.ll 3.nd do hereby instruct s3.id com1nittee tv secure speci- fic3.tions a.nd custs or sme at a cost not to exceed ($15. 00 )!'i!'teen doll9.rs. Carried. 1. ?f ' I J