MINUTES - Council - 19200927. r)· ' .•. '''I .,~_.-, '- lo· ;~~ :. ' . ,,·,r,,,-,- TWENTY FIRST MEETING OF THE COUNCIL :B' 0 R 1 9 2 O. The tweuty first meeting of the Council for the year 113.s held in the Counci.J. Room on Mond3.y evening September 2?th. The following members being present N3.mely :-M3.yor B3.ssett, Reeve Scrivener, 3.nd Councillors D3.vis, F3.ris, Hickson, Naughton and Matson, 'rhe minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed • The fullowiug deputatiuns apQeared oef'ore the Council. Mr StarkeJ re assistance to the G. A. tl. \1. to help them furnish a club room. 1 Mr Steadman re 3.pproach to his lot on Machell Avenue. Mr Jackson 3.nd others re Navy Le9.gue. A communication re electric light for his premises Lot 77 King. Bills were received from the following persons N3.mely:- James Reynolds (cement R & B) S Williamson (gn.vel R & B ) 'Perra.uti ..• Electrical' Co:. , >-s The British Amercian Oil Co (tra.us:former oil) Northren Electric (wire etc) A Langman (express, freight etc) • Clerk (freight R & B) J Fleury s Sons (maple E L Dept) 120.45 el. oo zoa.e4 37.20 75.40 6.07 3. 40 1. 27 Moved oy Mr lhughton secorrded by Mr Hickson that the following a. accounts be paid and that the Mayur issue orders on the Treasurer for the s3.me and th3.t the seal of the Corpora·tion oe 3.ttached to this resolution Namely:-James Reynolds 120.45, S Vlilli3.mson el. 00, l<'erra.uti Electrical Co 208,84, The British Amerci3.fl Oil Co 37. 20, Northren Electric Co 75. 40, A Langm3.r1 6. 07 1 Clerk 3. 40, J Fleurys Sons 1. 27. Carried. Moved. by Mr Matsvn seconded by Mr Faris th9.t the action of the Mayor in issueing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following bills be 3.fld the s3.me is hereby confirmed 3.fld th3.t the Sf?al of the Corporation be attached to this resolution: Sept 11 L l!'eren (wages E L Dept) 20,00 " ~·8 do do 20.00 .-,. ___ .. -. c• ' ' / '-.._. ~~-., ' \ Twenty first meeting continued. Sept 25 L Feren (wages E L Dept) 20.00 " 11 Geo Neis (work on roads) 20.00 n " J Daniels do 20,00 " 1e do do 24,00 " " G Neis do 24.00 " 25 do do 24.00 " " J Daniels do 24.00 Carried. Moved by Dr Scrivener seconded oy Mr Faris that the action of the Mayor iu selling the park fence for thirty five dol ... ars ( 35. 00) be confirmed and th3.t the seal of the Corporation oe attached to this resolution. Carried, Moved by Dr Scrivener secoud.ed by Mr D9.vis that 9. committee cumposed of' J' P Naughton, Dr Scrivener 9.!ld R R Matson be 9.ppointed to meet the G A U V to try 9.!ld arr9.11ge to rneet their dem9.11ds re a club room in Aurora. C9.rried. Moved oy Dr Scriveuer seconded by Mr Matson that a gr9.!lt of ·rwenty five dollars oe made to the Aurora Horticul·tura.l Society for the year 1920. Carried. Moved by Mr Naughton seconded by Mr HicKson th3.t the Mayor / 3.Ud Clerk: of .this Municipa.li ty oe 9.!ld are hereby instructed to forward to the L3.ke Simcoe Ice Comp9.!lY a signed approval of the pl9.!ls submitted by this comp9.!lY for the new suo-division on Yonge Street 9.!ld Wilcox L3.ke. tnd that the Corporate se3.l oe att3.clled hereunto. Carried. Council then 3.djourned to meet 9.t the c3.11 of' the Mayor. .J