MINUTES - Council - 19200810I . '·····-----~-'2L~'--
E I G H T E E N T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L
Jl 0 R 1 9 2 O.
The eighteenth meeting of the Council for the year vras held in the
Council Room on Tuesday evening August lOth.
The :t'ollowing members being present lhmely :-Mayor liassett, Reeve Scrivener,
Councillors Davis, Faris, Naughton and Matson.
The minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed.
A communic3.tion W3.S received 3.nd re3.d from The C3.li3.di3.1'J Fire Underwriters
Associ3.tion re l!'ire Test on June 17th.
lilills were received from the following persons Namely:-
Samue+ George (lumber).
W S Wilson (repriring table in Market)
James Reynolds (cement)
iell Telephone Co (conversations)
Clerk(Electrical supplies)
W L .iilanbury (dr3.wing reels to fire & test)
Wm Rose (dr3.wing reel to fire)
T liiell do
215.8 5
1. ?0
Movea by Mr Naughton seconded by Mr Matson th3.t the following accounts be
paid 3.nd th3.t the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that
·the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution, Namely:-
S George li.1e, W S Wilson 8. 00, J Reynolds 215. S5, liell Telephone Co
1. 7CD, Clerk: 14. @3, w L i3.l'lbury 2. oo, w Rose 1. ®0, T liell 1. @O, Carried.
Moved by Dr Scrivener seconded by Mr li'aris that the Tax Collector be
relieved from collecting tax on assessment of $600, 00 income as shown on
Roll, from Mr Peter McCallum, being 3.1'1 error. Carried.
Moved by Mr Naughton seconded by Mr F3.ris that this Couucil agree to
supply the pipe for the extension of pipe to supply water to John Faris
upon, condition th3.t Mr Faris assumes cost of installing same from the point
'· wher~\it is now laid. And that the seal of the Corporation be attached to
·.this resolution.
I!'or Resolution. Dr Scrivener, J P Naughton 3.lld P M Faris.
Against F C Davis 3.l'ld R R Matson.
,.,.,.. :-''''
Eighteenth meeting continued.
Moved by Mr M9.tson seconded by Mr Scrivener th9.t this Corporation
do h9.ve Town Men instructed to t9.ke down the present defective fence
around the Town P9.rk, 3.nd that the se3l. of the Corporation be §.fixed hereto.
Moved by Dr Scrivener seconded by Mr Faris th9.t the Solicitor be
and he is hereby 9.Uthorised to write the list of taxp9.yers who are in
arrears for taxes for three ye9.rs and over , :>.nd if same is not paid
within 15 days, the Treasurer and Solicitor be and they are hereby
authorised and ii1structed to proceed to sell the land for the taxes.
And that the se3l. of the Corpon.tion be attached 'to this resolution.
Council then adjoumed to meet at the c3l.l of the Mayor.
. . -," . -··-!