MINUTES - Council - 19200329r J ' --~·-'"·-~·'="'"'"'".,;.ijj,~J~;,,,~"'~"--'-------'·~2 ::': ::_:::: :~~--~-~-'-'~~~-.,;~.,.-~-="'="'~"·"'~"-.... "-"-'""---· ·it: NINETH MEETING F 0 R 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L 1 9 2 0. The nineth meeting of the Council for the ye?<.r W?<.S held in the Council Room on Mond9.y eveniug March 2Sith. All the members oeing present. The r,il9.yur in the chair. The minutes of' the previous meeting reStd and confirmed. Communicatii.iliS 11ere received 9.ntt reSttt from the follo<ling i,)ersons Namely:-Mr I!'isher Dunham ?<.lld Mr Allen Langman re iucrea.se in salary. Mr R Ho:ccking Secretary Aurur?<. Fire Dep9.rtment re annual gran~ to I!'ire Departmeut. Bills were received from ·the fullowing persons Namely:- Toronto & Yore: R. Ry Co. (power for :B'eb) 650. 03 Municipal World (electi0n supplies) 5. 30 Stiver .Bros (coal Town Hall) 16. 35 W Trent (teaming l'tood) 16.75 Nonhreu Electric Co (electric supplies) 24. e7 Mrs M M Traviss (teaming W W) 15. 40 B F Davis (lime Town Hall) 2. 05 ClerK: (r>os·~age, express, ex. Toronto Griffin chilaren ~ 9. 05 C3.n9.da Wire & Cable Co (wire) 332. 20 The Ca.r13.dia.n Tungsten Lamp Co (lamps) 20. 92 ·r Grimshaw (milk for Green B of He3.lth) 4. 90 J Reynolds (cement Waterworks) 1e. 75 J A· Knowles (laoor Town H3.ll) 6. 30 A La.r1gma.r1 (postage, freight etc. ) 9. 41 James Morrison irass M~g. Co (Vice) 23. 50 J T Bond (boots for Griffin children ) 4. 00 do (grociers fo1· Geo Sanford) 10. 46 Moved oy Mr Na.ughton seconded oy Mr Hickson tha.t the following 3.Ccounts be paid and that the Mayor issue orders on the Tre3.surer for the same and that the seal of the Corporatiun be att3.ched to this resolution;-Na.rnely:-Toronto &: Y. R. Ry. Co. 1550,03, Municipal World 5. 30, Stiver Brus 16. 351 W Trent 16. 7 5, Northreu Electric Co 24.e7, Mrs M M Traviss 15.40, B F Davis 2.05, Clerk 9.05, Ca.r1ada I I --~---J r·. ------, \_. /_. . v~ I :! ii [i ;: ;i ' ,, ··., Nineth mee·dng continued. Wire & Cable Co 332.20, The Canadi3J:I Tungsten Lamp Co 20. 92, T. Grimshaw 4. 90, J Reynolds 18. 75, J A Knowles 6. 30, A Langma.1:1 9. 41, \ J!l.mes Morrison Brass Mfg. Co. 23. 50, J "' Bund 14. 46. Carried. Moved by Mr Hickson seconded by Mr Naughton that 1;he action of the Mayor in issueing orders on ·the Treasurer for the payment of the following oills oe 3J:ld the same is hereoy confirmed 3J:ld th!l.t the seal of the Corporation be attached ·to this resolu•tion: March 16 H H Wilson (inspecting meters) 11 20 B Osoorn (l!l.bor E L) II 27 do do C!l.rried. 18.60 15.00 15.00 Moved oy Mr Browning seconded by Mr ilhtson that the !l.tulU al gr3J:lt of one hundred 3J:ld fifty dollars to the Aurora firem3J:l oe 11aid 3J:ld that the Mayor issue 3.11 order Oll the Tre;tsurer for the same 3J:Jd the seal of the Cori,)oration be attached to this resolutiou. Carried. Moved oy Mr Scriveuer secunded by Mr F!l.ris that Mr C A Pe·tch oe paid the amouut requeried to make his salary at the ra:te of ~~22. 00 per week from the first day of J9.nuary 1920 up to the 29th day of March 1920 3J:ld that such addivional 3J:nouut oe paid to him, 3J:ld the seal of the Corporatiun be att!l.ched to this resoJ.ution. Carried. Moved oy Mr Bro~ming seconded by Mr Matsuu that the Clerk oe and he is hereoy ins1;ructed to have fifty copies of the Auditors report puolished 3J:Jd that the seal of the Corporation oe attached to ~his resolution. Carried. Leave was asked to introduce a. By-law to increase the salary of the Clerk. Leave gr3J:lted and By-law read a first time. Moved oy Mr Browning seconded oy Mr Matson that the By-law uow be- fore the Council be read a second and third time ·this day 3J:ld that ----rl j ·-----" ~-----~~·--->·~··~·-,-~"'=•--.;;;.,M_~; '"'""--'--··----· --....:~,~· -· ·----'-''~~.;.,.:,;..,"""-'--~•""-''·~"'"'"""---=i.;.-.o,~~b.,,•,_,~-~.,-·•-~--'-----------'·-·"'--'•',_;. ___ ,,_,_.:__,,:.~' ··"·--~----··-'" -·--·-'·---'-'"---"'~'-""'k.<·~···-·...___.,_~---'l Nineth meeting continued. the "Compa.ny" to be organized by the Anchor Construction Company, of Toronto, to aid them to build a factory in the Town o:f Aurora", Passed the 29th day o:f March A.D.l920. Leave granted ano. lily-law read a :first time. Moved by Mr Matson seconded by Mr }!'aria that the By-.law now before ./ the Council oe read a second and third time this day and that Rule 33 of By-.law No 10 be suspended for that purpose. Carried. Ily-law read a second time and Council went into committee o:f the whole Dr Scrivener in the chair. Committee rose :'l.!ld repor-t;ed By-law with Ol:ll!KS fil.J.ed. By-law read a third time ano. passed. Counci.J. then adjourned to meet at che call of the Mayor. '/ ~~- -. \