MINUTES - Council - 19200503!" I I I \ -"""""<.=..<.i.C."='"''-"'-'".'oooo;,u;,_._.:,;~,~--'--"~~' ELEVENTH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL F 0 R 1 9 2 0. The eleventh meeting of the Councii. for the year was he.ld in the Couucil Room on Monday May 3ed. All the members present. The Mayor in the chair. Moved oy Mr Matson seconded by Mr .Browning. Re a report from our Corporation Eue,ineer Mr James whereas the Contracters for new road curbs,a.nd gutters,etc.in Aurora will oe unable to co further .with ·operations unless this Corporation can guarntee to pay an addi·tional 15~ over last years contract price. We therefore are resolved on his advice to make this additional pa.yment or whatever the Highwa.y Collunission themselves decide to pa.y up to the aforementioned price for all 1mrk necessary to com- plete both sides of Roadway, Curb.. and Gutters. in the said Corp- ation, and the seal of the Corporation be attached to this x·e- solution. Carried. Council th3.1l :~.djourlled to meet Wednesday evening M:>y 5th. ~/ ~~~ ~; ·'·