MINUTES - Council - 19200202.. ,, ..... ·· THIRD MEETING OF THE COUNCIL 1<' 0 R 1 9 2 0, The third meeting of the Council for the ye3.r W3.s held in the Council Room on Mond3.y evening Febru3.ry 2nd. 1\J.l the members being present. The M3.yor in the ch3.ir. The minutes of the previous meeting re3.d 3.nd confirmed. Communic3.tions were received 3.nd re3.d from the following persons N3.mely:-The Officiers of the Aurora. Hockey Club re the rowdyism of cert3.in boorish spect3.dlors 3.t the g3.ffie of J atlU3.ry 22nd. Ca.nadiatl Reconstruction Association asking the Council to pass the following resolution "Resolved that this Council endorses the prin- ciple that public supplies be purchased in Car1ada whenever they can be secured from Canadi3.n b'3.ctories 3.t re3.sona.ble prices. And, further, that 3.ll municipal officiers, in m3.king purchases sh3.ll be, 3.nd hereoy 3.re, requested to ~consider the possibility of securing Car13.diar1 products." cir il W :B'leyry W3.S he3.rd in reference to diverting 'remper3.uce Street. Mr W H 'hylor 3.nd Mr Fleury were a deput3.tion from the Libary Board re 3.rmual · grar1t in 3.id of the Public Libary. Bills were received from the following personsN3.mely:- Willi3.mson Br0 s. \coal for C3.rr Bo3.rd of He3.lth) Stiver Bros (co3.l for P3.trick do ) Mrs C Birch3.rd (insul3.tors ar1d oil) Mervin Gr3.h3.ffi ( te3.ffiing) The B3.rmer Press (printing) Mrs George R3.nk (c3.re of Mrs Griffin) do (c3.re of Griffin children) 1.00 ll.lb 2.60 14. ?0 54.00 11.00 30.00 A E Jupp Construction Co (storm sewer & gutter contr3.ct e 40. e 3 do (extras sewer contr3.ct) 161.25 Moved oy llllr Browning seconded by Mr M3.tson th3.t the following 3.Cco- unts be p3.id 3.nd that the M3.yor issue orders on the Treasurer· for the s3.ffie and that the seal of the Corporation be att3.ched to this resolution, N3.mely :-Williamson Brost·l>~A:lli!, Stiver Bros 11. 15, Mrs Birch3.rd 2. 60, Third meeting conjlinued. Mervin Grili:llll 14. 70, The Ba.rmer Press 54. oo, Mrs George R3r1k 41. 00 1 A E Jupp Construction Co 840.83 & 161.25. Ca.rried. Moved by Mr Da.vis seconded by Mr Ma.tson tha.t the a.ction of the Ma.yor in issueing orders on the Trea.surer for the p3,Jment of the following bill be a.nd the same is hereby confirmed 3l:ld that the seal of the Corpor'l.tion be attached to this resolution: Jan 20 F C Pemberton (inspectig meters) 19.50 Ca.rried. Moved by Mr Matson seconded by Mr l!'a.ris that this Council through the Clerk, ask the committee known as The Housing Committee 1~hich was appointed by the la.te Council, to kindly report within ten days to the present Council, vrha.t information they have for the people of this Municipality, a.s to the w,ay s and me3l:ls 3l:ld advis.il.bil ty of using the a.ssist3l:Jce of the Goverment in the solution of the housing sit- uation in Aurora. Jl.nd the seal of this Corpora.tion be affixed to this resolution. Ca.rried. Moved by Mr Scrivener seconded by Mr Da.vis that the following mem- bers of th<il Council be 9. Publicity Committee to advise Council what steps if 3.UY be t3.ken to secure more Publicity for the Towr.~.. Mr J Na.ughton, Mr Thomas Scrivener 3l:ld Mr John Hickson. Carried, Moved by Mr Matson seconded by Mr Scrivener that the recomendation of the Electric Light Committee re the supplying of Electric power to Mr Sheppard be accepted 3l:Jd the cha.irman of the committee be in- structed to draw up an agreement a.ccording to plans 13.id down in report. Carried. Moved by Mr Browning seconded by Mr Fa.ris that the By-law now be- fore the Council to a.ppoint 3!1 Assessor be re3.d a second and third time this d3.y .3J:Jd tha.t Rule 33 of By-law No lO'~be suspended for that· purpose. Ca.rried. By-l3.W read 3. second time a.nd Council went into committee of the whole Mr Scrivener in the chair. r·. ', ..... Third meeting continued. Committee rose 9.tld reported. By-l9.W with blm1k filled with the n arne of Jmnes Brothers. By-l9.W re9.d 9. third time !llJd p9.ssed. Council then 9.djourned to meet 9.t the call of the M9.yor. ----,--. ~c/ ~u-~7 ---· . .-.!