MINUTES - Council - 19200223., I .. ~-· :· ·....:.,_-~ _ _;>0:.._.:.:--., .. ~-~~~" ,,.,~"'''-0-~.::"-·~c~'O'N~·,'--lf2•:'"'·"·',-:,:,,,' ...... , ----· •~ · "'""-·------·-· · ;;____ __ :_;_, ·· ..-.. ... ~· ' --· ---- F I F T H M E & T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L F 0 R 1 9 2 0. The fifth meeting of the Council for the year was held in the Council Room on Monday evening February 23rd. All the members being present, the Mayor in the chair. The minutes of the two previous meetings read and confirmed. A communication was received and read from the Auror3. Fire Dep- 3.rtment re new hose a.nd hose reel. Bills were received from the following persons Namely:- Bell Telephone Go (conversations) E J Rothwell (rep3.irs) E C V 3.1'JCe & Co (dog tags) 1lri tish Amerci3.1'l Oil Co (oil W W) Registr3.r births, marriages ~ deaths J l!, Viillis (drugs l3o3.rd of He3.lth) Stiver Bros (coal Board of Health) C Norris (bread Charity) Toronto "' Y. R. Ry. Co. (power for J311.) Northreu Electric Co (electric supplies) Clerk (express, stamp etc. ) W Williamson (milk Patrick Bo3.rd of Health) A L3.1'Jgm9.n (freight, express, etc. ) Tre3.surer Fire Dept. (for men at fire) 1. 40 2.00 3.69 4.00 16.20 15.07 6. 10 • 62 .i ' 696.75 81. 36 3. 29 5.99 4. 79 108.00 Moved by Mr Naughton seconded by Mr Hickson that the following accounts be paid 3.l'ld that the Mayor issue orders on the Tre3.surer for the same 3.nd that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution,. Namely:-Bell telephone Co 1. 40, E J ·Rothwell 2. 00, E C V311ce & Co 3. 69, British Jlmerci3.1'1 Oil Co 4. 00, Registn.r births, marriages & deaths 16.201 J F Willis 15.07, Stiver Bros 6.10, C Norris • 62cts, Toronto & Y. R. Ry. Co. 696.75, Northren Electric Co 81. 36, Clerk 3. 29, W Williamson 5. 99, A L3.1'Jgm3.1'1 4. '79, Treasurer l!'ire Dept. 108. oo. Carried. Moved by Mr Naughton seconded by Mr Hickson that the action of the ' ····! ! r I j ( /- \ l!'ifth meeting continued. Mayor in issueing orders_ on the Treasurer for the payment of the following bills be and the S!l.me is hereby confirmed and that the se!l.l of the Corporation be att3.ched to this resolution: l!'eb 10 H H Wilson (inspecting meters) II 12 l!'erranti EJ.ectric3.l Co (meters ) " 23 Gr3.nd Trunk R3.ilW3.Y Co (freight) Carried. 23. 40 154.55 23.00 Moved by Mr Browning seconded by Mr Scrivener that the Clerk and Solicitor be and they are hereby instructed to prepare draftB:y""law for the diverting of Temperance Street as described in plan made by Surveyor and to have notice of this intention to p!l.Ss s!l.me, inserted 3.nd !l.dVertised !l.S required' by Statute. Th!l.t the date for considering the p!l.ssing of such iy-l!l.w be the 29th day of M3.rch 1920. And that the se3.l of the Corporation be !l.ttached 'to this resolution. The Yeas and N3.ys being c!l.lled for the vote was unanimous. Moved by Mr fuhtson seconded by Mr Scrivener that the M!l.yor and Clerk be and they are hereby instructed to sign the agreement re Electric Current between the Corporation and Mr C H Shepp!l.rd, and that the Clerk aause the se!l.l of the Corpor!l.tion to be atts.ched to the agreement. And that the se!l.l of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Cs.rried. Moved By Mr Scrivener seconded by Mr Faris that the property com- mittee be instructed to secure the deeds from J Fleury's Sons for the proposed diversion of Temperomce Street and the S!l.ffie be secured before March 19th 1920. C!l.rried. Moved by Mr Scrivener seconded by Mr Davis that the property com- mittee be and they :J.re hereby !l.Uthorised and instructed to have Street Signs -placed on the corners of the Streets as per s!l.mple shown at Council meetiug at 3. cost of l-§ cents per sign, and the se!l.l of the Corpor:J.tion be attached to this resolution. Carried. Moved by Mr Scrivener seconded by Mr F3.ris th!l.t the request of the Lib!l.ry Board for 3. gr'l.n ~ of three hundred 3Ild fifty dollars be ::~~s~="'~-~~,....,-·"-~,.,,,_ c__~~" . ! Fifth meeting continued. gn.nted 3.nd that the seal of the Corpora .. ion be attached to this resolution. Carried. Council then adjourned to meet at .the call of ~<he Mayor. ''J:.