MINUTES - Council - 19191103r ---"~-~-~-. -· --~""'~·"'"~---""'"'"-~-~~~,~----~·-..;,.,.:C~~~----'~---·--··_ -~~-~~-"--;;..;,;"-.~--~-~ I • . }, ,. NINETEENTH M E E T I N G 0 F T H E COUNCIL F 0 R 1 9 1 9, The nineteeuth meeting of the Council for the ye!l.r was held in the Council Room on Mond3.y evening November 3rd. The following members being present N;unely :-Mayor Bassett, Reeve Knowles, Councillors Andrews, Br<ilwning, Hill, Reeves and Taylor. The minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed • Commuuic3.tious werw received and re::td from the following persons N;unely :-Mr A Langman asking for increase in salary. Canadi3.n Good Roads Assocli:ation asking co-operation in the matter of its Educ~tiona.1 Camp3.ign for ro3.d improvement. Deputy Fuel Administrator re the serious condition into which the coal situtatiou thre3.tens to develop. Bills were received from the following persons N;unely:- Matson Dunn &: Co (electric supplies) Philip Carey Co (p3.inting w:ttwrworks tank) Geo D:tvis Est. ( te;uning) Clerk (for selectors of Jurors) J ;unes Black ( te:l.IDing) J ;unes Reynolds (cement ) A E Machell (te;uning &: livery) J. Fleurys Sons (bolts for new pumps) Vlilli:l.IDson Bros. ( te'l.ming & gravel) J Morrison Brass Mfg. Co. (w:tterworks supplies) do (supplies for bridge G. R. ) ME C:trey (groceries Breedon)qu!lrentined E Seaton (stone) L Rhienhart (cleaning Streets) George Lemon (interest on note) 19.92 150.00 16.24 6.00 18.75 162.20 30.40 3. 70 3. 25 23.~2 34.86 39.04 7.00 9.75 240,00 Moved by Mr Reeves seconde.d by Mr Browning that the following :tccounts be p3.id and that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the s;une 9.11d that the seal of the Corporation be :tttached to this resolution, N9.mely :-M:ttson Duuu &: Co 19. 92, Philip Carey Co. 150.00, Geprge D:tvis Est. 16. 24, Clerk 6. 00, J Bl:tck 18. 75, James Nineteenth meeting coutinu ed. Reynolds 162.20, A E Machell 30. 40, J Fleurys Svns 3. ?0, Willi3.IDson Bros. 3.25, J Morrison Mfg. Co. 23.52 & 34.e6, ME C9.rey 39.04, E Se9.ton ? • 00, E Rhienhart 'iJ. ?5, Geo Lemon 240.00, Carried, Moved by Mr Andrews seconded by Mr Hill that the 9.Ction of the M9.yor in issueing orders on the Tre9.surer for the payment of the following bills be and the S3.ffie is hereby confirmed and th9.t the seal of the Corpor9.tiou be att9.ched to-this resolution. Oct. ll G Foster (w9.ges) R & B " 11 Electric Liggt Dept. (Street lights) n" " Nov Oct " " le G Foster (wages R & B) 25 do do l do do ll L Fleury (w9.ges E L D) 11 Tr9.nsfer from Electric to To\m Account) 30 Toronto ,·" Y. R. Ry. Co, (power for Sept) Carried. 19.25 22e. 95 1?. 50 16,10 15.?5 lb. 00 1302. 14 6?4.32 Moved by Mr Reeves seconded by Mr Browning that lvlr L:J.ngmans application for incre3.se of S9.lary from 22. 00 to 2b. Pf.J per week be granted. The seal o;f the Corpor9.tion be att3.ched to this resolution. C9.rried. Moved by Mr Andrews seconded by Mr Reeves that the Mayor and Councillors Browning :wd Taylor be a committee re the diverting of the north end of Temper3.nce Street. The seal of the Corporation -be a.tta.ched to this resolution. C3.rried. Council theu 3.djourned to meet .at the call of the Mayor. {~/ (/7p7~