MINUTES - Council - 19190811' ' - L l / --·-"·-··-/\ /~/ 1.· .. I I' I I FIFTEENTH MEETING 0 F T H E COUNCIL F 0 R 1 9 1 9. The fifteenth meeting of the Council for the year was held irJ the Council Room on Monday evening August 11th. The following members beir1g present Namely":-Mayor Bassett, Reeve Knowles, Councillors Pndrews, Browning, Hill, Sisman and Taylor. The minutes of the two previous meetir1gs re:J.d and confirmed. Communications were received and read from the following persons Namely:-Mr Ben H Spence Secretary-Tre3.surer The Out3.rio Municipal Associ at ion re convention to be held irJ City Hall Toronto commencing _August 27th. Mr James B Greig re line fence north of the Powder Lot, Mr A Love Sec. Aurora Public School asking to have $8500 raised by taxation for Public School purposes. Mr A Love Sec Aurora High School askirlg for $4500 dollars for High School purposes. Bills were received from the following persons Namely:- Northren Electric Co (wire & insulators) W S Wilson (pait for fire alarm) H E Teasdale ( batteries for cement mixer) Bell Telephorie Co (conversations phone 6>5) The James Robertson Co ( unions W W) M Forsyth (flags) M L Andrews (lumber for Park) John T Bond (groceries for mrs Griffin) J Black ( teamir1g R & B ) 42.90 .75 2. 25 1.80 5.74 .75 74.66 2.87 7.00 Moved by Mr ,Sisman seconded by Mr Andrews that the following accounts be paid and that the M~cyor issue orders on the Treasur.er for the same :l.lld that the seal of the Corpor3.tion be attached to this resolution, Namely:-Northren Electric Co 42. 90, W S Wilson .75 cts. H E Teasdale 2.25, Bell Telephone Co 1.80, The James. Robertson Co 5. 74, M Forsyth • flticts. M L Andrews 74. 66, John T Bond 2. 87, J Black 7.00-t Carried. Moved by Mr Browning seconded by Mr Taylor that the action of the Meyor in issueing orders on the Tre3.surer for the payment of the following bills be and the .same is hereby confirmed and that the seal --W$~- -.-·:.