MINUTES - Council - 19190630r---,-·~-·~: . ....:-~-'"-'-~·--'~~.:.;_+.v:,;i~~,.,;.,.,;~."'m· .. ""~n....-.--:.-.. :._.:.;..;~~.:.:.._;...:;L:.~~"'='='""-~k;~~~"~~""""·~~.,.;,....-.;_;..:.:::..:::..~· ·~~~-~-~-~~-~~~-~~~· -.:,._, __ .,
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The tenth meeting of the Council for the year was heli in the
Council Room on Montay evening June :50th.
The following Members being present Namely:-Mayor ilassett, Reeve
Knowles, Councillors Anirews, lilrowning, Hill, Reeves, ani Taylor.
The minutes of the previous meeting reai ani confirmea.
Communications were receivei ani reai from the following persons
Namely:-Wm Cane & Sons, thankingTthe Mayor ar1t Council for their
sympathetic letter of the l2th,re the iisaster which occurei at their
P G Anierson Clerk of Newmarket thar1king the Ma;yor ani Council ·e.tli
l!:itizens of Aurora for their expression of sympathy ancl. condolence
to the Town of Newmarket in the iisaster which occurei here on June
12th. Matson Dunn & Co re procetecting the fire siren.
Bills were received from the following persons Namely:-
Toronto & York R. Ry Co.(power for May)
A Lar1gmar1 (freight etc)
Northren Electric Co (insulators etc. )
(cross arms )
(fibre cleats)
Canadian General Electric Co (Voltmeter)
W McBriie (bal on groceries Smith family)
do (groceries for Mrs Smart(quarantinei)
A Butcher (teaming)
3. 00
4. 44
Toronto & York Roads Commission (Roai oil & applying )472. 79
T A Hamer (weighing 3 cars coal) 2. 25
J Fleurys Sons (repairs) 1. 65
C Cook (teaming) 5,50
iffhanics Hall (rent) 16,00
. Davis (coal W W) 99,-42 Cl~i<'l>ostage & express) • 65
Moveci by Mr Reeves seconil.ei by Mr Browning that the following
accounts be paid ani that the Mayor issue orilers on the Treasurer
,-,. """'~--
Tenth meeting continuei.
for the same ana that the seal of the Corporation be attachei to
this resolution, Namely:-The Toronto & York Radial Ry. Co 609.66,
A Langman 3. 00, Northren Electric Co 14.94 & 7. 50 & 4. 44, Can au an
General Electric Co 45, oo, A Butcher 7. 00, Toronto & York Roais
Commission 472.79, W McBrH.e 2. 63 & 27. 3e, T A Hamer 2. 25, J Fleurys
Sons 1.; 65, C Cook 5, 50, Mechanics Hall 16, 00, lil F Davis 90. 42,
Clerk 7;55, Carriei.
Moved by Mr Hill seconied by Mr Knowles that the action of the Mayor
in issuei.ng oriers on the Treasurer for the payment of the following
bills be ani the same is hereby confirmed ani that the seal of the
Corporation be attached. to ctb.is resolution:
Mocy 10 M Robinson l'abal:) (W W) 21,00
H H J Daniels G.o ( R & B) 21,00
II 31 io cio . G.o 13.50
H H A McTaggart io cio '13. 50
June 21 P M Faris io cio 15.70 •,
H 28 do io io 21,00
" " M Gillham io QO 21,00
May 3 L Fleury io ( E L) 13.75
n 10 io cio to 13.75
" 17 lio io al.o 13.75
n 23 cio lio G.o 12,50
" 31 io io do 13,00
June 7 C8 io ella 13.75
" 14 io io io 15.00
n 21 io io to 15,00
n 28 io G.o lil.o 15.00
H 12 J Daniels do do 1. 50
n 21 H Lloyd do to 5.10
Carriei •
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Tenth meeting continuei.
Movea by Mr Knowles seconiei by Mr T~lor that the property committee
be ani they are hereby instructed to have the Town Park cleaned up, ani
the seats repairei, also to have what li&hts placeri in the Park that
is require&, also what water taps placed lll the Park that they think
necessary, all repairs to becompletei by July the 8th 1919,
• Carrie&.
Council then aijournei to meet at the cal of the M~or.