MINUTES - Council - 19190414c; I X T H ,., E :~ T I N G 0 F T B. :S COUNCIL
P 0 R 1 9 1 9.
Tl.i.e .·3ix.tli Jl\1313 t;iu,z.; of tL.e Cu;_Llcil fur tlle J 1?.:lr V/3.S he1:..:~ iu t~~e
CvUYlCil H.Jul!l u~l )\r1ulLll.J eYenill,:£ ~-~Jril l4th.
Ti.i.r:; fu1iu\"LL!l,_, ;ne.ln;Jer·-3 oein_:; ~lrese;·1t N:;,n;r:;1J:-},,:;;;.y.Jr "B3>3CSt~, F\eeve
I\:ioH1es, Cu-,.J.uci-11-Jr.s Bru\·rnin::s, llill, Sis;:i-;:tll, Reeves :u1d T;.J·lur.
The wilJ~tes of the
r;reVi0t..l.S meetiJ.F.:: re3...C ::CJl\1 CC;llfir~;~ef.l.
' ~
Cu:·n:n'J.l'lic.:ttiuns \"{ere rr:;ceiver::_ ).llC rr::=:J.C. fru2:1 -n.le f'vllu\".'in~; ~)e_r:-.suHS
N3Jnel:f :-1\il.r .J G 1\ricD•Jrl:?~ld 3..!'_)~\lyiu[; f1)r ;)u.sitiou uf To·,rjJ Trs::: . ..surer.
1·-<.r l\J.f.red Luve ::tnd Mr D C:3..se 1 .s 3..Qp1ic::l.t.Lons t:ere :t1.su ~)re-sented fur
R -~~~1 Mv rj)hy ""
[lu.siti•Jl'1 uf Tr81.surer. Co\'f?.Jl t;C Cu;iJ)3 .. llj re scr·:o,.,L: iron 3.t Oi'fic,.=. J3ure).U,
Jvlr H E C!,o;)})in re ),,i)r FrotnL Riclnrdsu11s cl1.im i'u'r loss by fire.
Bills v1ere received fro.l!l t;:,e foll.ovriug r)ersuus N 3..melj :-
·M L /\nC.re\\'8 ( vreighinc.; scr ?J..~l iron) .60
J:11 iC~eli ty ,rc.13ency CiJr;)ur:rtiuu (insur:-.. lJceVl::ctei-\Ivrks) 15. 00
do du Tc .. vru H. 3.l.i &,siH~d.) 6. 'JO
Hurley Printin:; Cu (" ;_l.vrl•Jr Certii'ic 3-te,s ) 30. 01)
T·:uv-ed uJ )\t!r 8i.srn~.ll sec,_..n~~ed DJ ]\Jr Hill tl'Ltt tlJe f,)lluvriu~) J.ccurJ.ut,s
oe lJ:;.id 3..!1'~~ th::tt t~le M::tyu:c i.ss1J.e 1.J:rr3.er,:; ,__..u tl..J;; Trr:;:1.surer f~_;r the
s::twe ::.,u·i tl1?tt the ,r::;.3:;,l vf tL.e Cor.[Jur::..tirJ!l oe :l:tC·3.-cL'3c~ t'.J tL.is
resvl1J.ti,ju, N:l:n'3ly:-Fi:jelity f.:·ellC'' C•oPJ·Jrcctiun 2l. 90, Uurle. PriucLL
,_) ' "' J.. ... ,..)
Cu 30. 00, h1 L .1\nCj.rev:.s . snc,.SYlt.s. C'3-rriec!..
J',ilovr:;rl-, o,J ,\,'lr T :_::_J1•J.C .sr:;cur1ded UJ )\Jlr Euuvrl0s tll ?Lt tL.e re.si~n )..tivu v:f
:<r r~lex. ""lllder ' ... r~~ Tu\UJ Tce:1surer oe 3"1Hl is l-.:.sreoy 3 .. cce;_Jti3:l ) .. tH;_ the ;3e3 .. l
vf' tb.e Cvr:;_.H..JY:!_.t;ivu oa :l.tt3.clleC. tv t}Iis resul.utiun.
rrhe Cor~)ur:?..tiun uf. tl1e Tuv-:t1 of ~~.-.J.rur3.., t~Jril the l4t;L lJ"LrJ.
f.r1vved DJ \f:r KllUvrl~:;s -secund.ee!_ by Mr T:; .. ylur.
V\here 3..-S ; .. 'ir Fr 3..rtt-: Rich ?..rd-suu ll3..S re(1u. ested ).iC. frujll the cuuuci1.
uf tlle Corp,Jrxbiuu uf the '1\.~vnl· of f\uror:1., for luss 1.JCC :;:.siuuec_ b~' fi:re
to his house otncl clnttle,s.
\Yhere3.s the s·3..id Pr3.l'lJ:,: R.ich::trC!.svn h3..s .st::1.:ted th3..t the fire 3..l3..r1ll
1mulc~ 1wt; vrvL~ otn ::_ 3.lso tint there vns C.eLq 011 the tnrt of the fire
-;-,.-.,., •..•...
Slxth meetinf~~ cvntiuue:.::..
And v:here3..s the cuuncil uf the Cor;)ur3..tion uf the ~r(nin uf'
A11ror3. hCJ.s mCJ.doo full investig'l.tion into the s CJ.id fire dep CJ.rtment
equipment CJ.nd the 3.llezeC:. C:.el3.J on the ;;>3.rt of' the fire C:.e;_>3.rtment.
~nC:. v1here3.s the council of the Corpor?"tiotJ of the To1m u:t'
r.urur'l. h3.s found trnt for some time c:tf'ter the fire st?xted l·.,lr
HiclB"rC.son 'tttempted tc; put out the fire 'lltC. C.id nut .send in the
3.llrm until 3.fter cunsiden"ole time h'ld el'l.pseC. 3.rtC. from the st3.tements
of tJlr Hiclnrdson the fire could h 'l.Ve oeen e xtingui.sheC:. oy ililllself,
his vrife, 3.lld. xnother l?..C~y if 3.ll three h3.d v1orked tu put it out.
rrh3..t the d.3..111.3..ti;8 to the f·..trniture I:T3..S by Vl:lter =tilcl nut bJ' fire.
fnd Vlllere3.s the council. of the Cor;;or'ltion uf the Tovm o.f
P.'lror3. h'l.s fount 3.i'ter investig'l.tion tiB"t t!1ere V:'l.s 110 C.el'l.y ur
negligence on the p 3.rt of the fire c:e;J 3.rttaerd; or 3.ilJ of it 1 s
members or of 3.ny officier or worl·:nnn of the Corpor3.tivn of the
Tvwn uf f,.uror·3... 'rh3.t the :Pire er:~_ui.JHient h3..B · oeen rec~.J.l3..rily in-
s;Jected by the Pire Insucmce Undenrri cer 1 s ,~.ssuci 1.tiot1 J.nd re-
ported to be irr first cl3.ss corJditiort.
Til EHSJ.'ORE BE IT HESOLVED th CJ.t there is no li 3.oilit;y either ----~--------------------
legCJ.l or nmrCJ.l of the Cor;)or3.tion uf the To1m of huor3. to Mr
:D'r'l.nK Hich3.rC..son CJ.nd therefore the council of this Corpor:J.tion
C3.tmot nl'l.i~e CJ.ny f>3.yment or give 3.ny 01.id to Mr Rich3.rdson.
Th3.t c:t copy of this resolution oe sent tu lrlessrs Lennox
:itld Choppin, Nevnn3..rket, su..Liciturs for Mr Rich3.rd.son.
Ttn:t; the se'l..L of this Coq1or'l.tior1 to oe 3.tt3.ched hereto.
Le3.Ve W3.S 3.,s'c:ed to introduce 3. By-13.VI to vrohibit the i'eeping
or hJ.rbouring of dugs in t!:le To\.'fn of .!\urur3.. v:ithuut License.
l~e3.Ve gr3.uted 3.tJd By-1:111 reJ.C:. 3. first time.
hluved oy h:lr TJ.ylor secunded oy Mr tlnoVJles th OJ.t the By-l3.w uow
Defore the Co-,J.ncil oe re:1d. 3. second ;;.,nC_ third. time this d:?t.y 3.nd
thOJ.t Hule :33 of By-l'l.\1 No 10 be SUSi-'enC.ed for thxl:; ~Jurpv,se.
....•. ;.;•·
Six.til meetins continuec..
By-13.\V re:1d 3. sec•Jild time 3. Council ~reed; into coJuuittee of the
vriwle Knowles in the ch 3-ir.
Committee rose ::tncl reporte•::. 13y-l::tll 1rith bl3.ni~,s fillecl.
By-l'lvr re:1cl 3. thircl ti;ne 1.nc p'l.sseC:..
Lewe vn.s :J.B>~ecl to introC:.uce ::t !Jy-13.\v to ::tp:;uint ::t Tre::tsurer
for the Tovm of' ~uror::t.
Le3.Ve [Sr:J.ntecl 3.!ll~ By-l'lW re::tc~ ::t first tilile.
·;;Joved oy ~\.1ir Ilill secouS.ed oy lVfr SisrnJ..n th3.t the By-l?.v.r nov: oef'ore
the Cuuncil oe re3.d ::t second '?JlC:. thire. time this d::ty 3.!lli tlnt Hule
33 of' By-l::tli No Fl oe suspendecl for th::tt purpose.
lJy-l3..v: re~v1 3. sec0nd. ti1118 3..l'ld. Council vrent into committee· 01'
the 1':hole Mr TCJ.ylor itl the ch :1ir.
Committee rose ::tnd repurted By-l:J.vr 11ith ol'lnn: filled vrith the
n3.<ne of Mr .J G McDutnlC:..
By-lCJ.\1 re3,c: 3. tilirct time 3.tlC:. ~J::tssed.
Council theu 3.djourned to 1neet :J.t the c::tll of the lr't3.yor.
.,, .....