MINUTES - Council - 19190113::-~·· ... ·<:.
F I R S T M E E T I N G 0 F T U E C 0 U N C I L
F 0 R 1 9 1 9.
The first meeting of the Council fvr the ye3.r 191\1 vns held
in the Council Room Oll Mond"J.y J?cilU"J.ry Hith 3-t 11 A M.
The follovring memoers presentee" themselves ~nd 3.1\t.er..~·str;nirig.LL:;:-~
the decl?cr"J.tion of qU'llific3.tion of office, tovk their se3.t.s.
N imely :-M A. Y 0 R.
VI J Bctssett
R E E V E.
i'i J f:.rwvrles
C 0 U N C I L L 0 R S.
·v.r T An d.rews
II Brovrning
• JJ .. mes Hill
E G Reeves
Heroert Sismm
s C 'hylvr.
~rhe Clerk intri(j_uce:t the M?J..jvr to the Co~J.ncil 3.nd 3..f·ter ?~ shor-t
:tdress from the f,i3..yur ous:ines.s Yl~.s 3..t once proceeded with.
CoiflH1Unic3..tivus vrere rGceive(:_ ;ud re::tc~ frvla t~le f,_.~l:Lu\Iing _t"~ersvus:
N 'l.:iiely :-T·Jront·-.J Gener3.1 :~_Io8)it?.J.. re 1D),inte;·l3JIC8 uf Ju.se.~._;h Curoier,
3.JlC~ T-ilrtS 8m::Lrt. FidelitJ /\;·-·;euc~r C-Jr_;)vr·~.tiou re Iusur=tnce 0t1 the Tuvru
Hul, Gr"J.nct Truu!< R,.ilvny Cu re removi,,c; ;Joles .suuth of Auror3. uver
iuterc~-l?d'lge trJ.cl:;:. C:uL:tc~i=tn Uuderv:r-i ters Assvci_=:!.tiou re reser-ve Pur11IJ-
inc; Pl~t.nt in lieu of Dir·-.::ct· Current Jdvtvrs. Tl1e Uvs~)itll for Sich:
Children re c!.utution fur Husvit3.l. C .. 'L V:ills•JtJ re ct.Il)}ro>n~ of plans
ut G T Ry conuectiun oy the rl\;\Iushi~;)s of V~hitcllurch :=tnd King, :111C. tl1e
Yl.lrt-c Higfnr:tys Commis.siun ::t.nd the 3..pproved iJy the Ont:1rio R:1.ilw?..y
Bo ird. C ::tn :1.di :;.n ReC(J!'l structi.Jn ~iS .SO ci ?.t·iuu re reconstr"J. cti0n tJru blems,
o"s :'ll()()()() 0u1diers hwe to i:Je re-est3.olished in civil life.
I\-'Ic J::Une.s 3r·ut:uens :3.._LJ_U.ileC!. fur the pv.sltlvn uf A.ssessur fur Ci:H~ J8G3..r
Bills \·rere receivec. frum the fulloHing persotJS N3.mely :-1919.
Bell Telephone Co (rent of phone 135) 5.00
do (rent & cunver.sccti•Jns "'hone 12) 5. 2 ()
do du du
65 7. l5
r-·· .. ·-~, . ..;.-~."~;-,.;~.---~~ .....
•': -:~· r:: ; ''
2irst meetill;I; cvntilr•J.ed.
~·1 1'~, ) h /',
3. 00
W 8 Viilson (;P.intin2; stree>Jn'3rs PeJ.ce CeleorJ.tiun) 4. 50
E J Rotbvlell (coverin:c; nozzle etc.) 4.05
Mecrnnics lhll (rent) 4.0()
r.uror3. Poultry Co (cutting VIOOd) 'ii v.· 3. 75
r; !:! Lbcbell ( I:ivisiun Court B3.ilii'f') 16.00
T E Gr3..h3.J:l1 (remo-vine; boiler l917) 2;6. 95
ToruLlto Gener:LL H~Js-~~it::tl (c::tre uf 1v1rs 8Jn3..rt) 31. 25
J ·r ·g · ~ (f'l · "un..... · ?~GS etc. Pe3-ce Celeor 3-tiun) 3. 20
B3lmer Press •)rintirw) " "'
52.. 50
d.u ( do BoJ.rC'. of HeCJ.lth) 1. 85
:t.o (E:Lectric Lic;ht) 10. 50
l'dvver1 by !VIr Bruv.'ninz secoudeC~ oy Mr Reeves th3.t the follovriug
3..Ccounts be Q3..id 3..n~t th3..t the MStyur issue orders ou the Tre3..surer
for the S3Jil9 :::tnd th::tt the se?.l of th.e Corj)Or~tion De ::ttt'3..Ched to
this resolution, N3.mely :-Bell telephone Co 5. 00 & 5.20 & 7. 15,
Clerk 3.'00 & 4. 00, W S Wilson 4. 50, E J Rothvrell 4. 05, Meclnnics H
tl3.ll 4. 00, l·uror3. Poul trj Co 3. 75, \T H Mach ell 16. OIJ T E Gr3.h3.lii
26. Y5, Toronto Gener3.1 hu.s;Jit3.l 41. rc5, J T Bund 3. ;:;o, 631mer Press
52.50 & 1.25·& 10.50. C:J.rried.
111r John R Nevberry VI3.S heCJ.rd iu reference to reportec. error :J.t
Nv 1 Polling Division.
Le3.ve w:J.s 3.Si:::ed to introduce 3. By-law to :J.ppoint 3. High School
Trustee in pl3.ce of the Rev Mr Tuer who h:J.s removed from Auror'l..
Lewe gr:J.lJted 3.lld By-l'l.vr re3.d "' first time.
Moved oy Mr Reeves seconded by Mr Sism3.n th3.t the By-l3.VI now
before the Council oe re3.d 3. second 31ld third time this d3.J 3.lU.i th3.t
Hule 33 of By-l3.VI No l.O be sus;:>ended for tint purpose.
By-l3.VI re'l.d 3. second time 3.nd Council v1ent into committee of the
whole i\iir Brovmiug in the ch3.ir.
;:Lt_~.:;·2· . .:: -,1;-;_ rs.-·.J.cc., '-' D.L~_:\ _ L. , __ r::; :.:~ ' ... '.i -c~·-, -i
·-:".-·"•''• ----~---
J?irst M8eting continued.
Committee rose 3.nd reQorted By-l'l.V v:ith bl3nk fililled with the n3IIle
of' Thonas Griffith.
By-l3.vl re3.d 3. third time 3lld p3.s.sed.
Le3.ve 10.s 3.Sked to intr-oduce " By-l3.v1 to 3.ppoint 3. High School
Trustee for the ye3.rs EJlil, 1980 & 1921.
·~jr--· Le3.Ve gr3.nted 3.lld By-lJoW re3-d. 3. first time.
Moved by Mr 8isnn.n seconded oy Mr Reeves trnt the By-law now before
the Council be reJod 3-second 3-lld third time thi.s cby 'ttJd th'tt Ru.ie
33 of By-l3.w No 10 be .suspended. for th'tt purpo.se. c.,.rried.
By-l3.w re:J.d 3. second. time 3l:Jd Counci.i vrent into com;nittee of the whole
!Vir T:J.ylor in the cluir
Committee rose 3l:Jd re~>orted By-l3.vl with bl3l:Jks filled VIi th the
ll3Jne of V.j J Sism3JJ.
By-l3.VI re3.d " third time 3l:Jd p3.ssed.
Lewe W3.S 3.sked to introduce 3. By-l3>vr to 'l.ppoint l,ud.itors to 3-UC.it
the Town 3.lld School :J.ccounts.
Le'l.ve gnnted 3l:ld. By-l3.VI re3.d. 3. first ·time.
! ;
liloved by )\'lr iJrovming seconded oy !Jir Reeves thJot the By-l3.vr now oef
fore the Council be re'ld 3. second 3Jld third time ti1is d'-Y 3-tlCJ. tint
Rule 33 of By-l3.w No 10 De suspended for th'l.t pur)Jose. Cg.rried.
By-lg.w re3.d 3. second time :ocnd Council went into committee of the
vrhole on the S3>me Mr Knowles in the ch:J.ir.
Committee rose 1nd reported By-l3.vr with bl3-nks filled with the tJ3Jnes
of Crnrles Cl:ocrk :ocnd George T Johnson.
By-l3.w re3.d 3. third time 3.lld p:ocssed.
Le3.ve 113.s 3.Sked to introduce 3. By-lg.vr to 3.ppoint 3. Loc3>l Bo3>rd of
He'llth for the 'rown of Auror3..
Lewe gr:ocnted 3.nd By-lg.vr re3-d 3. first ti1ne.
Vioved oy Mr 8ism3.tl seconded by ],,1r ~ndre1,rs th3.t the By-l3.VI tJOvl oe:fore
the Couucil oe re'l.d 3. second 'l.nd third time this d:ocy 3l:ld th3.t Rule 33
of By-l3.vr lllo 1.0 be suspended for tlnt purpose. C3.rried.
By-l'l.VI re3.d 'l. second time 'l.tld Council vrent into comr,Iittee of the
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