MINUTES - Council - 19190310PIPTH 1)iEErriNG 0 :P T i:i 1': C 0 Tj N C I L F 0 R 1 '.1 J 9. The flf'ti::l Lte~ tiu0 of t~1e Co·,lncil fur tl.~.e je -.u· \·{:=j_.s h·:;1d i!.'J the C·Ylncil Rvvrn un MonC.?..J evellius M3.rch l~Jt!l. The fulluvrln~~ mewoer-s oein~~ _;_)reseil··c N:;cue1y :-M:1J7ur 3-:tssett, HeeYe I~nuvrles, Cv\LlCi.LI..u r s .1\u dre\rs, I:lill, Reeves ;:.di.:t T 3.Jlor. The :minutes uf the :;)reviu,ls meetinz; re·3.C .. :t.nd. confinnec .. Communic3.ti•Jl!S v1ere received ·3-~1d. rr33_.d f:cum ti.le fullovin2; persutlS N:;,mely:-The Itn_~Jeri3.l V·:1.r T:'~elief .Fut1C fur the v.;iC.0\/:s -;;.lld. or~;l:nlls of >:JUr S'tilJrs :ctJd So:Ldiers. 8 i: Kent CitJ Clerl~ H uuil t0n re co-v~)er:ttiun .i.,l ,._letitiunii1J the LietttenJ..nt-G . .)vensr ;)rJ..:fill[j fur the fJ3..ssing of ::t.n flct ~1rvvic..!.j.n~s t!1 ;.,t; the rsveuue ~::.erivec. i'r·Jlli lie- enses uf !tluturs oe J3..id to j';i}uniciJ)'3..lities. D Cr3.HJ 3.Sl'i.:lu:; fur :c::tise vf Sotl2ry. C E Gr'tn·t Cler< of the Town of OriLLi3. re Curfew By-l3.vl . . A !: HuGhson re Curfew in 0r1il(;eville. J C Boyien Presi~:mt 1rc7th B3..ttJ.lion -~·S:Suci:t.tion re eJn~'}loy;nent fur f~u . .LC.iers on their ret;.lrn from the vr?..r. 8 L Sr:l;.lice :ce 3. Guvenneut c~isttiou.tur fur· fish. Wllter A Smith 3.1)lJlJ ins for :t Pu~.J1 License. Bills \·rere receivec!. fr·JJ!l tl.1e fvlluwiug persons N?JnelJ :- C3.n 'tdi'w L'l,co-Phili:Js Cow;n.nJ (l:un~,,s) 23. lE Bell Telephone Co (convers'ltions) 1. 73 do (poles on KennedJ St) 40.00 L Rhienrnrt, (cle::ming 1nrket '~ c.ffil!Bvering bills) E. r)O ].,loved by lilr Reeves secuuded Oy l\.1lrJ L:nuwles th3.t the folluwint; :tccounts oe p?~id 3..nd th3:t the l·Jl3.Jur issue orders on the Tre:1surer fvr the s1lne 3-tJC: th3-t tte se3-l of the Corpor3,tiun oe 3-tt'l.ched to this resolution, N3,m~ly :-CCJ.tnC:i:m-L3.co-l'hilips Com;:nny ;,;3. lt:, Bell TeleJJhone Co l775 ,,; L10. 0), L RhienhCJ.rt E. 00. CCJ.rried. \,rloveC:, oy Mr Reeves seconded. DJ Mr TCJ.ylor t).nt the sum of ;~:Jl clollCJ.rs be grCJ.nte~ to the J"ibCJ.r'y BoCJ.rd 'l.lle,: the illiJur d.Y''lYI 31! urder on the TreCJ.surer for tile s:llne CJ.tlcl the se:l.l ,~f the CorporCJ.tion oe CJ.tt:tched to this resolution. C3-rried. r~---~-:.....''"'c~•·•••-><'~~~·Ch'~<\A~;_~:~.~~:'-:~,·~-""~';!,;,_~ ." :.: ', _-:, :~:34~~~.~~.;• • •< *--~ I --:,! 00 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ -,'>0', I I l.. r- I Pifth meetin2; con binued. '~o-vec. oy hJir Reeves secvndeC:. by .,ftr 'Lqlvr tlnt the i'ii3.yor, Reeve 'llld C·JUllcillvr Brovrninc; be 3.JIJOinted tu intervieli t>.:Ir Boyd in reference to gett~1g oetter fire protectior1. The se3.l vf the CorJOr'l.tion oe 3.tt3.ched to this resolution. C3.rried. Cvuncil then 3.djourned to meet 'lt the c'l.ll of the ihyor. "' ~p/ ·~~.~~ ... ,., ..