MINUTES - Council - 19180909I ' . r-~. !:~~) :\ -,7 1: ;I ,, •I I! I c.f !''·~· TWENTIETH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL F 0 R 1 9 l 2. The twentieth meeting of the Co.uncil for the year was held in the Council Room on Monday evening 0ept. 9th. The following members being present Namely:-~hyor Baldliin, Reeve Knowles Councillors Bassett, Browning, Reeves, Sism:m and Winter . ,The Mayo,r in the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed. Communications were received and re'l.d from the following persons Namely:-J Fluery' s Sons re tender for scr3.p iron, D Cram re holaday. Tenders for scrap iron at the Office BureStu ptoperty were received :from the .lrollowing persons P.urora Foundries, I RStchlin. P Clouth, Dundas Iron $ Metal Co and The Runnymede Rag & Metal Co. Bills were received :from the following persons Namely:- Bell Telephone Co (conversations) J Lustic (carting Office BureStu) F E York ( disin:fectStnts Board of Health) do (sundries E L ) J!'erranti &ectrical Co (repa.iring meter) Eugene Phillips Electric'l Works wire K St ex) Benjamin Electric Co (:fixtures E L) Moloney Electric Co (transformer K St ex ) A Love (measuring lot Pn.tt) Clerk (postStge etc) Charles Cook (teaming & gravel) A Langman (post3.ge etc) E L. G T Browning (cement R & B) 2. 55 . 50 15. 34 .55 4, 35 341,05 14.99 253.20 l. 00 5. 41 53.60 2. 56 30.61 Moved by Mr Reeves seconded by Mr Browning that the :following accounts be p3.id 3.lld that the ~.byor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same 3.nd th3.t the seal of the Corporation be 3.ttached to this resolution, Namely:-Bell telephone Co 2. 55, J Lustic . 5J, F E York 15. 34 & • 55, :B'erranti Electrical Co 4. :35, Eugene F Phillips Electric3l Co 341.05, Benja.min Electric Co 14. 9J, Moloney Electric Co 253. 20, / i: I