MINUTES - Council - 19190210r--~ .... ~~· .. ·~~-~"'"'~~i.,....,., ....... ~w"~·-··-··~~2.:.~~~::::_~-·~~~~..;;:~,.;i.:._...-~"'~#·-· -•·-_,.,,...w~,__·_U,;....;,.;"''~-~-::.; .. .__:._~-~_,.,.;,~~=-~~~~-.... ~___._---.-.. :-,..~
T H I n D l\.ttF·E:TING 0 p ~r :-1 E COUNCIJ,~
·p n H l_ J l J.
The thir::: meetillg •Jf tte Council I'•Jr the ye-;_r vns hel.d in tile
Council. Room on :-:!on\.-:_3.y ev_eninz Peb l 1)t}·:c.
f,.ll the 1nemoers oe1u3 present. 1\he Lil:;;.yur iu ·the ch::t.ir.
r_rl.Le minutes of the :)revious iileetini::; Y".;3..~~ 3..tld. Confirmed.
Currcnanic :l.tion·s v;ere received ::::.n d. re ::td :t'ru:n tne .follV\'lillz; :r;:ersons
N :tmely :-.T n ~Thompson sugc_~estin3 3.Jl 3.dvertising c.::nnv3..ign shuvling
th&=!::r&.3:L,wssioilitie.s •Jf r,uror-;_ with its improved n.il1n.y i'lci-
lities ltJC: its plentiful supply vf vnter 1nd power lt lvw rltes
lS lll idell pl3.ce i'or new .industries.
C H Shep]nrd lsking for '-price on the Powder :Lot.
l\:lr '~ndrev1s cb ;j_ir:u::ul of the :~)ro~)erty committee !:?resented ~:t re:vurt
on the Viood supply purch3.sed by the Town, 3-lld 3.lso 3-dvised. the sll.e u
of the ouildd.tJgs on the povrder lot.
Bills .wer:ecr.ece;Lved fro1n the following ~)ersons N -;_mely :-
J H ~hughton (sliotry 3.!ld disoursrnents) ·v15. 5n
13e:Ll Telephvne Co \c<mYers-o.tiuns phuue 65) 1.1:5
B~1r1er Press (prirltirlg ~ ~ost~ge) 5.r)rJ
The Gre3-t N \;' Telegrlph Co (ch-;_nging lines lt switch) 25(). 65
Muved oy ;;lr Simn 3JI seconc.ect OJ ! :r f.t1drevrs th lt the follo11inLs 3.CC-
uut1ts be ;Hid "Uld trn.t the l'hyor issue orders on the Tre3.surer fur ·,
the S?Jne lnd th3-t the se3.l ·:.Jf the Corvorltion oe ltt-;_ched. to this
resolution, N :unely :-J H lhugh ton 145. 50, 13ell Telephun e Cp 1. lo,
B3.rmer Press 5. r):J, Gre3.t North V.'estren Telegrc,~Jh Co Go0.65. •
0eput3.tions were helrd repeesenting the 'iionnns Institute, P3.triotic
JJel(:>;Ue, Hec!. Cross Society, The Oversels ~·uxili3ry, the JJiLnry .Bcnrd
9.lld the f'.;linisterLl.l 'ssociltion no:0.uested the Council to provide .,_
suit .wle ouilding for Y. M. C. t. vrork 3.lld ToV!n :Lioi c.Ey omd He3.ding
Hoom. "lsu thlt the Cuuncil consider the puttiug in force the 6urrevr
Llvr, 'llso the Llvr prohioiting the lttendltJce of ¢r.ildren Utllttended.
3. t the picture shovr.
--~.-. •y-~--~---•-
Third. meeting cuutiuued ..
>ioved by "J[r Reeves .seconC:.ed by l'Jir 8ism3.n tt3.t the ;Jroperty comJUittee
oe 3-Uthorised to 3-dvertise the st'l.nding timoer on Pr?.tt lut to oe sole~
by tender, 'lnd s'..Jch tenders be in the Cleri->:s h?.nds not l3"ter tlnn Feb.
ilil/19 e3.ch tender to oe xccomp?.ined by "-certified che<lue fur fifty
doll:us. The se3.l of the Cor;JOr3.tion oe 3.tt3.ched to this resolution.
Moved oy Mr Knowles seconded by li!r T?.yl•.Jr th3.t the Clerc' be a.uc: he
is hereiJY instructed to sell the h3.rdvooc. owned oy the 'Tovm for the
sum of ::n2. Wl 2er core:. delivereC:. 3-nd the se3.l of the Cor)-"Jr3.tiuu oe
3.tt3.cheC:. to this resolution.
• Moved oy i·.ilr Reeves se?ouded oy l'vlr Brovrning th3..t the t.ul{iturs report
De received. 31Hl 9..do:;ted s.nd the Cler~ oe instc1cted to h:tve r.JYJ copies
printed. T;_le se '"l o:f ti1e Cor~1ur 'ltion be 1.tt xched to tr;is resolutiun.
C xrriec ..
Council then ?.djo-1rned to lllc;et 3.t t;[;e cli.L uf tile lihyor.
. I