MINUTES - Council - 19181209~:,,~· ... '""""""d=~"'"':'·.';:.:~~~---·-----C:.:.cL .. , :c:.L._.~-•-~~"'"-'"'~~""~~--~'-'-.c.-~ -~-·-~-'c::'''-·-"'-''·'·': ·-'-------------~1~"-----~-~--1 ' _-::;y TWEHTY FIP'rH MEETING OJ!' THE COUNCIL F 0 R l 'J 1 e. The twenty fifth meetiu,:; of the Council for the ye"'ir vns held in the Council Room on lc'lond"'iy evening Dec 9th. Hl the members oeinc; present. The ~byor in the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting re'l.d and confirmed. Cormnunic3.tions were receiver, 3rld read from the follovring persons N3J'nely :-Co1~an (;, Comp3J'ry re machine at Office Bureau Ltd. Fidelity .~gency Corroration re Insur3rrce on Town .Property. George Brooks 3-.Sking to be relieved from paying dog t<J.x wrongfully <J.sses.sed. Vi, oontring 'l..Sking to oe relieved from paying tax on dog ~s it W'l.S destr- yec.. lolso one from Nlrs G L Henderson asking to be relieved from LHY- ing dog tax. Bills \:tere receiveC:. fro:n the i'olluvving ~Jersons N:llnely :- Bell Telephone Co (Conversations phone 65) du do do 12 Municipal World (binder for oirths, de:J.ths etc.) Dr W J Stevenson (s:J.lar)il, & ex~;enses) C E Lund;)l (Collectors Bonds) Banner Press (Priuting ,'.; supplies E L) do do \1 W do do Tovm J A. Lloyd (Ties for interswi tching) Montour Coal & Coke Co (car Ihrd Screenings) do (car Nut Coal) J Staley (unlo'l.ding Co:1.l) Northren Electric Co (B:l.ttery .Jars for :&'ire Al'l-rm) The Pacl:'~'l.rd Electric Co (Repairing Tr:l.nsformer) ~. Latrgm 9.n (Freight) Curora Hardvnre Co (Supplies ·rown) do ( do -W VJ ) F Griffiths (lei; cords woud C3 .. r No C:.o 19 do do 22 do du l6'l: do Clerk (Posto.ge) 5527L1 112194 3622E 71924 Watsons Di? .. ry ( c·hlk for indiilbent fo.mily) A. E M:l.chell (Te? .. ming "' Liver.Y E L) P Del3.haye r~ Sun (Repairs etc.) Vim Ho.stings (Gloves for Firem3J'r) \'i L B:llrbury (Livery ·~ Teaming) L Rheinh 'l.rt ( Cle 3rring Street.s ) do ( do .Marr;:et) Fr:tnk Griffiths (Commission 011 wuud} \'7m Trent (Teaming Coal ) do ( do wood) !'! H To.ylor ( C:ivision Court Clerk) ;:;, 50 .eo (.2. 5C:~ 173. 20 6,00 53. 75 17. 25 22 9. bO 142.20 cfJ3, 60 '±42. 00 l. 20 2. ?.2 51. lO 3. 75 e. 6o l. 16 1(3 2. 50 190.00 220.00 167. 50 3. ()() .42 11.00 77.25 52. 50 411, 00 6.75 Ll, 7 5 64. ~~5 'J 4. 60 62. 40 l6.0U l.~ovecl by Hr Reeves seconded oy ldr Browuing th :J.t the following J.ccounts be paid 3J'rcl th'l.t the !·byor issue orders on the Tre3.surer for the S3 .. me· :t!ld. th3.t tl1e ,se3-l of' the Corpur3.tiun De 3..tt3..ched. to this resolution, Natnely:-Bell TeleiJhone Co ~o. bO & .en, ~·lunicip3.l .. , . .,. ... I I I I ~-_~-- 1 I ·~·- Twenty fifth meeting continued.. ;·curld ;2. 52, Dr Stevenson l?3. dJ, C E Lundy 6. no, The B3.tmer Press 53. ?5, l?. 25 & :'22J. 50, J P. Lloyd 142.20, Montour Co:J.l & Coke Co. r./13. GrJ & 442.00, J 8t:J.ley l. 20, Northren Electric Cr" (~~ ?2, The l'3.Ck:J.rC:. Electric Co 51. 10, f L:J.ngm3.tl 3. ? 5, f,umr:t !hrdvnre Co 2. 60 ,>.; 1. 16, F Griffiths 122.50 '" l90. 00 & 220.00 .n6?. 50, Clerk 3. 00, F3.tsons Di3.ry • 42, f. E ~hchell 11.00, P Delit:t:tye & Son '7'7.25, Vim H:J.stings 52. 50, v: L 133.11bury 44. oo, L Rhienlnrt 6. ?5 ~~ 11. '76, :B' Griif:fiths 64. 25, Vi Trent 54. 60 & 62. 40, ·,; H T:tylor l6. oo. C:J.rried. Moved by r!r B:J.ssett seconded oy Mr Sism3.tl th:J.t the :J.ctiou of' the M:J:yor in issueing orders on tl1e Tre3.surer for the p3.yment of the folluwing oills oe :J.nd the s ?Jne is hereby confirmed. 'l.nct th :tt the seu of the Cor,JC'r :ttion De 3.tt?.ched to this resoluti·;n: Nov 2'7 J A W:ttsOil (T:txes 011 Bil~i11g Lot) 12.00 I:ec 4 Dernurrotge on 2 C'l.rs co3.l) 20.00 " ? .J D:tniels (l:toor R i!c B) 2. 70 If 4 Go,nd Trunio~ R3.ilv13.Y Co (freight on' c:tr v1ood No 7l9rA 4'i'. 03 If " do do No 36222 59. 47 If 6 do do 112194 52. 65 " 9 do do 552 4'711 50.40 C:J.rried. Moved by Mr Reeves seconded Dy Mr Brownin,cs th'l.t the Clerk De 3.tlC:. is hereby instructed to v1ri te a, letter of tha.nl~s to the Aurora. Town B:tnd for the services rendered oy them Oll sever:ti ucc'l.sions during the p:wt ye'l.r, in turning out to vrelcome home returnee:. Soldiers 3.tld the Pe:tce Celebra.tions :u1d the Corpur3.tiun of the Tom1 of .A.uror::t shevs their S~ppreca.tion by gr:tnting the B:tnd the sum of .1noo. 00 as 3. sm3.ll token of their services, :tnd the M.a.yor be instructed to s:tgn :tll order on the Tre'l.surer for s:une. The se:tl of the Cor[Jor-:ttion ue .,. :ttt 3.Ched tu this resolution. C:trried. 'Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Sism-:tn th:tt the Cvllector be relieved. from col1ectitlg .1i'J. 00 dog t:tx fro111 tvlr George Jrooi>:s he Lleing lvrongi'ully :tssessed for the s3Jne. Ca,rried. -----------~---------------------------