MINUTES - Council - 19180730r~-. -~__........,_,--... ~~~-....»"=-,' .. ~,...,~~2~1,.;,,:,_~,..= .. "-·""·"~---~·~~~ii;1~:: v --· _:._:-.:::: ".-;:· ~~~~~~~~~ 1/ ··~ .. ,&, F I F T E E N T H MEETING 0 F T H E COUNCIL The fifteenth meeting of the Council for the year was held in the Council Room on Tuesday evening July 30th. All the members being present. The Mayor in the chair. Communications were received 3leld reEtd from the following persons Namely:-John H Jennings, VT E PrEttt and W E PrEttt re sale of wood. Ben H Spence re The Ontario Municirnl AssociEttion, Jc Love Secretary ·Treasurer Aurora Public School asking to hEtve eight thousand five hundred dollars for Public School expenses; and four thoUS3leld dollars for High Gchool purposes. H Armitage re dangerous crossing at corner of Wellington ru1d Machell Avenue. Provincial Secretary re Proclamation urging the s.olemn o bservence of' the fourth day of August by the calL - ing of' a public meeting for the purpose of recognizing our dependence on Divine guid3lelce and for stimulating the devotion ru1d p!'l.triotisrn of the people. Bills were received from the following persons Namely:- Jlurora Poultry & Fruit Co (wood Vi W) Toronto General Hospital (care of Mrs J Gtaley) ·roronto ., York Radial Ry Co (freight E L l Northren Electric .Co (supplies Kennedy St extension) 3. oo 33.75 2.94 27.25 27.00 2. 25 2.79 154. 42 do ( Coghlin Anchors) Wettlaufer Bros (repairs gas engine) Canadian Westinghouse Co (oil E L) James, Loudon & Heryzberg (specifications Vl VI ex) The Municipal World (binder for births, marriages M L Andrews (lumber R & B ) Clerk (postage etc) P. E Hru1cock (refreshments for Soldiers) l\ Love (surveying timber lot) Charles Cook (teaming & gravel) A Langm3Jel (postage, express, cartage etc) etc )3. 51 no. e 1 4.45 15.00 1. 00 169.70 7. 35 Moved by Mr Browning seconded by Mr Reeves that the following accounts be paid aud that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the srune and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolutiou, Namely:-Aurora Poultry Co 3. 50, Toronto Gener.al Hospital 33. 75, Toronto & York R01.dial Ry Co 2. 94, Northren Electric Co 27. 25 & 27. 00, Wettlaufer Bros 2, 25, Cru1adiru1 Westinghouse Co E. 79, James, Loudon & Hertzberg 154. 42, The Municipal World 3. 51, M L Andrews 110.21, Clerk 4. 45, tt E Hancock 15. 00, A Love 1. 00, C Cook 169.70, P. LanglU3lel 7, 35, Carried. "'""'"-" ,_,_-. .,.,., .. - ! ! ' I r. -----~-----~-.. --.~~ Fifteenth meeting continued. Moved by Mr Winter seconded by Mr flismau that the action of the Mayor in issueing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following bills be and the same is hereby confdtrmed and that the' seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution:- July 13 J Daniels (work on roads) 12.00 II II J' Thompson do 12.00 " 20 do do 18.00 II II J D3lliels do 1 8. 00 II II Geo Foster do 16. 25 II 27 do do 13.75 II " J D3lliels do 15. 90 " 11 J Thompson do 13.20 II 24 Toronto & York Radial Ry Co (p.ower for June) 505.71 " 27 L Conlin (work E L) 7.28 Carried. Hoved by Mr Knuwles seconded by !vir Taylor that the Mayor be and he is hereby instructed to proclaim Monday P.ugust 5th 19le Civic Holaday for the Town of Auror3.. C3.rried. Moved by Mr Reeves seconded by Ivlr T3.ylor. th3.t the Clerk oe instructed to ask for tenders for the purchase of the scrap iron lying at the Office Bureau, tenders to be in the Clerks hands by the 7th August 1918 a m3.rked cheque for 50 dollars to be sent with each tender. T'"'e seal of the Corporation to be attached to this resolution. Carried. Moved by Mr Taylor seconded by Mr Reeves th3.t the Tre3.surer be 3lld is hereby instructed to place the waterworks 3lld electric light accounts in the Imperial Bank, Aurora 3.nd that the seal of the Corporat- ' ion be attached to this resolution. Carried. Council then adjourned to meet at the call of t.he Mayor. ?I r