MINUTES - Council - 19180812I
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S I X T E E N T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I 1
The sixteenth meeting of the Council for the year was held in the
Council Room on Monday evening .August 12th.
The following members being present Namely:-Mayor Baldwin, Reeve
Knowles, Councillors Bassett, Reeves, Sismsu1 9lld T3.ylor.
The Mayor in the ch3.ir.
The minutes of the previous meeting read su1d confirmed.
A communic3.tion was received su1d re3.d from Premier He3.rst re 3. meet-
ing for the purpose of forming a 11 Provinci3.l Fire Prevention League 11 •
Bills were received from the following persons N3.mely:-
Clerk (rent G T Ry. 50 post3.ge2. 00)
B F Davis (coal 'll W )
Bell Telephone Co (conversations)
S George (lumber)
J Reynolds (cement)
Aurora Hardware Co (g3.s etc)
J Fleurys Sons (fusing trsu1sformer)
2. 50
63. 30
2413. f~O
Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Sismsu1 th3.t the following accounts
be paid and th3.t the Mayor issue orders or1 the Tre3.surer for the same
and th3.t the seal of the Corpor3.tion be attached to this resolution
Namely:-Clerk 2. 50, B F D3.vis 63, 30, Bell Telephone Co 1. 45 1 S George
27. 60, J Reynolds 2413. eo, -~uror!l. H9.rd1Bre Co 4. 21, J F1eurys Sons , 7 5.
Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Reeves th3.t the 3.Ction of the Mayor
in issueing orders on the Treasurer for the p3.yment of' the following
bills be su1d the same is hereby confirmed su1d th3.t the seal of the
Corporation be attached to this resolution:
Aug 3 J Dsuliels (\'fork on ro3.ds)
II 11 J Thompson do
II 11 G Foster do
II 10 do do
II " J Dsu1iels do
II II H W King dp
II 3 Walter Scott ( ~rork E. L. Kennedy St ex. )
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