MINUTES - Council - 19180429!
T E N T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L
FOR 191e
The tenth meeting of the Council for the year was held in the
Council Room on Monday evening April 2ijth.
The following members being present Namely:-Mayor Baldwin, Reeve
Knowles, Councillors Bassett, Browning, Reeves, Sisman and Taylor.
The Mayor in the chair.
The minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed.
Communications were received and re9.d from the following persons
Namely:-R C Harris Fuel Administrator for Ontario re the Fuel Reg-
ulations that are designed to assist the trade and protect the con-
sumer. C W Peterson Deputy Controller dealing with municipal organ-
ization in respect to coal supplies.
Bills were received from the following persons Namely:-
A Butcher (co9.l W W)
B F Davis (co9.l W W)
do (coke W W)
do (wood W W)
J F Willis (disitlfectant Board of He9.lth)
do (battery supplies )
Mark Browning (repairing Waterwori~s)
Clerk (fence wire for powder lot)
2. 75
5. 90
4. 25 .
3. eo
25. 25
7. eo
Moved by Mr Browning seconded by Mr Reeves that the following
accounts be p3.id and that the Mayor issue order on the Treasurer for
the same and that the se3.l of the Corpon.tion be att:J.ched to this
resolution Namely:-A Butcher 2. 75, B F Davis 15. 92, J F Willis
4. 35, M3.rk Browning 25. 25, Clerk 7. eO.
··' '
Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Sisman that the action of the Mayor
in issueing am order on the Treasurer for the payment of the following
bill be and the same is hereby confirmed aud that the se9.l of the
Corporation lile attached to this resolution.
Apr 27 The Toronto & York Radi3.1 R3.ilway CoC(power for March )555. 61
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Tenth meeting continued.
Moved by Mr Reeves seconded by Mr :Browning that a. commi tte·e be
appointed to enquire into the fuel si tua.tion and to find out what
the prospects are of obtaining a sufficient supply of coal and wood
for the coming winter, and to report at the next Council Meeting.
And the seal of the Corpon.tion be atta.ched to thi.s resolution.
The committee ae composed of Mr Sisma.n, Mr Taylor :tnd Mr Eassett.
Moved ily Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Browning that w.Bereas the
Young Mens Christian Association are entering upon a .campaign to
raise the sum of $2; 250,000.00 for work a.mong the Suldiers.
Therefore be it resolved that it is the opinion of this Council
that the County Council of the County of York levy a tax for the sa.me,
and the seal of the corporation be attached to this resolution, and
a copy of this resolution be sent to the Clerk of the County of
York. C9.rried.
Moved by Mr Br;01ming seconded by Mr Reeves that the property com-
mi ttee have all necess:try repairs done tha.t is req_uired to the Town
Hall and a.lso a.sk for tenders for rewiring the sa.me, and the seal of t
the Corporation be attached to this resolution.
' Council then adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor.
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