MINUTES - Council - 19180401• f f ___ ._,,;.;..:,4:"·:"' -... ,~--~···--~·-----·-----·-· -------, E I G H T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L F 0 R 1 9 1 e .. The eighth meeting of the. Council for the year was held in the Council Room on Monday evening April 1st. The following members being present Namely:-Mayor Baldwin, Reeve Knowles, Councillors Browning, Reeves, Sisman, Taylor and Winter. The Mayor in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting read ax1d confirmed. Communiciations were received ax1d read from the following persons Namely:-W Richards Commissioner Salvation Army asking for· a grmt for the Wom-en's Social and Prison Operations, D W E Alair Town Clerk Port Colborn, A A Hughson Town Clerk Orangeville, W E Russ To\m Clerk Grimbsy and A S Laroson Town Clerk Leaside in reference to their Fire Alarm Systems. A petition was presented signed by Roy Delahaye and twelve others asking for two more lights on Fleury St. Mr Percy Pugh was heard in reference to a sidewalk in front of his residence on Wells Street also asking for an extra light on Street. Bills were received from the following persons Namely:- Bell Telephone Co (rent & conversations phone 65) J Clark (carting R & !l ) The. National Electric Heating Co (heater Town Hall ) Clerk (postage, car fare, axJd electric inspection) A Langmax1 (postage & expenses to Toronto ) e. 49 1. 75 1e. oo 3. 95 2. 05 Moved by Mr Reeves seconded lily Mr Browning that the following accounts be paid 3.nd that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same ax1d that the seal of the Corporation be att3.ched to this resolution, Namely:-Bell Telephone Co 8. 49, J Clark II;. 75, The N3.tional Electric Be3.ting Co 1e. 00, Clerk 3. 95, A Langmax1 2. 05. Carried. Moved by Mr. Sismax1 seconded by Mr Winter that the 3.Ction of the Mayor in issueing ax1 order on the Tre3.surer for the p3.yment of the following bill be ax1d the s:tme is hereby confirmed and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution, I I. . ._ \ f Eighth meeting continued. March 15 Grand Trunk RailwELy Co (freight on 3 trausformers) 12. 42. Carried. Moved lily Mr Browning seconded by Mr Reeves that J H Naughton, Solicitor for the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, be and he is hereby instructed to notify the Inspector of the Provincial Police that the Corporation wish to have a further investigation into the fire of the Office Bureau Ltd Building and that the Corporation will pay for such investigation and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. Council then adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor. ---&~ " ~-·' _· ____ _ -... - -~ ' ---~_j