MINUTES - Council - 19180114F I R S T M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L
F 0 R 1 9 1 2.
The first meeting of the council for the yeel.r 1912 Vlel.S held
in the Council room on Moud3.y J3.nu3.ry 14th 1912 at 11 clclock in the
forenoon •
. The folloviing memoers presented themselves and 3.fter signing
the decl3.rel.tions of qu3.lificel.tiolL llld office, took their seats.
N 3Jilely :-
W J B.3.ldwin luhyor
W J KnoVTles Reeve
~ 0 U N C·I L L 0 R S
W J Bassett
Fred Bro~rming
E G Reeves
Herbert Sism3.n
S C Taylor
W A Winter
The Clerk intnhduced the Mayor to the Council 3Jld after a short
adress from the Mayor business v1as at once proceeded vrith.
Bills v1ere received from the follovring persons N3.111ely :-
Ferranti Electrical Company (2meters) 42.40
Gn.nd & Toy (card inC.et~:es)
Mrs Birchard (VTire insulators etc)
J :B'lurys Sons (c3.sting VI \7)
VI Ough & Son
J H Naughton (salary & disbursements)
H E Proctor (post cards W W)
Ont3.rio RailW3.Y '~ Municipal Board
Bell Telephone Co (phone 135)
( do
( do
L Rhienh3.rt (cle3.uing streets ,;, ,delivering bills)
do (cle3.ning m3.rket)
5. 50
19. 02.
103. 20
5. 50
First meeting continued.
Stiver Bros (co'tl Tovm ll'tll) 4. 75
S George (lumber) 25. 60
The B3.lmer Press (printing) 37. 75
A L3ll(;In'tll (express, post3.ge & ca.r fa.re) 3. 35
E Wilson (la.bor W W) 2. 50
W H T3.ylor (Clerk 6th Division Court) 16. 0()
C h3.rles Cook (vTOod VI W) 5.00
Returning Officier (Election expenses ) 42.00
F ,J l:!lcNa.lly (Insur:'l.nce on· Tovrn Ha.ll) 20.00
Moved by Llr B'l.ssett secondec. oy Mr Sisma.n th3.t the following
a.ccounts oe p3.id 'tnd th'tt the M3.yor issue orders on the 'rre01surer
for the S3lne 3lld th"l.t the seal of the Corpor'ttion be 3.tta.ched tu this
resolution, N3lnely :-Fercmti Electric:'l.l Co 42. 40, Gr3.lld & Toy 5. 50,
Mr,s Birclnrd 19. 02, J Flury s Sons 3. 25, W Ough & 8on 29. 7 3, J H
Na.ughton 103.20, H E Proctor 10. 00, Ontario R3.ilv13.J & Muilicipal Bo21.rd
40. 00, Bell Telepho"r1e Co 5. 00 & 5. 50 & 7. 10, L Rhienh a.rt 11. 00,
Stiver Bros 4.75, S George 25.60, The Ba.nner Press 37.75, A La.ngm311
3. 35, C Cook 5. 00, Retur11ing Of:t"icier 42. 00, E viilson 2. 50, Vi ll
'r3.ylor 16. 00, F J McNally 20. 00. CCJ.rried.
Moved by Mr B3.ssett secone.ed by Mr Brovming Tha,t the 3.Ctiun of
the Mayor in issueing orders on the Tr:,li)_asurer for the p3.yrnent of
t:1e J:'ollovling bills be 3lld the s3lne is hereby confirmed and that
the se:'l.l of the Corpor:'l.tion oe 3.tt3.ched to this resolution.
Dec 15 G T Bruvrning (on contr:'l.ct l3.ying Vl9.ter :nin ) 75.00
" 31 do do 60.00
JCJ.n 5 do do 75.00
Dec 19 Toronto & Yor<: R3.di:J.l Ry. Co. (power for Nov) 449. 5(2
Lea.ve VD.S CJ.sked to introduce CJ. By-l3.W to a.ppoint 'l. High School
I Trustee.
Le3.ve \HS gra.nted a.nd By-lCJ.VI reCJ.d a. first time.
Muved by Mr Browning seconded by Mr Reeves th:J.t the By-law novr
oefore the Council be reCJ.d a second 3.!ld third time this d'ty 3lld
'., .. , ... ··-· -,--~, -.-~-;--~---~ ... -.-.-·---..
First meeting continued.
tint Rule 33 of By-l'l.W No 10 be suspended for th'l.t vc.rpose.
By-1'111 re::~d ::1 second time :J.nd Council vrent iuto cummittee of the
v1hole Mr Sism'l.n in the chair.
Committee rose :J.ild reported By-l3.w 11ith i)l'l.nk f'il.ied vri th the
name pf Mr G L AlexsUlder.
By-l3.v: re3.d ::~ third time S~.nd passed.
Le3.ve VI3.S 3.Sked tu. iptrG>duce ::~ By-law to ap)oint 3. Loc3.l Bo'l.rd of
He3.l th for the ToVIn of Auror'l.,
Le3.ve gro.nted 3.nd By-l::~w re'l.d 3. first time.
!'!loved by Mr TOtylor secunded Dy Mr Winter th3.t the By-law now oefure
the Council oe re'l.d 3. second ;cnd third time this d:J.y ::~nd th3ot Rule
33 of By-13.1·1 No 10 oe suspended fur th3.t purpose.
By-l:J.w re:J.d 'l. second time a.nd Council went iuto of the vrhole Mr
Winter in the ci13.ir.
Committee rose 3.lld reported By-l:J.\'1 with bl3.llk filled with the n:sune
of Mr Frel.nl>: Allen.
By-lav1 re.::~d ::~ third· time 3Xld :;!J.ssed.
LeC~.ve \Hs 3.Sl::ed to introduce 'l. By-l'l.w to Dorro1v money to meet the
-, current expenditur·:> of the lvlunicip.'l.lity until the t'l.xes 'l.re col±ected.
Leave gr'l.nted ?.nd By-la.vr re'l.d :c firs:t .. ti!he,,
Moved by Mr SismaJl second'3d DJ Mr Wint'3r that the BJ-lavl nov1 Defore
the Council be re:J.d :t secoud :tnd third time this d3.y 3.!ld th:J.t Rule
33 of By-l'l.W No 10 oe suspeuded for th3.t parpose.
By-l:J.vr re:td a second time 3.nd Council vrent into cormnittee of the
whole on the s 'l.lne Mr Knov1les in the clnir.
Cummittee rose 3.nd reilOrted By-laV! v:i th bJ.:J.nk filled with ~~20000.
Muved oy Mr B3.ssett seconded oy lvlr Vliuter th:tt the M:tyur, Reeve and
Cuuncillors T3.ylur 3.tld Bro1ming be 3. committee tu strilce the 8t3.nd-
ing Committees fur the ye:J.r 1912. C3.rried.
First meeting cuutinued.
Cormnunic3.tio!ls were receiv·oo~i 3.lld. reJ.d from the follo1ving Persons
N :J,1lely :-IVirs E 0 Ch ules Secter'l.ry of the P3.triotic LeJ.:sue of the
VTomens Institute 3.pplying for the Town Pccrk for their 3.llnual llield Day
July lst 1912.
Northren Kl.ectric Co re whistle fur Fire Al>-rrn System.
Dnt3.rio AssocLJ.tion for the Blind re 3. Resolution to Sir Wm He3.rst
anC:. the Minister of Educ3.tion.
De;mty Minister of Finance re order-in-Council regul3.ting the issue
of securities in C3Jl3.d3..
VI H::unilton Merritt re C9.n3.di::u1 Avation Fund.
Vi J H31nn FooC:. Controller re Bre3.kf>-st Food or Cere>-1 in origirnl
l.l 3..Cka.ges.
The Brmt:ford Generli Hospit>-l re nu.inteu3.uce of Thom>-s Heury Cl3.rk.
R R lihtson re 1iiring Tovm Hall.
The McBride Press re Soldiers Certific3.tes.
Moved by Mr 'liinter seconded by Mr Siswa.r1 tint the req_ues·t of the
Womans P3.triotic Le3.gue for the use of the Town Pctrk for ~u1y lst
1912 be 3.lld the s3Jne is hereby gr::u1ted.
Moved by Mr Kr101vles seconded oy Mr TJ.ylor th>-t the Clerk be 3.tld
he is hereby :i:m;tructe.d to report 3. By-l;ow 3.t the next meeting of
this Council to Appoint 3Jl Assessor for the Tov:n of Aurora for the
year 1912. C3.rried.
Mr W P Gillispie Vl3.s then heard before the Council in reference
l. to the Office Bure3.U Compctny.
Council then 3-C.journed to meet at 7:30 this evening.