MINUTES - Council - 19180408.. . ,,.,. ·.··· . ·~· ····-· -- N I N T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L F 0 R 1 9 1 e. The ninth meeting of the Council for the year was held in the Council Room on Monday evening April 13th. All the members being present. The Mayor in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed. Communications were received and read from the following persons Namely:-E A James Engineer of the good roads system re a concrete sidewalk in cormectioti with the ~leW, ilridge•>to:~be aui1t on Wellington Street West near Fleury's. Albert Aboott Secretary of Organization of Recources Committee re Bill passed by the Legislative Assembly re Vacant Land Cultivation Act. Ben H Spence Sec. Treas. of 'fhe Ontario Municipal Association re sending representives to their Convention, Bills ~rere received from the following persons Namely:- F J McNally (insurance on Fire Appliances) do (insurance on Waterworks building) W Hastings (flag) Vlm Ough & Son (hardware ) Bell Telephone Co (rent phone 135) do (rent & conversations) t b.~. Rev S P So a.nes re Mrs Sacks 13.90 12.50 15.00 l. 20 5. 00 5.131 15.00 Moved by Mr :Bassett seconded by Mr Sisman that the following accounts be paid and that the Mayor i.ssue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the se':tl of the Corporation be attached to this resolution, Namely:-F J McNally e. 90 & 12. 50, W Hastings 15. 00, W Ough & Son 1. 20, Bell Telephone Co 5. 00 & 5. e 1, Rev P s So anes 15. oo. Carried. Moved by Mr Knovrles seconded by Mr Taylor tl:tat the Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to notify Mr James York County Highway Engineer that the Town Council do not think it advisable to have :1. sidevralk on the proposed new bridge on Wellington Street West Aurora. Carried • '::p:-,~"-"-·-·. ---~-.. ..:..,:~~·~·'' .. ·'~"'~,~~~~-~ .... ____;-.-...... ,..c..,.:.:.,.;~.:..:.::.:;.·::_::::::::.. ·. ~~. ~""'-~-~~~-·-. :·::: _. ~;.::::.::.:_:_ ____ . -· -.-.-· _:.__· .. -. -. ~·::~~~'""""''"'""~""""~--. --'~-;~_,.,..,;;;,.;.; _-. ·.-.,,,, i .-1 Ninth meeting continued. Moved by Mr Taylor seconded by Mr Y"~1owles that the Co.uncil do set apart a portion of the eastren part of the lot known as the powder lot to be used as a public dumping ground under the supervision of the Constable and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. Moved by Mr Reeves seconded by Mr Brovrning that the Clerk be instructed to ask all owners of vacent lots in Town and who are not going to cult- ivate them, to give preniission for same to be cultivated by any person applying to the Clerk for them, and that no charge be made by the owners of the said lots for their use. And that the Corpuration of the Town of Aurora give three prizes for the best cultivated lots the prizes to be ~n5. oo, $10. oo, 3.l'!d ~~5. oo, the Judges to be chosen by the Corp- uration. The judging to take pl'l.ce during the first week· of July, and the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA IN OPEN MEETING. MOVED BY MR KNOWLES SECONDED BY MR TAYLOR WHEREAS The Corporation of the Tovrn of Auror::t m::tde applic::tt- ion to the Bos.rd of Railway Commissiemers for C'l.nada and The Ontario R'l.ilway and Municipal Bo'l.rd for au Order amending order of the s'l.id joint Boards No 25615 dated the 1eth. November 1916, respecting au inter- cha.nge connection to be made between the Gra.nd Trunk Railway and The Torouto 'l.lld York Radial (Metropoli tiou Division )ne:J.r Yonge Street acc- ording to plaus signed C. A. King 3nd d'l.ted 5th. day of September 1917. liND WHEREAS under letters d:J.ted the 29th.October 1917 and March 23rd 19le, the Gn.nd Trunk Railway a.nd the Toronto a.nd Yotk Radial R9.ilwa.y respectively say on wha.t terms these ra.ilways 9.re williug .and offer to install the said connection etc. 9.S is therein set out. AND WHEREAS The Town is agreeable to 9.ccept the offer of the • ··" '""-- " 11 -/. The Ninth meeting continued. said respective Railway Comp3.nies. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED The Corpon.tion of the Town of Aurora do hereby accept the terms of the Grand Trunk Railway and The Toronto and York Radial Railway Comps.ny as set out in their respective letters dated 29th.October 1917 and 23rd.March Hll8 provided the sum payable to Grand Trunk Railway Company be not more thau $1, 300.00 and the sum payable to the Toronto and York Radial Railway Company uot more thau • 650.00 and do hereby consent to an order of the said joint Board.s amending their previous order No. 256.l5 made on 12th. November 1916 3.S to loc9.tion 9.Ud such connection to be m9.de and installed at the expense of the To~m up to the 3.mounts hereiubefore mentioned togather with a payment to the said Railway Companies by the Town of an a.rmua.l rental on the non persha.ble articles furnished by them for such connection 9.t the rate of 6%. DATED EIGHTH APRIL 1918. THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA: W. J. Baldwin Mayor. C.A.Petch Clerk. I CERTIFY that the foregoing is a. duplicate of Resolution passed on the date thereof, by a. una.rlimous sta.r1ding vote. C.A.Petch Clerk. -fb~ /A