MINUTES - Council - 19171218I : ' I r/' ·'. • T~iENTY FIB'TH r,J,EETING 0 P T H E COUNCIL FOR 19}_7, The tvreuty fifth meeting of the Coul!cil. for the ye3X VIJ.s held in the Couucil Roum on Tuesd:;.y eveuing Dec leth. 'rhe follull'in:; mewoers oeiug preseut NCJ.mely :-M.3.Jur lhldwin, Reeve Knovrles, Councillors Audre\1s, lusnnn BJ.s,sett, HJ.ncocK 'Jlld TJ.ylor. The minutes of the previous 1neeting were reJ.d and confirmed. Bills were receivecr. J.nC:. re"td from the fulluvritlg persons NCJ.mel.y :- The Cau CJ.di 'ttl E11gineer \ J.dvertising fur tenders) Bell Telephu11e Co (pole) J A Knuwles (repeiiring Town Heill) Northren Electric Co (wire) du (insul~.tors ) FerrCJ.nti ElectricJ.l Co (retnirinc; meters) J L Stiver (itlS;?ectiug meters) P DeleJ:lg,ye .~ LJ.ngm'lll (express) Clerl~ (cJ.sll to Mrs Sg,cks) C31JadiJ.Il Gener 3.1 Electric Co ( tn.nsfurmers) o.OO ~ 13. 94 2. 7!5 40. () 4 'l.ee 13. 95 3. 1!5 13. 30 • 90 6,00 1155.00 Moved by Mr Bc:wsett secouc~ed by Mr Ausm311 that the 1'ollo1ving accounts be ;_Hid J.lld tlnt the M3.y0r issue 0rders on the TreJ.su:cer for the s~Jne J.n·:! t!n.t the seJ.l of the CorporCJ.tion be 3.ttached to this rsulution, thmely :- Tlle C3.!J3.di 3.11 Enc;ineer 5. 00, Bell Telepllune Cu 13. 94, J 3..S p, Knuvrle.s 2. 75, Nurthren Electric Co 40.94 & 4.88, Ferr3Hti ElectricJ.l Co 13. 95, J L Stiver 3. 15, P Del:ili:tye 1.3. 30, A Lan;wom. 9\)cts ,:' Clerk 6. 00, "·~ C'llndiJ.ll Generli Electric Co 1155, 00. Carried. Muved oy Mr f-.r1ol.fle.s sec<Juded by Mr T3.ylor that the lvbyor be 31Jd he is hereoy in.structeri tu .sign 'l.n order un the TreCJ.surer for the sum of Sixty tvro doll:trs ant thirty five cents in Lwor of Mr S GeorGe ·., .. beinc; c;account over pOJ.iC. oy said'Mr;,:SuGeu,r.g~J;ct;o,.,-.the j'33.nk of Montreal on 'l.Ccouut of tues 3Xld the se3.l of the CorporCJ.tion be ,od;tCJ.ched to ·:i -, . ·--"- ··-~- ·:rwenty fifth meeting continued. this resolutior1. CJ.rried. Muved oy Mr f·.nd.revrs secund.ed. by lvlr Ba-ssett .th?,t wher·e•1s the present TenJ.nt now living on the !)roperty lmovm J.s the Povrder JJrouerty .hJ.S h:J.d the privile~;e of p:J.ying his rent by improving the sJ.iC:. ;?ruperty as he deemed necess3.ry vrhich we consider hs.s expired, J.nd we would rec- . ommend tlnt the sJ.id. Ternnt oe notified tlnt hi.s rent v1ill oe five dulla.rs per lilonth a-fter December 31st of the ~·resent j'e:J.r, st.nd tint tl,e secl.l of the CorporJ.tion be '1tt3.ched to tJ:'lis resolution. C3..rried. Moved oy lillrC T3.yl.Jr seconded iJy Mr AusmJ.n ThJ.t the Municipa-l Council of this CorporJ.tion instruct the Mayor 3.tld Clerk to give J.tld sign 3. discha-rge of Mortg3.ge No 4355 froltl the Positive Clutch a.nd Pulley Wori~s of the Town of Auror'l for the l3.nd more p'lrticular- ly here~• after discribed. ALL AND SINGULJ\R that cert?.i!l pucel or tn.ct of 13ild and premises, situt 3.te, lying J.tlc~ being, in the Tovm o:t' Auror:J. in the County of York. being p'l-rt of ori:;in'l.l lot No ?9 un the ECJ.st side of Yonge .Street, described J.S follovrs :- COMMENCING :o~.t 'l. ;JOSt in the Vles·t oound:a.;ry of the GrS~.nd Truni\: right of V13.Y 'l.t the North limit o:t' the s3.id lot ?9 thence South :o~.lvng SCJ.id West bound:o~.ry of the Gr.o:md TrunK l3ild three hundred 3nd. forty three feet more or less to 'l. ;;>ost. Thence West p'l.r'l.llel to 3. lane one hundred feet to J. post. Thence North ll'l.LJ.llel to the S'lid GrCJ.nd Trunk la.nd ~three hundred CJ.nd forty three feet to o. poat. Thence E:J.st 3.long North boundotry of so.id lot to the pl'lce of oegin- inc;, cont3.ining one h:o~.lf '\ere more or less, 3ild thCJ.t the se'l.l of the CorporCJ.tion be 3.ttached to this resulution. CCJ.rried • . -..• --. ['' I ~~~~,..,_,_,_---~-------'-"'"'"'~~~+'+"'"-~~~~=~~=~·c.~ •· '' ·-:,,-,;;;•· Twenty fifth meeting continued. Le'l.Ve vr?..s CJ.sked to introduce 3. By-l'l.w to Jlrovide for the Nornin?..tiou of l1hyor, Reeve Councillors El.n three Puolic School Trustees. Le3.Ve gr'l.nted CJ.nd By-l3.Vi re3.d 3. first time. Moved by Mr IhrrcocK seconded oy Mr B::1ssett thCJ.t the By-l?..w novr oefore the Council be re'l.d 3. secon:l 3Jld third time tllis dety 3l!Cl th::J.t Rule 33 of By-l.CJ.w No 10 be suspend.eC:. for tint purpose. CetrrieC:.. By-l3.v1 re:Ld 3. second time and Council vent into committee of the 11hole un the s :Lme Mr Ha.ncock in the ch CJ.ir. Cummittee rose md repurted By-lavr vri th ol oltll(s fil:Led. By-l3.W re?..d 3. third time a.nd p3.ssed. The minutes were 1 reCJ.d anC:. confirmed, 3.tld the Council then El.c.journed • ~ , /r~. ~ ~