MINUTES - Council - 19180204F 0 U R T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L F 0 R 1 SJ 1 c. The i'vurth meeti11g ,yf the Cuuncil fur tl;e ye 'J.r vu,s held in tl.!e CouuciJ. Roum 011 Mond"J evening Feo 4th. The :t'ulluv!iuz; meJnoer8 oeing ~)resent N_;~.mely :-M:=tJor B3J.C;\',ciu, Reeve J{uuwles, Cu,l;~cillors B;tssett, Reeves, Sism3.ll, T;tylor 3JJC. Wiuter. The M 3-JO r in the ch 3.ir. -.... -' .~ The minutes ·of T_>~ ".:.ll~~~ ::;·:-13 vf the l3..st meetiuc vrere re3..d :tud cuni'irmed. Comrnun:D.c"t·ions vrere received <JJJd re3.d i'rvl:l the follovri11g versuns l'h.mely :-R FliJJtoff J.sking :for J. reo"te on VIJ.ter service. The Puolic Lillc:try BoJ.rd c:tskiilg for usu '·l .AmJUJ.l gr:tnt. Bills were received from the follow ins persons N:llnely :- J Vlhimster & Co (groceries for C S:lllfurd) 22. 19 .\, J' p, r .. ,!. S') l.1.lrs v.SHU3.. re<S·c;un \C:t.re 01 lUrB, 1. "-:!,CK.S 16. ou M L A:1dr·ev1s (lumuer) 1. o? C Cuuk ( wuoc: )Tu\iil l:hll o.oo h Bu tc11er (co :tl) du 8.?b Cetn:tdi'lll Geuerc.l Electric Co (fuses) .a~ Bel.t. Telephuue Cu (couvenntions) 3.05 Clerk (vost"ge,express etc) 6. E 5 lvioveC. oy mr B?.,ssett secunded uy l:iir Sism3.l:I til:tt th·::: fu:.LLuv·rinG 3.Ccounts ue p·}.id. ?.nd-th3.t the M.3.Jpr issue vrC.ers o:u the Tre::t.surer fur the S3.JHe J":Jd tlut the se3.l of the C.Jr[JOLitiulJ oe 3.CG'tehed. to thi.s resulution, lhmely :-J Vihimster & C·J 22. 19, Mrs J Prestun 16. WJ, M 1 J\ndrevrs l. 57~ C CooL 5. 50, I> Butcher 2. 75, C3.n3.di3.IJ Geuer3.l Electric Co . 72cts. Bell / Tele~1hune Cu 3. 05, Clerk 6. E5. C3.rried.. Muved oy Mr B:tssett seC•JlJC~e:J oy Mr Si.slnn 'Gln.t tile J.ctiun •Jf the MCJ.jor in i.ssueiuc; 3..11 order 0n thr3 Tre ?Lsurer for the p?..ymeut u:f the follovriub 0 bill be :tnct th .. e s31ne is hereoy cunfirnieC!. 3.nd th3..t the sr~:;.,l of the Cur·iJur·J.tion be 3:tt:tched tu this resulution. J 3.11 31 J L Stiver (inspectiug l'uwer meters) 12.50 C:trried.. Muved OJ l\i1r Kuuv,'les secu~H:ted OJ l\Jir T..:tJ.lur th3.t -3. G:t'J.nt uf T\•{O Iiutu:lreci '·: J / l r---'. , '---- ---o,o.~!---R-~0~-~ ''"""77 ·-'CC'~'C"~~-'"'T,.,_~~~~~~-"-1--':-·--~, _, ~·-~r.,.....,......;~. ~·-. -·-.:.___~.;~-. -· -.. -. -..:.#;,.;"'=:;.......,-·"'~'='"''~-:......,..,_. __ -·. -.. --~--.:._;.:...__,._.,. Fuurth weetiug continued. DollJ..rs be m3..d.e tu the furor:t Puolic Lib?..ry B<Y? .. rd, ~Lnd. th3-t the lulaJor be :iild he is i1erei.ly instructed to sign 'l.U order 011 the Tre.:is<..trer fur the 3..buve J..JHuunt 3..lld t].'J.3..t ti:J.e seal of the Cvrt)ur3,tiun oe a.tt.:-:t.ched to this resolutiurl. C3.rried. Le3..ve WJ.S ::tsked to it.rtroduce :3.. By-l?..vr tu keep sidev:a.lk8 free frum stlow,ice,dirt ur other uos·tructic~ Le:iv·e gcmteC:. 'l.llC:. By-l'l.w re:id a fir·st time. Moved uy lvlr Bassett seconded oy Mr Sismau th:J.t the By-l:J.VI uow i.lefore the Council be re?td. :-:;J.. sec._;nd and. third. ti1ne this ct~ .. y :?JJJd. tJ13..t Rule 33 of By-l:ivv No 10 oe suspeilded for tlnt purpose. C:J.rried. By-l:tw re:J.d 3. second. tim8 3.lld Couucil ;;ent in to culimJlttee of tbe whole Mr Reeves in the ch :J.ir Cummittee rose ·3.nd re1'orted By-l.:iW v1i tll ol:J.nks fil.ced. By-l3.v/ re:id :J. third time 'l.lld p:J.s.sed. Couucil then .3.dj,.JUnled tu meet :J.t tile c:J.ll of the lvbyvr. ~~ ff-~~ ·j ' ... 1 t I I