MINUTES - Council - 19171119'
FOR 1917.
The tvrerl"i;y second meeting of the Council for the je~r vr'ts held in
the Council Roow on Mond~J evening November 19th.
The following members being present N9.111ely :-lvbyor BUdl·rin, Reeve
Knowles, Councillors f,ndrews, t,u,sr,r'm, B'l.ssett, T'lylor 'llld Viinter.
The minutes of the )Jrevious meeting \•rere re?.d "'nd confirilled.
Cornmunic"'tions were received' and re"'C!, l'rorn the follovring persons
N 3.mely :-A Rom "'s king to h ·we his 'l.ssessmerrt lowereC' ..
H F 8trickl"'nd Chief Electric'l.l Insvectur corrdeming the electric .
wiring in the Town H 'tll.
N "'tional S:mi t'l.rium Associoction ocskingfor 3. <;rmt, to 'l.ssist theiii in
their Hus~li t?.l worK.
Bills were received fror;r the following per suns N 3.lnely ;-
Thom'\s Griffith (Lunch for l\dV"'nce Gu.'l.rs: :f:'ro:n C3.lnp Borden 4. 6:=.:
A Hoskinc; ( ConstCJ.ble Ha1lovreen)
B F Dwis (Co 3.1 Tovn H ocll)
do (Co "11 Vloctenvorl(s)
Bell Telephone Co ( Convers 3.tion)
Ferr'lnti Electric.'l.1 Co (Meter)
J3.me.s Morrison Br?.ss M:t'g Co (Pi;;>es etc. ) ·
Northren Electric Co (Wire etc. )
Auror"' Hxrdwxre Co (Pxint)
do (Rupe Etc. :liire 3..l3xm)
M L Andrevrs ( Lumoer E L)
L Rhienhxrt ( Cle~ning lhrket & Streets & lxbur.)
n. L ::urgrnn (Post "'ge ) E L
Clerk (Postxge)
Clnrles Cook ( T·3"1ming) R ih B)
2. 00
4. 62
62. 90
·,...,.I ..
• r..::.O
l. 41
(23. 25
2. 35
4. 20
Moved oy Mr Ausnnu seconded by Mr T"'ylor th'l.t the :t'ol1ovring accounts
be i;l3..id 3.ild th"'t the M"'yor issue orC.ers Oll the Tre? . .surer for the oS"'llle
'l.lld th"'t the se3.1 of tlle Corporxtion oe xttxched to this resolutiuu,
lhmely:-Thorns Griffith 4. 62, p, Hosidll;:j 2. 00, B P Docvis 4. 75 & 62. 90,
T11enty .secuud meeting continued.
Bell Telephone Co . 25, Ferr wti Electric '11 Cu 57. 7 5, .T cunes i'Iiorri.son
Br':Lss !li'g. Co 70. C!Cl, Nurthren Electric Co 119,65, 'uror?" H '.rc~1nre Co
23. 53, M L l'ndrevs 12. 02, L Rhienh'l-rt 23. 25, ·" L:mgm:m 2. 35, Clerk~
4,20, Ch3.rle.s Cook 50.55,
Moved by Mr B3.saett ,secondeC. by Mr 11tldrevrs tln.t the 3-ction uf the
M3.yur iu issueing orders on the Tre'l.surer for the ~~a.yment of the fol"'
lovring bill8 oe 3.tld the s3.me i8 hereoy confirmed 'lnc. tlEtt the sea.l of
the borpor3.tiotl be 3tta.ched to this re.solutiotl,
Oct :~7 Toronto & Yon;, RJ.di3.l RJ.i'Lvr3.y Co (Power for Sept )449. 52
11 11 F E York ( Di8infecta.nt8 Boa.rd Of He3.lth) 15.13
Nov 3 V1 Ferris (La.oor w Vl) 2. 2 5
11 It W Dunh3.m do 2, 25
11 11 P, l·k T 'l.gg 3-rt (L3.bor B & B) 2. 50
It 10 J D 3-niels do 7. 25
11 11 p, Rose d.o 7.25
Moved by Mr l,u8nnn seconded by Mr TJ.ylor th3.t 3. CO'JJ of the re8ulut.iun
~n8sed Oct J..st Re overdue TJ.Ke8. T!:nt the Clerl;, be CJ.uthori8ed tu give
Tre3.surer '1 CO'JY of S3Jn8,
Moved by Mr Knowles seconded oy Mr To.ylor th3.t the l1.<13.yur i)e :me~ he
is'hereby instructed to purcho.se one or more Car Lo3.ds of Co'll to try
3-tld relieve. the Coal situtJ.tion in the Town Of Auror'l, 3-lld tlw se3l of
the CorporCl.tion be 'ltt3.chect to this resolution.
Cuutlcil then 3.djourned to meet un Thursd3.y evenin;; Nov 22nd.
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