MINUTES - Council - 19180121-' ""'~-'·~·····'-···· -~'--'-'·"-·-·''"''··· .. ~~-~-~------ T H I R D ~ E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I 1 F 0 R 1 \J 1 2. The thin~-meeti11g of the Couucil for the ye-,r l\!12 vns helC. in the Council Room on Mund-,y evening J 3.tl 21st. All the members being present. The M:~yur in the ch s_ir. The minutes of the tKo previous 1neetings v~·ere re:::td 3.-nd cuufirmed. -~-cummunic3.tion vns receiYed_ from Mr :B' J McN3.lly re IllSUr'.'Lnce on the Billing property now owned by the Curvon.tiou. Bills \vere received from the following persons N 'l!aely :-, Toronto & York R3-di3.l R:otilvny Co (Po\qer for Dec) do (Freight) -~ Butcher (Co3.l VI W) Stiver Bros (Cual Town H3.ll) J S Stiver (InspectbJg Meters) W H Machell (Bailiff 6th Div Court) J D:wiels (LCJ.bo r R & B ) Merrel Gr3.b. 3-fll do A McT3.g(';3.rt do 8 Ro bins-Jll do M Y 3.l:es do ~)516. 76 4. lLl 6.90 3.00 l. 50 16.00 2. 40 l. 20 1.<20 1.20 1. 20 Moved by Mr B3-ssett seconced oy Mr-Sisrrnn that the fullovrinc; 3.Ccounts b-3 p3.iu and th3.t the Mayor issue orders on the Tre-,surer for the sCJ.me CJ.tld thCJ.t the sell of' the Corpor'l.tion oe etttSLched to thh; resolution. N SLmely :-Toronto & Yorl' R'idi 'l.l R'1ilw:-,y Co 516.76 & 4. 14, A Butcher 6. 90, Stiver Bros 3. 00, J S Stiver l. 50, VI H M-,chell 16. 00, J D311iels 2. 40, M Gr:-,h3In 1. 20, A McTCJ.gg:J.rt l. 20, S Rooiuson 1. 20, lvl Y3.kes 1. 20. C9..rried. Le'1Ve vns 'l.sked to introcuce a By-1'1vl to aJ!2oint 31'1 As,sessor for the Town uf Auror:-, for the ye-,r 1912. Leave gr'1!d;ed :Uld By-l;tvl re3.d •3. first time. Moved by iv!r Knovrles seconded by Mr Tiylor that the By-1'1vr nov/ be- fore the Council oe re'1d 3. second J.nd. third tiwe this dCJ.y 3.nd Unt r·· l - ~,. Third ;neeting of the Council continued. Hule 33 of By-Ls.v No 10 oe suspendec. for tlnt purpose. Cs.rried. By-ls.w res.d 3. second time s.nd Council went into committee of the whole Mr Ts.ylor in the cinir. Committee ruse s.nd reported By-l'l.vl with bl:cnk filled with tr1e ns.me of Js.me.s Brothers. By-lew re'l.d 3. third time s.nd ps.,s.sed. Le:we VI3.S 3.sked to ii1troduce 3. By-l3.\l to 3.J!point s.n Auditor to CJ.Udi t the Municip'l.l 3.nd School :tccounts for the ye:ar 1917. LeCJ.ve granted CJ.nd By-lCJ.w re'l.d 3. first time. Moved by Mr Ts.ylor seconc~ed oy Mr Winter th3.t the By-l3.v1 nuv1 before, the Council be re3.d 3. second 3.!ld third time this d?cy 3.lld tint Rule 33 uf By-13.w No 19 be S'lspended for tlnt purpose. Cs.rried. By-l?cvv re3.d 3. second time 3.1ld Council vent into committee of the vrho1e Mr Reeves in the cl:nir. Committee rose s.nd reportec: By-1 :t\i v1i til bl:wk filled vri th the n3Jne of L3.wson Welch & Co. By-ls.vl re?cd· s. third time 'l.tld rnssed. The Striking Committee presented the followins report. Your Committee 3.ppointed to strike the Sts.nding Committees oeg les.ve to report s.s follo vr.s :- After due deliber'l.ti-Al they decided to suomit the followlimg ll3.lnes s.s the me.·.' bers of the C:Lifferent comwi ttees, the first n :J.ued to s.ct s.s ch'l.inn.CJJl of the committee. FINN!N6E :-Beeves, Sism3Jl 3Jld Bs.ssett. Fire :-Browning, Si,sm3Jl 3JJd T:J.y1ur. Vif,TER :-B:J.,ssett, Brov-ming 3.nd Winter. LIGHT :-Ta.y1or, Winter ?,nd B;tssett. RO,~D & Bridge :-Knowles, Ts.ylor 31ld Brovmfng. PROPERTY :-Winter, Knowles 311C: Reeves. BY -LAWS :-Sisms.n, Knowles s.nc~ Reeve,s. -----,---,,,-,~~--··---c-~-c-c-~~-~---·~~-~~"""'~"""~7'"'''--:c'~~'-"'~''"-'''~~------,----""'---,----~-"'-'"""'""''"'"~-•-~,~-,.,_:,,,~,_:,_----- Third meetins of the Council continued. The ~hyor to be Ex Officio Membersof o;.ll Cormni ttees. All of vrhicb is respectfully suomi tted for yuur considero;.tion. Moved by Mr Bo;.ssett seconded by 1\ilr Sistnll tbJ.t the re::~ort of the Striking Connni ttee re the Stmtding ComJ:ti ttees for the ye,o;.r 19le is hereby 3-d.O;?ted and the Clerk oe o;.nd he is ilereby instructed to give each member a copy of said nHlJ:J.n·t-inn. ~ c,.rriec .• Moved by Mr BJ.ssett seconc.ed by Mr Sism3.n Tho;.t the C-Jt.tncil o:t' this Municipo;.lity instruct the Treo;.surer of ..!..>, • Lt!ll s klunici:_Jali ty to collect 3.11 the over due t.axes o;.nd over due po11er ·1nd light oills ovring oy the Office Bureo;.u Co Ltd. to the CorpurJ.tion of the Town of Auroro;.. C3.rried. Moved oy Mr Brovming s·?ccmried oy Mr Beeves tlnt, after carefully cullsidering the coitditions existiug between the Office 8ure?-u Limited :md the Tovm of turon., the f?-cts of ti1e defJ.ult in p?"y- ment of both princi;nl and interest on the murtgJ.ge 'J.tld the J.mount due the Corpor3.tion, this Council c:.eem it necess3.ry, expedietJt 3.nd in the best interests of the Corpor?-tion not to Etllow further defEtult, but to proceed under the terms of the mortg:J.ge provided for in CJ.se of def:mlt. THEREFORE the Council of this Corpori'ltion hereby instruct the ~hyur :J.ns Solicitor to sell under povier vf S3.le cvntEtined in murtgEtge, d3.ted lst di'ty of September 1912, Collie Cuch:rill lVhnuf:J.ct- urine; Cu. Ltd. nov/ the Office Sure 3.U Limited, Aurvr3., to the Corpor:J.- tion of the Tovm of AurorEt for Wl5000 and registered 30th April, 1915 J.S #5009 in the Registry Office for the Registry Division uf the North Riding of the County of York in book ife for the To1m uf AurorEt, the lm1d, bui:Lding, pl:mt 1nchinery secured by such mvrtgEtge for the best price, terms :md conditions o ot?-inEtole. C?-rried. Cvuucil then :J.djourned to meet 3.t the c3.ll of t[le MJ.yor. p ~ }t~