MINUTES - Council - 19180304..
S I X T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L
F 0 R 1 9 1 8.
The sixth meeting of the Council for the year ;ras held in the
Council Room on Monday March 4th.
All the members being present.
The Mayor in the chair.
The minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed.
Communications were received and read from the following persons
Namely :-T Sisman Shoe Company re a reduction in water rates.
J H Dyke re use of Town Hall for National Sanitarium Association
for an illustn.ted lecture. T J H3.tmigan re Hydro Electric Railway
Association. Robson Black re Canadi3.l'l Forestry Association. S Iii
McCready re Conservation or Substitution of Food. J L Squire re
Distribution of Goverrnent Fish. G E Hartley re sale of 8 inch
pipe. A deput::ttion of Firem:l.ll v1as heard re supplies for the Dep::trtment.
Bills v1ere received from the following persons Na.mely :-
R Ha.ckin!J: Sec Au ron. Fire Department for Annual Grant 150,00
Toronto & York Ra.dial Ra.ilway Co (power for J3.l'J) 632.88
do (freight) 5. 27
Office Specialty Co (filing cabinet E L) ~'6.00
S Williamson (gravel)
Norm3.l'l McLeod ( w::tges)
J Whimster & Co (rubber boots)
C Cook (wood Town Hall)
A Butcher (coal Town Ha.ll)
Stiver Bros ( do )
C3.tladia.n Allis Chalmers (pipes etc, )
G T Browning (labor Office bureau)
A L3.l'Jgm.3.l'l (postage, express, etc)
A li!utcher (coal W W)
C3.tladian General Electric Co (fuses)
Bell ~elephone Co (conversations Town)
do W 'll
2. 75
3. 55
1. 60
3. 30
• 98
l. 80
Sixth Meeting continued.
Clerk (postage, and expenses re returned Soldier etc)
Clerk (expenses of delegations )
2. ?0
Moved by Mr Taylor seconded by Mr Knowles that the follovTing
accounts be paid a.nd that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer
for the same 9.nd that the seal of the Corporation be attached to
this resolution, Namely:-Toronto & York Radial Railw3.y Co 632. ee
& 5. 2?, Office Specialty Co 46. 00, S Williamson 12. 25, Norman Me
Leod 30. 00, J V\'himster & Co 4. 50, C Cook 6. 00, A Butcher 2. ?5 &
3. 30, Stiver Bros 3. 55, Canadian Jlllis Chalmers 193.40, G T Browning
24.89, A Langman 1.60, C3.nadi3.n General Electric Co • 98, W Ough &
Son 4. 55, Bell telephone . Co k80 & • 10, Clerk 2. ?0 & 29. 00.
Moved by Mr Browning seconded by Mr Reeves that the action of the
Mayor in issueing an order on the Treasurer for the payment of the fo
followil:Jg bill be and the same is hereby confirmed and that the seal
of the Corporation be attached to this resolution.
Rev P Soanes (for Mrs S3.cks 9.00 Carried.
Moved by Mr Browning secohded by Mr Reeves that J H N3.Ughton be
and he is hereby 3.Uthorisd and instructed to accept a Deed from the
Liquid3.tor of the Office Bure3.U Ltd. for the Land 9.nd whatever is
covered by the Mortg3.ge to the Corpor:::~.tion of the Town of Auror:::~.
at a Valuation of $5000.00 and the seal of the Corporation be attached
to this resolution. Carried.
Moved by Mr Knowles seconded l:ily Mr Taylor that the Fire Committee
l:ile :md they are hereby instructed to purchase what mitts that are ask-
ed for by the Fire Department and the seal of the Corporation be
attached to this resolution. Carried.
Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Taylor that the Mayor be and he
is hereby instructed to sign an order on the Tre9.surer for the sum
of one hundred 9.nd fifty dollars ( 15(). 00) in f9.vor of the Tre9.surer
of the Aurora Fire Department. The above being the 9.ffiount of the
amlU9.1 grant to the said Fire Department, and the seal of the Corp-
·:.:-;, ;·
Sixth meeting continued.
oration lile attached to this resolution. Carried
Moved by Mr Browning seconded by Mr Reeves that the Fire Cornmi-
ttee lile and they are hereby authorised to have the No 3 reel
over hauled and if necessary have new wheels to replace the old
ones and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this
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