MINUTES - Council - 19171001i ----- ~· . I T Vi E N T Y F I R S T M <E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L. FOR 1917, The twenty first meeting of the Council for the y e"l.r vn.s held in the Council Room un Mond"-;f Octouer 1st. The following members oeing present N 3Jnely :-M~yor Baldwin, Reeve Knowles, Councillors Ausm~n, B~.ssett, H3.ncock, TS~.ylor 3.nd Winter. The minutes of the previous meeting \vere re'l.d ::md confirmed. Communic~tions were received 3J1d re?.d from the followin;s persous, Albert H Abbott SecertS~.ry of British Red Cross, 3.sking for ~11 appe3.l to the Citizens of the Town on Octo oer leth in beh'l.lf of the British Red Cross.M''tjor F P He3.ly of He:tdqu'trters s~ff C3.1np Borden re qu'l.rters for the troops during their m'l.rch from C3.1np Borden to Toronto. Heaton's Agency re advertising the To1m. Bills were received f'rum the fullowit1g pers Jns Namely:- Toronto & Yur:; R'l.di~l R"J.ilvny Cu (power for .A11g) Clerk (ex re returned Suldier) 435. 47 2,50 Bell Telephuue Co (rent phones 65 & 135, & co11Vers3.tionl0i;25 A Butcher (coal Tuvm H'l.ll) 4.50 CatHdim1 Allis Chumers (pipe W W) le57.92 .~urora H'l.rdw:tre Cu 17. 53 Moved by Mr B'tssett seconded by Mr Winter th'tt the folluvring "J.ccounts be ;;J'l.id 'l.l!d th'l.t the M'l.yor is.sue urders on the Tressurer for the .s3Jne :md th3.t the se~l of the Corpor'l.tion be ~tt~ched to thi.s ·resolution, N3Jnely :-Toronto & York R"J.dia.l Railw"J.y Co 435. 47, Clerk 2. 50, Bell Tele;)hone Co 10. e5, A Butcher 4. 50, Csn3.di3.tt Allis Ch~lmers le 57. 92, P,uror"-H"J.rdw'l.re Co 17. 53. C"J.rried. Moved oy Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Winter that the following be and they ~re hereby 3-ppointed 't committee to arr3Jtge for the recept-,. ion of returned Soldiers of the Tovm of 1\urora, Mayor Baldwin, Council- or Bassett, C:tptg,in V: H T~ylor,Mr C N Bond,Mr J G McDonald ~nd the Mover and Seconder of this resolution. C~rried. "-· i r Tv1enty first meeting continued.. Moved by Mr Ausnnn seconded by Mr TCJ.ylor thCJ.t the Council of this Municip'llity hereby instruct the TreCJ.surer · CJ.nd Solicitor to inuueC:.io"t:illly tCJ.ke ste;?S to collect 3.11 overdue tCJ.xes o11ing to the CorporCJ.tion of the Town of Auror3.. C'1rried Moved by Mr Kn011'les seconc.ed by Mr TCJ.ylor th:1t the M:1yor be :1nd he is hereby instructed to call a public meeting to 13.rr'lnge for the col- lection for the British Red Cross Society's 3.ppe:U to be made on Oct 18th 1917. Carried. · Lectve 1ns 3.sked to introduce a By-l:J.vr to apj)oint 3. T:J.x Collector. Le:1ve granted 3.nd By-l3.VI re:J.d :1 first time. Moved by Mr B:1ssett seconded by Mr Winter that the By-law now before the Council oe re'l.d 3. secund 3.nd third time this d3.J J.nd th3.t Rul~ 33 of By-13.1•1 No 10 be suspended for ths.t purpose. Cctrried. By-13.VI re'ld 3. second tiEle 3.tld Council v1ent into committee of the 11hole Mr BCJ.ssett in the chJ.ir. Committee rose :llld reported By-l:J.w vii th bl3.llk filled vri th the !l3Jne of C A Petch. By-l3.1·1 reJ.d :J. third time and :J3.Ssed. Council then ctdjuurned to meet CJ.t the cCJ.ll of the ~hyor. #~