MINUTES - Council - 19171122i "
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The twenty third meeting o:t' the Council for the yeCJ.r W3.S held in
the Council Room on ThursC:o.y evening Nov 22nd.
All the members oeing present. The Ma.yor in the ch3.ir.
The minutes of the previous meeting re3.d 'l.tld confirmed.
Bills were received from the follo\l'ing JJersons Namely:-
J Pleu.ry' s Sons (wor,( on uipple) 1. 50
Bell TeleQhone Co (rent phone 12) 5. 00
J3.mes, LoudotJ & l:lertzoerg (pr,ep3.ring pl on of J-l School 20. 00
dr :tin.
Torcmto & Yorl: R3.di3.l RY. Co. (power for Oct) 493,53
Clerk (for selectors of Jury)
George Lemon (Interest on note)
240. 00
Moved by lvlr Bassett seconC:ed by Mr Ausm3.!1 that the foll01ving accou-
nts be p3.id CJ.lld th3.t the lvhyor issue orders otJ the TreJ.surer J:'or
the sCJ.me 3.!ld th3.t the seal of the Corpor3.tion be CJ.tt3.ched to this
J Fleury's Sons l. 50, Bell Telephune Co 5. 00, JCJ.mes, Lou do!! .~ Hertz-
oerg 20. 00, Toronto & Yurk RCJ.dLJ.l R3.ilw3.y Co 493. 53, Clerr.: 6. 00,
George Lemon 240. 00. Ca.rried.
"' Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr TJ.ylor th3.t the M3.yor a.nd
Co'.mcillor H3.r1coc~>: be 3.nd they SLre hereby instructed to hCJ.ve the
necessary papers prepSLred Re the intersv:itching CJ.rr3.!Jgement between
the Gra.nd TrunK R3,ihny Comp3.!1Y 3.!Jd. ti1e Yorio.: R3.dial Ra.iliHY Cump3.!1Y
3.!ld the Tovm of Aurora., CJ.nd h3.ve theHI presented to the Dominion 3.!ld.
Ont9.rio Railwa.y Boards for their CJ.pprov3l, 3Jid thCJ.t the se3,l of the
CorporCJ.tion oe CJ.tt.·cl.ched to this resolution.
Council the~1 CJ.djuurned to meet CJ.t the c3li. of the lchyor. -~~-<----»:-,
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